Let H = H0 + W(t).
Let {|Φp>}
be an orthonormal eigenbasis of H0, H0|Φp>
= Ep|Φp>.
Let ωfi
= (Ef - Ei)/ħ
and Wfi(t) = <Φf|W(t)|Φi>.
Assume that at t = 0 the system is in the state |Φi>.
The probability of finding the system in the state |Φf>
(f ≠ i) at time t is
= (1/ħ2)|∫0texp(iωfit')Wfi(t')dt'|2,
in first order time-dependent perturbation theory. (Derivation)
Assume there exists a group of states nearly equal in energy E = Ei
+ ħω.
Let ρ(β,E)
be the density of final states, i.e. ρ(β,E)dE
is the number of final states in the interval dE characterized by some discrete
index β.
Let W(t) = Wexp(±iωt).
Then the transition probability per unit time is given by
= (2π/ħ)ρ(β,E)|WEi|2δE-Ei,ħω,
where WEi = <ΦE|W|Φi>.
This is Fermi's golden rule.
The transition probability increases linearly with time.
Assume there is a group of states n, nearly equal in energy E, and that Wni
= <Φn|W(t)|Φi> is nearly independent of n for
these states. Take for example continuum states. We may label continuum states
by |α>, where α is continuous and <α|α'> = δ(α - α').
The probability of making a transition to one of these states in a small range
Δα is ∫Δα|<α|Ψ(t)>|2dα.
If |α> = |β,E> then dα = ρ(β,E)dE, where ρ(β,E) is the
density of states.
We assume β to be some discrete index. We then have
δP(i,βE) = ∫ΔE ρ(β,E)|<βE|Ψ(t)>|2dE.
If W is a constant perturbation, then δP(i,βE) = ∫ΔE dE
ρ(β,E)[|WEi|2/ħ2] sin2(ωEit/2)/(ωEi/2)2.
The function sin2(ωEit/2)/(ωEi/2)2
peaks at ωEi = 0 and has an appreciable amplitude only in a small
interval ΔωEi or ΔE about ωEi = 0. We assume that ρ(β,E)
and |WEi|2 are nearly constant in that small interval and
therefore may be taken out of the integral. Then
δP(i,βE) = ρ(β,E)[|WEi|2/ħ2]∫ dħωEi
= ρ(β,E)[|WEi|2/ħ2]2ħ ∫dx sin2(xt)/x2.
∫-∞∞dy sin2(y)/y2 = π.
We have (πt)-1∫dx sin2(xt)/x2 = 1.
δP(i,βE) = (2π/ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2 δ(E - Ei)t.
(It is understood that this expression is integrated with respect to dE.)
The transition probability per unit time is the given by
golden rule,
w(i,βE) = (2π/ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2 δ(E - Ei).
Similarly, for a sinusoidal perturbation W(t) = Wsinωt or W(t) =
Wcosωt we obtain
w(i,βE) = (π/2ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2 δ(E - Ei
- ħω).
and for W(t) = Wexp(±iωt) we obtain w(i,βE) = (2π/ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2
δ(E - Ei - ħω).
When an atom interacts with an electromagnetic wave, the electromagnetic
field is most likely to induce a transition between an initial and a final
atomic state if these selection rules are satisfied. If these selection rules
are not satisfied a transition is less likely and is said to be
The selection rules are:
If H0 = p2/2m + U(r), i.e. if we are neglecting the spin-orbit coupling,
= ±1, Δm
= 0, ±1.
If H0 contains a spin orbit coupling term f(r)L∙S,
then the dipole selection rules then become
Δj = 0, ±1, (except ji = jf = 0),
Δl = ±1, Δmj =
0, ±1.