Lorentz transformation of the 4-vector current and potential
(a) State Maxwell's equations in differential form.
(b) State Maxwell's equations in integral form.
(c) Carry out the Lorentz transformation for the vector potential
Aμ = (-Ex2/c,
-(B/2)x2, (B/2)x1, 0)
along the x1 direction with v = cβ
= E/B, (x0, x1, x2, x3) are the usual coordinates. Note E and B are constants and B
0. Find the electric and magnetic fields
before and after the Lorentz transformation.
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation of the
4-vector potential,
E = -∇Φ - ∂A/∂t,
B = ∇×A (SI
- Reasoning:
We are asked to Lorentz transform a given
4-vector potential, and from the transformed potential find the transformed
- Details of the calculation:
(a) Maxwell's equations in
differential form are:
(SI units) |
∇∙E = ρ/ε0,
∇×E = -∂B/∂t |
∇∙B = 0,
∇×B = μ0j + (1/c2)∂E/∂t |
(b) Maxwell's equations in integral form in SI units are:
(1) |
∮A E∙dA = Qinside/ε0 |
(2) |
∮Γ E∙ds = -∂ΦB
/∂t |
∮A B∙dA = 0 |
∮Γ B∙ds = μ0Ithrough Γ
+ (1/c2)∂ΦE /∂t
ΦB = ∫B∙dA
is the flux of B through the area enclosed by the curve Γ.
ΦE = ∫E∙dA
is the flux of E through the area enclosed by the curve Γ.
(c) Aμ = (Φ/c,
Ax, Ay, Az) = (-Ey/c, -By/2, Bx/2, 0)
E = -∇Φ - ∂A/∂t = Ej
B = ∇ ×
A = Bk
These are crossed electric and magnetic fields, they act as
a velocity filter. A charged
particle moving with velocity v =
through these fields will experience no force.
The Lorentz transformation must therefore produce a vector potential that
yields E' = 0 in the rest frame of
that particle.
Lorentz transformation of the 4-vector potential:
Here γ = (1 - β2)-½
, β = (E/B)i.
The coordinates transform as
We therefore have after the Lorentz transformation:
A'μ =
(Φ'/c, A'x, A'y, A'z) = (-γEy'/2c, γE2y'/Bc2
- γBy'/2, γEt'/2 + γBx'/2,
E' = -∇'Φ' - ∂A'/∂t'
= (γE/2 - γE/2)j
= 0
B' =
∇ ×
A' =
k(γB/2 - γE2/B
+ γB/2) = k(-γE2/Bc2 + γB)
A point magnetic moment m is at rest in frame K' and in that
frame produces a vector potential A' = (μ0/4π)m' x r'/r'3
(SI units)
and no scalar potential (Φ = 0). Frame K'
moves with constant velocity v << c along the x-axis of frame K, so
that an observer in K sees the moment moving with velocity v = βci. Show that to first order in
β the
observer in K detects an electric dipole moment p = β
x m/c
as well as an undiminished (to first order) magnetic moment
Solution: needs work
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation of 4-vector potential
- Reasoning:
We transform the 4-vector potential from K' to K and check if it
transforms into a vector potential due to a magnetic dipole
m and a
scalar potential due to an electric dipole p to first order.
- Details of the calculation:
In the rest frame K' of the magnetic dipole we have
= (0,A'x,A'y,A'z).
The dipole is at rest at the
origin in K'.
K moves with velocity -βci = - vi
with respect to K'.
In K we have
= (γβA'x, γA'x, A'y,
Since v << c we have
γ ~
1. We therefore write
= (βA'x, A'x, A'y,
= (ct', x' + βct',
y', z'), i.e. t = t' x = x' + βct',
y = y', z = z'.
A(r') =
A(r) =
A'(r -
the observer in K detects an undiminished (to first order)
magnetic moment m = m' moving with velocity βci.
= cβA'x(r') =
v∙A' =
= (μ0/4π)(r'/r'3)∙(v×m')
= (1/(4πε0))(r'/r'3)∙p,
with p = v×m'/c2
= v×m/c2 = β
x m/c.
= (1/(4πε0))((r - βcti)/|r
- βcti|3)∙p.
Φ(r) is the scalar potential of a dipole
p moving with
velocity βci.
In reference frame K a long,
straight, neutral wire with a circular cross sectional area A =
πr2 lies centered on the z-axis and carries a current with uniform current
density jk.
(a) Find the Φ, A,
E, and B at a point P on the x-axis a distance
x > r from the wire.
(b) In a frame K' moving with velocity vk with respect to K, find
the ρ, j, Φ, A,
E, and
B at the point P.
(c) In a frame K'' moving with velocity vi with respect to K,
find the ρ, j, Φ, A,
E, and
B at the point
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation of 4-vector current, 4-vector potential and electric and
magnetic field
- Reasoning:
We are asked to find ρ, j Φ,
E, and B in 3
different reference frames.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) In K we have j = jk inside the wire,
j = 0 outside the
wire, ρ = 0 everywhere.
Outside a neutral wire carrying a current I = jA in the
z-direction we have
E = 0, Φ = 0, B =
A = -[μ0I/(2π)] ln(r/r0)
Here r is a cylindrical coordinate.
At point P on the x-axis B =
A = C - [μ0I/(2π)] ln(x)
C is an
arbitrary constant. Chose C = 0.
(b) In a frame K' moving with velocity vk with respect
to K we have
cρ' = γcρ - γβj = -γβj. jz' = γj inside the wire, ρ' =
= 0 outside the wire.
The wire is not neutral in this frame.
