The transformation of the force
An observer in the laboratory observes a beam of electrons
with charge density ρ moving at velocity v = vk. If the beam has
circular radius R find the repulsive force acting on an electron inside the beam
(r < R) both with respect to the rest frame of the electrons and with respect to
the observer in the laboratory frame, respectively.
- Concepts:
The Lorentz force, the Lorentz transformation
- Reasoning:
Because of the cylindrical symmetry we can find the electric and magnetic
fields from Gauss' law and Ampere's law respectively. We can then find the
force F = q(E + v×B) on an individual particle
with charge q.
- Details of the calculation:
In the laboratory frame at r < R: E = ρr/(2ε0), the
direction of E is radial inward.
B = μ0ρrv/2, the direction of B is the -φ direction.
The force on the electron has magnitude F = [qeρr/(2ε0)](1
- v2/c2), pointing radially outward.
In the rest frame of the electron F' = qeρ'r'/(2ε0),
radially outward.
The Lorentz transformation of the 4 vector current to a frame moving with β
= (v/c)k with respect to the lab frame yields
cρ' = γ(cρ - βρv), ρ' = ργ(1 - v2/c2) = ρ(1 - v2/c2)½.
F' = [qeρr/(2ε0)](1 - v2/c2)½,
since r' = r.
F' = dp'⊥/dt' = dp'⊥/dτ
in the rest frame of the electron
F' = dp⊥/dτ
= γdp⊥/dt = γF, since
p is a
4-vector and p'⊥ =
An electric field E exerts a force
F = qE
a charge q at rest. Show that the expression for the Lorentz force
follows directly from the Lorentz transformation properties of the fields.
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation of the electromagnetic fields, the Lorentz force
- Reasoning:
We are asked to derive the expression for the Lorentz force from the
transformation properties of the fields. The Lorentz force is the force
exerted by electromagnetic fields on a charge moving with velocity
- Details of the calculation:
let K be the frame in which the charge is at rest.
In K we have external fields E and
B and the force on the charge
is F = qE.
In K' we observe an electric field E' and a magnetic field
We have from the Lorentz transformation of the fields
E|| = E'||,
B|| =
B'||, E⊥
+ v×B')⊥,
- (v/c2)×E')⊥.
In K the force on the charge is
F = dp/dt = dp/dτ,
where τ is the proper time, a Lorentz invariant.
In K' the force on the charge is
= dp'/dt'
= (1/γ)dp'/dt,
= dp'/dτ.
Here γ = (1 -
β2)-½, β
= v/c.
From the transformation properties of the momentum 4-vector
= (γmc,γmv)
= (Ek/c,p) = under a Lorentz transformation,
p'|| =
γ(p|| +
βEk/c), p'⊥
= p⊥, we have
= dp'⊥/dτ = dp⊥/dτ = dp⊥/dt
= qE⊥
γq(E' + v×B')⊥.
= q(E'⊥
+ v×B').
(Note: we use Ek to distinguish energy
from the magnitude of the electric field.)
= dp'||/dτ =
γdp||/dτ =
γdp||/dt = γqE|| =
= qE'||.
We have used that in K d(Ek/c)/dt = (1/c)dEk/dt = 0 since in K the charge
is at rest.
[Ek = mc2/(1 - u2/c2)½,
dEk/dt = [m/(1 - u2/c2)3/2] udu/dt
= 0 if u = 0.]
= q(E' + v×B').
This is the expression for the Lorentz force.
At t = 0 a particle with mass m and negative charge -q
leaves the origin with a relativistic velocity v = v0k.
It moves in a region with E = E0k,
B = 0.
When does it return to the origin? What is its maximum distance from the
origin? Neglect radiation.
- Concepts:
Relativistic dynamics
- Reasoning:
The particle may move with relativistic speed.
F = dp/dt.
Energy = (m2c4 + p2c2)½
= γmc2,
p = γmv.
- Details of the calculation:
dp/dt = -qE, pz(t)
= p0 - qE0t, px(t) = py(t) = 0.
At the highest point pz(t)
= 0, t = p0/qE0. The
particle returns to the origin at t = 2p0/qE0.
The particle returns at t = 2γ0mv0/(qE0) =
2(1 - v02/c2)-½mv0/qE0.
maximum distance from the origin is zmax.
zmax = ∫0p0/qE0 v
dt. v/c = pc/E = (p0 - qE0t)/(m2c2
+ (p0 - qE0t)2)½
zmax = (c/qE0)∫0p0 y
dy/(m2c2 + y2)½
= (1/qE0)[(m2c4 + p02c2)½
- mc2]
= (γ0
- 1)mc2/(qE0) = mc2/(qE0)
[(1 - v02/c2)-½ - 1].
U(zmax) = qE0zmax. E = mc2 + qE0zmax
γ0mc2. (energy conservation)
zmax = (γ0
- 1)mc2/(qE0) = mc2/(qE0)
[(1 - v02/c2)-½ - 1].
Two electric charges, q1 and q2, are moving with the
same velocity V. Let R be the vector pointing from q2 to q1,
and let θ be the angle between R and
V. The speed V is not small compared to
the speed of light. Find the force q2 exerts on q1 in
this coordinate system (the lab frame). Give all the components of the force
vector. Assume that the charges are moving in the xy-plane, and that the
positive x-direction is the direction of motion.
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation
- Reasoning:
We can calculate the force between the charges in the rest frame of the
charges from F = qE and transform this force to the laboratory
frame, or we can calculate the electric field of one of the charges in its
rest frame, transform it into and electric and magnetic field in the
laboratory frame, and calculate the force between the charges from
= q(E + v×B).
- Details of the calculation:
In the lab frame R2 = (Δx)2 + (Δy)2, Δx = Rcosθ,
Δy = Rsinθ.

