The fundamental equations of electrostatics are linear equations,
∇·E = ρ/ε0,
∇×E = 0, (SI units).
The principle of superposition holds.
The electrostatic force on a particle with charge q at position
is F = qE(r).
∇×E = 0 <==>
E = -∇Φ, ∇2Φ =
Φ is the electrostatic potential.
The field at r due to a point charge at r': E(r)
= [1/(4πε0)] q(r -
- r'|3.
The field of a charge distribution:
E(r) = [1/(4πε0)][∫v'
dV' ρ(r')(r -
r')/|r -
r'|3 +
dA' σ(r')(r -
r')/|r -
+ ∫l' dl' λ(r')(r -
r')/|r -
r'|3 + ∑iqi(r -
- ri|3].
(We consider volume, surface, and line charge distributions and point
The potential at r due to a point charge at
r': Φ(r) = [1/(4πε0)]
q/|r - r'|.
The potential of a charge distribution:
Φ(r) = [1/(4πε0)][∫v' dV' ρ(r')/|r
- r'| + ∫A' dA' σ(r')/|r -
+ ∫l' dl' λ(r')/|r -
r'| + ∑iqi/|r -
Gauss' law: ∫closed surface
= Qinside/ε0
In situations with enough symmetry, Gauss' law alone can be used to find E.
The electrostatic energy of a charge distribution:
U = ½∫Φ(r)dq(r) = ½[∫vdV ρ(r)Φ(r)
+ ∫AdA σ(r)Φ(r) + ∫l dl λ(r)Φ(r)
+ ∑iqiΦ(ri)],
or, for a continuous charge distribution, U = (ε0/2)∫all space E·E dV.
The field of a dipole at the origin: E(r) = [1/(4πε0)](1/r3)[3(p·r)r/r2
- p].
The potential of a dipole at the origin: Φ(r) = [1/(4πε0)](p·r)/r3.
The force on a dipole: F =
The torque on a dipole: τ =
The energy of a dipole in an external field: U = -p·E.
(E2 - E1)·n2
= (σ/ε0),
(E2 - E1)·t
= 0,
(D2 - D1)·n2
= σf,
Φ is continuous across the boundary.
The multipole expansion
For a charge distribution located near the origin we have
Φ(r) = [1/(4πε0)][(1/r)[∫v'
dV' ρ(r') + (1/r2 )(r/r)·[∫v' dV' ρ(r')r'
+ (1/r3 )[∫v' dV'ρ(r')(3(r·r')2/r2
- r'2)/2 + ... ]
= 1/(4πε0)][Q/r)
+ p·(r/r)/r2
+ (1/(2r5))∑ij3xixjQij +
... ],
with p = ∫v' dV' ρ(r')r'
Qij = ∫(xi'xj' - (1/3)δijr'2)
ρ(r')dV', Qij = Qji, ∑iQii =
Here Q = total charge, p = dipole moment, Qij = quadrupole moment tensor of the charge distribution. If the problem has rotational symmetry about the z-axis, such that Qxx = Qyy = -½Qzz, then Qzz is called the quadrupole moment.
The energy of a charge distribution near the origin in an external field is
given by
W = qΦ(0) - p·E(0) - ½∑i∑jQij
∂Ej/∂xi|xi=0 + ... .
This expansion shows how the various multipoles interact with the external
Consider a charge q at z = d on the z - axis.
Consider a line charge λ parallel to the x-axis at d = d k.
When solving electrostatic problems, we often rely on the uniqueness theorem. If the charge density ρ is specified throughout a volume V, and Φ or its normal derivatives are specified at the boundaries of a volume V, then a unique solution exists for Φ inside V.
In regions with ρ = 0 we have
∇2Φ = 0. We are looking for a solution for ∇2Φ
= 0, subject to boundary conditions.
Φ = Φ(r,θ), 0 ≤ θ ≤ π
in spherical coordinates, i.e. let the problem have azimuthal symmetry.
Then the
most general solution for ∇2Φ = 0 is
Φ(r,θ) = ∑n=0∞[Anrn
+ Bn/rn+1]Pn(cosθ).
Let Φ = Φ(ρ,φ), 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π in
cylindrical coordinates.
Then the most general solution for ∇2Φ =
0 is
Φ(ρ,φ) = ∑n=1∞(Ancos(nφ)
+ Bnsin(nφ))ρn + ∑n=1∞(A'ncos(nφ)
+ B'nsin(nφ))ρ-n + a0 + b0lnρ.