Given ρ' and
j' we find Φ' = [γ(v/c2)I/(2πε0)]ln(x)
and A' = -[μ0γI/(2π)]ln(x)
k at point P.
Note x' = x.
From the potentials we obtain
E' =
(-i) γ(v/c2)I/(2πε0x)
= (-i) μ0γvI/(2πεx)
and B' = μ0γI/(2πx)
at point P.
We can also transform the 4-vector potential directly.
Φ'/c = - γβAz =
Az' = γAz,
A' = -[μ0γI/(2π])ln(x)
k at point P.
Transforming the fields directly we obtain Ez' = Bz' =
Ey' = Bx' = 0,
By' = μ0γI/(2πx),
Ex' = -μ0γvI/(2πε0x)
at point P.
All the transformations yield consistent results.
In a frame K'' moving with velocity vi with respect to K
we have
ρ' = 0, jz' = j inside the wire, ρ' =
j' = 0 outside the wire.
The wire is neutral in this frame.
Transforming the 4-vector potential we find Φ' = 0,
= -[μ0I/(2π)]ln(γ(x'
+ vt')) k at point P.
At point P
we have B' = By'j, By' = -∂Az'/∂x' =
+ vt')),
E' = -∂A'/∂t' = μ0γvI/(2πε0γ(x'
+ vt')) k.
Transforming the fields directly we obtain
Ex' = Bx' =
0, By' = μ0γI/(2πγ(x'
+ vt')),
Ez' = μ0γvI/(2πε0γ(x'
+ vt'))
at point P.
Even thought we have no charge density, we have an electric field.
In reference frame K
a wire with a circular cross sectional area A =
πr2 forms a
square of side length L. The square lies in the xz-plane. A current
with uniform current density j flows clockwise through the wire, I = jπr2.
In a frame K' moving with velocity vi with respect to K, find
the charge density ρ' and the current density j'.
(b) Find the current flowing in the wire in K'.
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation of 4-vector current
- Reasoning:
(cρ, j) is a 4-vector.
- Details of the calculation:
In K we have j = jk inside the wire for
side 1, j = -jk inside the wire for side 3, j = ji inside the wire
for side 2, j = -ji inside the wire for
side 4, j = 0 outside the wire, ρ = 0 everywhere.
In a frame K' moving with velocity vi with
respect to K we have j = 0, ρ = 0 outside the wire.
for side 1:
cρ' = γcρ = 0. jz' = jz = j at a
position inside the
for side 3:
cρ' = γcρ = 0. jz' = jz = -j at a
position inside
the wire.
Wires 1 and 3 are neutral in K'.
for side 2:
cρ' = γcρ - γβjx = -γβj, jx' = γjx
= γj at a position inside the wire,
for side 4:
cρ' = γcρ - γβjx = γβj, jx' = γjx
= -γj at a position inside the wire,
Wires 2 and 4 is not neutral in this frame.
(b) The cross sectional area of wires 1 and 3 is an ellipse of area πr2/γ.
The current flowing in those wires in frame K' is I' = jπr2/γ
= I/γ. The same current must flow in all wires.
The cross sectional area of wires 2 and 4 in K' is πr2, the
same as in K, But the current density at a point that at a time t' lies
inside the moving wire is due to both the current in the wire and the moving charged wire.
Consider side 2: γj = -ρ'v + j'' = γβ2j
+ j'', where j'' is the current density due to the current flowing in
the wire.
j'' = γj(1 - β2) = j/γ. I'' = j''πr2
= I/γ.
Consider a point charge q at rest at the origin in reference frame K.
Reference frame K' moves with velocity v = cβi with respect to K.
At t = 0 the origins of the two frames coincide.
(a) Write down expressions for the 4-vector potential Aμ and the
4-vector current jμ in reference frame K.
(b) Find A'μ and j'μ in reference frame K'.
- Concepts:
Lorentz transformation of the 4-vector potential and 4-vector current
- Reasoning:
We are asked to find and Lorentz transform the 4-vector potential and
4-vector current.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) Aμ = (Φ/c, Ax, Ay, Az) =
(Φ/c, A), jμ = (cρ, jx, jy, jz)
= (cρ, j).
In K we have j = 0 and we choose the gauge so
= 0.
ρ(r,t) = qδ(r),
Φ(r,t) = kq/r, with k = 1/(4πε0).
Aμ(r,t) = (kq/((x2 + y2 + z2)½c),
0, 0, 0),
jμ(r,t) = (cqδ(xi + yj + zk), 0 0, 0) = (cqδ(x)
δ(y) δ(z), 0 0, 0).
Both Aμ and jμ only have a non-zero zero
component.(b) Lorentz transformation of the 4-vectors:
j'0(r,t) = γcρ(r,t), j'1(r,t) = -γβcρ(r,t).
A'0(r) = γΦ(r)/c, A'1(r) = -γβΦ(r)/c.
But we would like to know j'μ(r',t') and
We also have to transform the coordinates.
x = γβct' + γx', y = y', z = z'.
A'μ(r',t') = (γkq/[((γβct' + γx')2 + y'2 + z'2)½c],
-γβkq/[((γβct' + γx')2 + y'2 + z'2)½c],
0, 0),
j'μ(r',t') = (γcqδ(γ(βct' + x')) δ(y) δ(y), -γβcqδ(γ(βct' + x')) δ(y)
δ(y), 0, 0)
= (cqδ(βct' + x') δ(y) δ(y), -βcqδ(βct' + x') δ(y) δ(y), 0, 0),
since δ(ax) = δ(x)/|a|.