The rest frame of the two charges moves with respect to the lab frame with
velocity Vi.
The lab frame moves with respect to the rest frame with velocity -Vi.
In the rest frame of the charges R'2 = (Δx')2 + (Δy')2,
Δx' = γRcosθ, Δy' = Rsinθ.
Here γ = (1 - β2)-½, β = V/c.
R'2 = γ2((Δx)2 + (Δy)2/γ2) = γ2R2(cos2θ
+ sin2θ/γ2)
= γ2R2(1 - sin2θ + (1 - β2)sin2θ)
= γ2R2(1
- β2sin2θ).
Method 1:
In the rest frame of the charges let F' denote the force q2 exerts on
F'x = (kq1q2/R'2)(Δx'/R'), F'y
= (kq1q2/R'2)(Δy'/R').
F' = dp'/dt' = dp'/dτ, where τ is the proper time, a
Lorentz invariant.
In the lab frame the force on q1 is F = dp/dt = (1/γ)dp/dτ,
γF = dp/dτ.
From the transformation properties of the momentum 4-vector pμ = (γmc,γmv)
= (E/c,p) under a Lorentz transformation,
p||= γ(p'|| +
βE'/c), p⊥
= p'⊥,
we have
γFy = dpy/dτ = dp'y/dτ = dp'y/dt'
= (kq1q2/R'2)(Δy'/R'), Fy = (1/γ)(kq1q2/R'2)(Δy'/R').
Fy = (1/γ)(kq1q2Rsinθ/(γ2R2(1
- β2sin2θ))3/2 = (kq1q2sinθ/R2)(1
- β2)2/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
γFx = dpx/dτ = γdp'x/dτ = γdp'x/dt'
= γ(kq1q2/R'2)(Δx'/R')
We have used that in K' d(E'/c)/dt' = (1/c)dE'/dt' = 0 since K' is the rest
frame of the charges.
Fx = (kq1q2/R'2)(Δx'/R') = (kq1q2cosθ/R2)(1 - β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
Fy = (kq1q2sinθ/R2)(1
- β2)2/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2,
Fx = (kq1q2cosθ/R2)(1 - β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
Method 2:
In the rest frame of the charges let E' and
B' denote the fields
produced by q2 at the location of
E'x = (kq2/R'2)(Δx'/R'), E'y
= (kq2/R'2)(Δy'/R'). B' = 0.
Transformation properties of the fields:
E|| = E'||,
B|| =
B'||, E⊥
+ v×B')⊥,
- (v/c2)×E')⊥.
Here Ex = Ex' = (kq2/R'2)(Δx'/R')
= (kq2cosθ/R2)(1 - β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
Bx = 0.
Ey = γE'y
= γ(kq2/R'2)(Δy'/R') = (kq2sinθ/R2)(1
- β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
By = 0, Bz = γ(β/c)(kq2/R'2)(Δy'/R')
= (β/c)(kq2sinθ/R2)(1
- β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2
Fx = q1Ex = (kq1q2cosθ/R2)(1 - β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
Fy = q1Ey - VBz = (kq1q2sinθ/R2)(1
- β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2
- β2(kq2sinθ/R2)(1
- β2)/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
Fy = (kq1q2sinθ/R2)(1
- β2)2/(1 - β2sin2θ)3/2.
An aluminum disk of radius R, thickness d, conductivity
σ and mass density ρ is
mounted on a frictionless vertical axis. It passes between the poles of a magnet
near its rim, which produces a B field perpendicular to the plane
of the disk over a small area A of the disk. If the initial angular speed
of the disk is Ω0, how many revolutions
will it make before it comes to rest?
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation of the electromagnetic fields, the Lorentz force
- Reasoning:
Even at non-relativistic speeds, problems involving Eddy currents are often
easier analyzed after a frame transformation.
- Details of the calculation:

In the laboratory frame K, the magnetic field B = Bk is
perpendicular to the disk over a small area A. Consider an observer
passing through the region of the magnetic field with speed
= ΩRi.
In this observer's rest frame K' there exists an electric field
E'⊥ =
γ(E + v×B)⊥
= -γvBj.
All velocities are non-relativistic, so γ ~
1 and E'⊥ ~
-vBj = -ΩRBj.
There also exist a magnetic field B'⊥ = γB⊥
In K' the current density is jc' = σE'
= -σΩRBj
and the Lorentz force on the small volume ΔV
= Ad is
F' = jc'×B' ΔV = -σΩRB2Adi.
Because γ ~
1, the force F observed in the laboratory frame is equal to
In the laboratory frame F produces a torque about the axis of rotation.
= -Rj×F
= -σΩR2B2Adk.
The moment of inertia of the disk is I = ½MR2 = ½ρdπR4.
The equation of motion is τz
= IdΩ/dt
or -σΩR2B2Ad
= ½ρdπR4dΩ/dt.
= -Ω2σB2A/(ρπR2). Ω(t)
= Ω0exp(-2σB2At/(ρπR2)).
The number of revolutions the disk makes before it comes to rest is
N = θtot/2π
= (½π)∫0∞Ω(t)dt
= (Ω0/2π)∫0∞exp(-2σB2At/(ρπR2))dt
= (Ω0ρR2/4σB2A).
A line of charge with charge density
λ C/m is fixed at rest along the x' axis of a reference frame S'. A test charge q is at rest in S' at (0, 0, z' =
d). S' is in constant motion with velocity v = vi with respect to
a reference frame S.
(a) Calculate the electric field of the line of charge in the rest frame S' and
the force on q.
(b) Calculate the electric and magnetic fields of the line of charge measured
by an observer at rest in S.
(c) Calculate the force measured by the observer in S on the test charge q.