Ampere's law


Find an expression for the magnitude of the magnetic field B as a function of distance r from the center of a long, straight cylindrical conducting wire of radius R that carries a current I of uniform density.  Consider both r < R and r > R.



Four long parallel wires carry equal currents of I = 5 A.  The figure is an end view of the conductors. The current direction is into the page at points A and B
and out of the page at points C and D.  Calculate the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field at point P, located at the center of the square of edge length 0.2 m.




Four long, current-carrying wires in the same plane intersect to form a square 40.0 cm on each side, as shown in the figure.

The magnitude and direction of the currents in three wires (arrows' directions are currents' directions) are shown in the figure.
Find the magnitude and direction of the fourth current I so that the magnetic field at the center of the square is zero.



An eccentric hole of radius a is bored parallel to the axis of a right circular cylinder of radius b (b > a).  The two axes are at a distance d apart.  A current of I amperes flows in the cylinder.  What is the magnetic field at the center of the hole?  Assume a uniform current density.




A coaxial cable consists of an inner conductor of radius R = 0.5 m, separated by an outer conductor by a distance ΔR = 0.002 m.  The inner conductor carries a current I = 5 A to the right, and the outer conductor carries the current to the left.  Consider the shaded region of length d between the conductors.


(a)  Find the magnetic field at a point in the shaded region.
(b)  Find the flux of the magnetic field through the shaded region.
(c)  What is the self inductance of the length d of the coaxial cable and the inductance per unit length of the cable?



Find the magnetic vector potential for the case of a long, straight wire carrying a steady current I.  Let R be the radius of the wire.



(a)  A thin, infinite plane conductor carries a uniform current per unit length j.  Find the magnetic induction B everywhere outside of the plane.
(b)  Find the pressure required to prevent the separation of two such infinite plane conductors oriented parallel to each other and carrying identical but oppositely directed currents.
