The operator J, whose Cartesian components satisfy the commutation
[Ji,Jj] = εijkiħJk
is defined as an angular momentum operator.
For such an operator we have [Ji,J2]
= 0, i.e. the operator J2 = Jx2 + Jy2
+ Jz2 commutes with each Cartesian component of
We can therefore find an orthonormal basis of eigenfunctions common to J2
and Jz. We denote this basis by {|k,j,m>}.
We have J2|k,j,m>
= j(j + 1)ħ2|k,j,m>,
Jz|k,j,m> = mħ|k,j,m>.
The index j can take on only integral and half integral positive values. For a
given j the index m can take on one of 2j + 1 possible values, m = -j, -j + 1,
... , j - 1, j.
We define the ladder operators J+ = Jx + iJy
and J- = Jx - iJy.
We then have Jx
= ½(J+ + J-) and Jy = (-i/2)(J+
- J-) .
The operators J±
operating on the basis states {|k,j,m>} yield
= [j(j+1) - m(m±1)]½ħ|k,j,m±1>.
The operator L = R × P
the commutation relations [Li,Lj] = εijkħLk
and is called the orbital angular momentum operator. We denote the
common eigenstates of L2 and Lz by {|k,l,m>}. In
coordinate representation we have
Lz = (ħ/i)∂/∂φ
L2 = -ħ2[(1/sinθ)∂(sinθ ∂/∂θ)/∂θ + (1/sin2θ)∂2/∂φ2].
The normalized common eigenfunctions of L2 and Lz are
called the spherical harmonics.
Properties of the spherical harmonics
Ylm(θ,φ) =
[(-1)l/(2l l!)][(2l+1) (l+m)!/(4π (l-m)!)]½eimφ(sinθ)-mdl-m(sinθ)2l/d(cosθ)l-m.
We have
Y00 = (4π)-½, Y1±1 =
exp(±iφ), Y10 = (3/4π)½cosθ,
Y2±2 = (15/32π)½sin2θ
exp(±i2φ), Y2±1 =
cosθ exp(±iφ),
Y20 = (5/16π)½(3cos2θ
- 1).
The Ylm(θ,φ)
form a complete set of functions of angle on the unit sphere. Orthonormality is
expressed through
dθ∫02πdφ Y*l'm'(θ,φ)Ylm(θ,φ)
= δl'lδm'm.
and completeness is expressed through
∑l=0∞∑m=-ll Y*lm(θ,φ)Ylm(θ',φ')
= δ(cosθ - cosθ')δ(φ - φ') = δ(θ - θ')δ(φ - φ')/sinθ.
Complex conjugation
Y*lm(θ,φ) = (-1)mYl(-m)(θ,φ).
PYlm(θ,φ) = Ylm(π - θ,π + φ) = (-1)lYlm(θ,φ).
The parity of the spherical harmonics is well defined
and depends only on l.
Consider two angular momentum operators J1 and
J1 operates in E1 and J2 operates in E2.
Let J = J1 + J2.
J operates in
E = E1⊗
Since the operators J12, J1z , J22,
and J2z all commute, a basis of common eigenvectors for
E exists. We denote this basis by {|j1,j2;m1,m2>}.
Since the operators J12, J22, J2,
and Jz all commute, a basis of common eigenvectors for
E exists. We denote this basis by {|j1,j2;j,m>}.
We can write the vectors of one basis as linear combinations of the vectors of
the other basis.
|j1,j2;j,m> = ∑m1∑m2 Cjm1m2|j1,j2;m1,m2>,
|j1,j2;m1,m2> = ∑j∑m
The Cjm1m2 = <j1,j2;m1,m2|j1,j2;j,m> are called the
Properties of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients
Cjm1m2 = real, Cjm1m2 = 0 unless
m1 + m2 = m and |j1 - j2| ≤ j ≤ |j1
+ j2|.
Cjm1=j1 m2=j2 = 1 (stretched case).
The state space of a spin ½ particle is two-dimensional.
The common orthonormal eigenbasis of S2 and Sz is
{|+>, |->}.
Below are matrices of spin operators in this basis.
We write
S = (ħ/2)σ.
The matrices
are the
Pauli matrices.
Properties of σx and
σy and σz
det(σi) = -1, Tr{σi} = 0, σi2 =
I, σxσy = -σyσx = iσz.
In general, σiσj = iεijkσk + δijI,
[σi,σj] = i2εijkσk.
[Sx,Sy] = iħSz, [Sy,Sz]
= iħSx, [Sz,Sx] = iħSy,
since S = (ħ/2)σ.
The operator Su is defined through
S∙u = Sxsinθcosφ
+ Sysinθsinφ + Szcosθ.
The matrix of Su is (Su) = (Sx)sinθcosφ + (Sy)sinθsinφ
+ (Sz)cosθ.
The eigenvectors of Su are
|+>u = cos(θ/2)exp(-iφ/2)|+> + sin(θ/2)exp(iφ/2)|->,
|->u = -sin(θ/2)exp(-iφ/2)|+> + cos(θ/2)exp(iφ/2)|->.
Therefore |+> = cos(θ/2)|+>u - sin(θ/2)|->u,
|-> = sin(θ/2)|+>u + cos(θ/2)|->u.
Let Es = Es(1)⊗Es(2)
be the state space of a system of two spin ½ particles.
The tensor product vectors {|++>, |+->, |-+>, |-->} form a basis for
In the four dimensional state space the operators Siz are product operators.
S1z = S1z(1)
⊗ I(2), S2z = I(1)
⊗ S2z(2),
The common eigenvectors of S2 = (S1 + S2)2
and Sz = S1z + S2z also form a basis of
Es, which we denote by {|S,Sz>},
where s(s + 1)ħ2
denotes the eigenvalue of S2 and msħ denotes the eigenvalue of Sz.
We have the singlet state
|00> = 2-½(|+-> - |-+>)
and the triplet states
|11> = |++>,
|10> = 2-½(|+-> + |-+>),
|1-1> =|-->.