Radiating dipoles
An electric dipole p0 vibrates with
frequency ω.
(a) How will the total radiated power change if the frequency is
(b) Find the ratio of the differential power in the direction of θ = 45o
to the dipole's axis to the differential power in the direction
perpendicular to the axis.
- Concepts:
Radiation of an oscillating dipole
- Reasoning:
We are asked to characterize the power radiated by an oscillating dipole.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) The radiation field of an electric dipole oscillating
around the origin at with p(t) =
is ER(r,t) = -(1/(4πε0c2r))(d2p⊥(t-r/c)/dt2). (SI units).
Here p0 = p0(z/z),
so ER(r,t) = -(1/(4πε0c2r))ω2p0
cos(ω(t - r/c))sinθ (θ/θ).
E proportional to sinθ.
P proportional to E2
proportional to sin2θ.
E proportional to ω2. P
proportional to ω4.
If the frequency is doubled, the total power radiated will increase by a factor
of 16.
(b) P(45o)/P(90o)
= sin2(45o)/sin2(90o) = ½.
An electric dipole p(t) = p0(z/z)cosωt
is placed at the origin.
(a) Determine the radiation fields on the z-axis.
(b) Determine the radiation fields for a direction normal to the z-axis.
(c) How does the intensity of the radiation vary as a function of
(d) How does the total power radiated vary as a function of ω?
- Concepts:
The radiation field of a point charge moving non-relativistically,
the Larmor formula
- Reasoning:
A dipole can be viewed as a positive and a negative point charge oscillating
180o out of phase. Oscillating charges are accelerating
- Details of the calculation:
(a) The radiation field of an electric dipole oscillating around the
origin at with p(t) = p0cos(ωt)
ER(r,t) = -(1/(4πε0c2r))(d2p⊥(t - r/c)/dt2). (SI units)
Here p0 = p0(z/z), so
= -(1/(4πε0c2r))ω2p0
cos(ω(t - r/c))sinθ(θ/θ).
BR(r,t) = (r/(rc))×ER(r,t)
= -[1/(4πε0c3r)]ω2p0
cos(ω(t - r/c))sinθ(φ/φ).
On the z-axis sinθ = 0, there is no radiation along
the z-axis.
(b) Perpendicular to the z-axis we have sinθ
= 1,
ER(r,t) = -(1/(4πε0c2r))ω2p0
cos(ω(t - r/c))(θ/θ),
BR(r,t) = -[1/(4πε0c3r)]ω2p0
cos(ω( t- r/c))(φ/φ).
S(r,t) = [1/(4πε0)2][1/(c5r2μ0)]ω4p02
cos2(ω(t - r/c))sin2θ (r/r).
The intensity varies as sin2θ.
(d) <P> = <∫S∙dA>
proportional to ω4.
A thin spherical shell of radius a has a surface potential Φ(a,θ) = Φ0
cosθ, where θ is the usual polar angle relative to the z-axis, and Φ0
is a constant.
(a) Find the electric potential Φ(r,θ) everywhere outside the shell. Calculate
the equivalent electric dipole moment p that produces this potential Φ.
(b) Assume that previously calculated dipole moment acquires a cos(ωt) time
dependence. Calculate the magnetic field B and the electric field
in the radiation zone.
(c) Find the time-averaged power d<P>/dΩ radiated per unit solid angle.
Express your result in terms of ω, θ, a, Φ0, ε0 and c.
(d) Find the total power <P> radiated.
- Concepts:
Boundary value problems, the radiation of an
oscillating dipole
- Reasoning:
The electric field outside the shell is a pure dipole field. A dipole can
be viewed as a positive and a negative point charge oscillating 180o
out of phase. Oscillating charges are accelerating charges.
Details of the calculation:
- Details of the calculation:
(a) Φ(r,θ) = ∑n=0∞[Anrn
+ Bn/rn+1]Pn(cosθ)
the most general solution inside and outside of the sphere, since ρ = 0
inside and outside of the sphere. To find the specific solution we apply
boundary conditions.
Assume Φ2(r,θ) = (B/r2)P1(cosθ) = (B/r2)cosθ
outside the sphere. The symmetry of the situation suggests this form of the
solution. If we can satisfy the boundary conditions, the uniqueness theorem
guaranties that we have found the only solution.
Boundary conditions:
The potential vanishes as r goes to infinity.
Φ is continuous across the boundary.
Φ0 cosθ = (B/a2)cosθ, B = Φ0a2,
the potential outside the shell is Φ(r,θ) = Φ0 (a2/r2)cosθ.
The potential of a dipole p = pk is Φ(r,θ) = k p cosθ/r2,
where k = 1/(4πε0).
So p = 4πε0 a2Φ0 is the magnitude of the
equivalent electric dipole moment.(b) The radiation field of an electric
dipole oscillating around the origin at with p(t) =
ER(r,t) = -(1/(4πε0c2r))(d2p⊥(t - r/c)/dt2). (SI units)
Here p0 = p0(z/z), so
= -(1/(4πε0c2r))ω2p0
cos(ω(t - r/c))sinθ (θ/θ).
