The fundamental equations magnetostatics are linear equations,
∇·B = 0, ∇×B = μ0j =
(SI units).
The principle of superposition holds.
The magnetostatic force on a particle with charge q is
F = qv
× B.
Drift velocity: <v> =
(1/N)∑ivi, N
= number of charge carriers.
Current density: j = nq<v>, n = N/V.
Current: I = dQ/dt = ∫Aj·n dA.
The continuity equation is
∇·j = -∂ρ/∂t.
In statics ∂ρ/∂t = 0 -->
∇·j = 0.
I = ∫j·dA or I = dQ/dt.
R = ΔV/I.
Resistance of a straight wire:
R = ρl/A.
P = IΔV = I2R = (ΔV)2/R.
Resistors in series:
R = R1 + R2 + R3 + ... .
Parallel Resistors:
1/R = (1/R1) + (1/R2) + (1/R3) + ... .
Kirchhoff's first rule : (Junction rule)
At any junction point in a circuit where the current can divide, the sum of
the currents into the junction must equal the sum of the currents out of the
junction. (This is a consequence of charge conservation.)
Kirchhoff's second rule : (Loop rule)
When any closed circuit loop is traversed, the algebraic sum of the changes
in the potential must equal zero. (This is a consequence of conservation of
∮ΓB∙dr =
μ0Ithrough Γ.
In situations with enough symmetry, Ampere's law alone can be used to find
the magnitude of B.
The flux of B through any closed surface is zero. ∫closed surface B·dA = 0.
B(r) = (μ0/(4π))∫ dV'
For filamentary currents we have B(r) = (μ0/(4π))∫
I dl'×(r-r')/|r-r'|3.
∇·B = 0 -->
B = ∇×A.
A is not unique.
A' = A +
∇ψ +
with ψ
an arbitrary scalar field and C an arbitrary constant vector is also a
vector potential for the same field.
In magnetostatics we choose
∇·A = 0.
Then ∇2A = -μ0j,
A(r) = (μ0/(4π))
j(r')/|r -
The uniqueness theorem:
If the current density j is specified throughout a volume V and
A or its normal derivatives are specified at the boundaries of a volume V,
then a unique solution exists for A inside V.
Or, if the current density j is specified throughout a volume V and
either A or B are specified at the boundaries of a volume V,
then a unique solution exists for B inside V.
(B2 - B1)·n2
= 0,
(B2 - B1)·t = μ0k·n.
A is continuous across the boundary.
F = ∫V
× B(r)
For filamentary currents we have F = ∫L I dl
× B(r).
m = IAn = ½∫V
r×j(r) dV.
The vector potential of a magnetic dipole at the origin is A(r)
= (μ0/4π)m×r/r3.
The magnetic field of a magnetic dipole at the origin is B(r) = (μ0/4π)(3(m·r)r/r5
- m/r3).
energy of a magnetic dipole in an external magnetic field is
Umech = -m·B.
This is the mechanical work done to bring the dipole from infinity to its
present position.
The force on a dipole is F =
The torque on a dipole is τ =
× B.
The magnetization M = dm/dV is defined as the magnetic dipole moment per unit volume.
The total current density is due to free and to magnetization current
j = jf +
km =
kf + km,
jm = ∇×M,
km = M×n.
H = B/μ0 -
M. (This definition is not
∇×H =
(Ampere's law for H).
For linear, isotropic, homogeneous (lih) magnetic materials we have
M = ΧmH,
B = μ0(H +
M) = μ0(1 + Χm)H = μ0κmH
= μH.
Χm < 0 for diamagnetic materials, Χm > 0 for paramagnetic
materials, permanent magnets are not lih.
(H2 - H1)·t2 = kf·n, ∇·H ≠ 0 in general.
The magnetostatic energy stored in a current distribution is given by
U = (2μ0)-1∫all
spaceB·B dV.
In the presence of a magnetic material, the total work done in establishing a
free current distribution is
W = ½∫all
spaceB·H dV,
or, in the presence of a lih magnetic material
U = (2μ)-1∫all
spaceB·B dV.