BR(r,t) = (r/(rc))×ER(r,t)
= -[1/(4πε0c3r)]ω2p0
cos(ω(t - r/c))sinθ (φ/φ).
(c) S(r,t) = [1/(4πε0)2][1/(c5r2μ0)]ω4p02
cos2(ω(t - r/c))sin2θ (r/r). The intensity
varies as sin2θ.
d<P>/dΩ = r2<S(r,t)> = 2πε02ω4a4Φ02sin2θ/c3.
(d) <P> = <∫S·dA> = ω4p02/(12πε0c3)
= 4πε0ω4a4Φ02/(3c3),
proportional to ω4.
An electric dipole p0 makes an angle of θ degrees
with respect to the z-axis as it rotates about the z-axis with angular speed ω.
Find its initial rate of energy loss.
- Concepts:
Electric dipole radiation
- Reasoning:
The x and y components of the
dipole moment are oscillating with angular frequency ω. The rotating
electric dipole will radiate energy at a rate Prad = <(d2p/dt2)2>/(6πε0c3).
- Details of the calculation:
p(t) = p0 cosθ
k + p0 sinθ (cos(ωt)
i +
sin(ωt) j), where θ is the tilt angle.
d2p/dt2 = -ω2p0 sinθ [cos(ωt)
i + sin(ωt) j].
<(d2p/dt2)2> = ω4p02sin2θ, Prad = ω4p02sin2θ/(6πε0c3).
A small current loop of area A and N turns carries a sinusoidally varying
current I(t) = I0sin(ωt).
(a) Find the magnetic moment of the loop.
(b) Find the average power radiated by the loop.
- Concepts:
dipole radiation
- Reasoning:
We are asked to find the average power radiated by a sinusoidally varying
magnetic dipole.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) m(t) = NAI0sin(ωt). The direction of
m is given by the
right-hand rule.
(b) Larmor formula: The magnetic dipole will radiate energy at a rate Prad = <(d2m/dt2)2>/(6πε0c5).
d2m(t)/dt2 = -ω2NAI0sin(ωt).
<Prad> = ω4N2A2I02/(12πε0c5).
A rotating neutron star slows down due to dipole
radiation. Assume that a neutron star has a surface magnetic field strength of
100 Mega Tesla at the poles, a radius of 10 km, and nuclear density. The
neutron star's magnetic axis is tilted by 45 degrees relative to the axis of
rotation of the neutron star. How long will it take for the neutron star's
rotation rate to decrease by a factor of 3 if the initial rotation rate is 105
revolutions per second?
- Concepts:
Magnetic dipole radiation
- Reasoning:
Treat the neutron star as a uniform magnetized sphere. The
magnetic field inside the sphere is uniform and the magnetic field outside the
sphere is a pure dipole field.
Bout = (μ0/4π)[3(m0∙r)r/r5
- m0/r3]. Her
m0 is the dipole
moment of the sphere.
At the poles the sphere Bout = Bin = (μ0/4π)(2m0/R3).
The dipole moment of the sphere therefore has magnitude m0 = (4π/μ0)(BinR3/2).
We therefore have m0 = 5*1026 Am2.
The rotating magnetic dipole will radiate energy at a rate Prad =
- Details of the calculation:
Let the rotation axis be the z-axis.
m(t) = m0 cosθ
k + m0 sinθ (cos(ωt)
i +
sin(ωt) j), where θ is tilt angle.
d2m/dt2 = -ω2m0 sinθ [cos(ωt)
i + sin(ωt) j].
<(d2m/dt2)2> = ω4m02sin2θ,
Prad = ω4m02sin2θ/(6πε0c5).
Initially Prad(0) = 2.41*1043 J/s.
Prad(t) = -dE/dt = -(d/dt)(½(2/5)MR2ω2)
= -(2/5)MR2ω dω/dt
= -(2/5)MR2ω dω/dt.
-5 m02sin2θ dt/(12 MR2πε0c5)
= dω/ω3.
[-5 m02sin2θ/(12 MR2πε0c5)]
∫0T dt = ∫ω0 ω0/3 dω/ω3.
[5 m02sin2θ/(12 MR2πε0c5)]
T = ½((ω0/3)-2 - ω0-2).
T = ((ω0/3)-2 - ω0-2)(16 ρ
R5π2ε0c5)/(10 m02sin2θ
The average radius of a nucleus with A nucleons is R = R0A(1/3),
where R0 = 1.2*10-15 m.
The mass of a nucleus is A times the mass of a nucleon, mnucleon ~
1.6*10-27 kg.
The nuclear density is therefore ρ = mnucleon/((4/3)πR03)
~ 2*1017 kg/m3.
Plugging in numbers: T ~ 1.1*106 s ~ 13 days.