Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism


The Lagrangian of a system is given by L({qi, vi}), where {qi} are linearly independent generalized coordinates and {vi = dqi/dt} are the generalized velocities.
d/dt(∂L/∂vi) - ∂L/∂qi = 0,  ∂L/∂vi  = pi.
A symmetry is a coordinate transformation that does not change the form of the Lagrangian.
Consider a continuous coordinate transformation, which is a transformation that can be built from infinitesimal transformations of the form  {qi --> qi' = qi  + δqi}, with δqi = f({qi})ε,
where ε --> 0.  Show that if the Lagrangian is invariant under this transformation (δL = 0), then the quantity Q = ∑ pi f({qi}) is a constant of motion, i.e. a conserved quantity.



Let {qi} and {pi} be the generalized coordinates and momenta of a system and let A, B,  and C be arbitrary functions of the q's and p's.
The Poisson Bracket (PB) of A and C is defined as
{A, C} = ∑i [(∂A/∂qi) (∂C/∂pi) - (∂A/∂pi) (∂C/∂qi)].

Properties of the PB that can be easily verified are
{A, C} = -{C, A},  {kA, C} = k{A, C} for any constant k.
{(A+B), C} = {A, C} + {B, C}.
{(AB), C} = A{B, C} + B{A, C}

(a)  Evaluate {qi, qj}, {pi, pj}, and {qi, pj} for arbitrary i, j.
(b)  Evaluate {qin, pi}.  (Hint: use mathematical induction)
(c)  Evaluate {F, p} for an arbitrary smooth function F of the generalized coordinate q.
(Any smooth function can be arbitrarily well approximated by a polynomial.)



Let {qi} and {pi} be the generalized coordinates and momenta of a system and let F, and G be arbitrary functions of the q's and p's.
The Poisson Bracket (PB) of F and G is defined as
{F, G} = ∑i [(∂F/∂qi) (∂G/∂pi) - (∂F/∂pi) (∂G/∂qi)].
(a)  Show that dqj/dt = {qj, H},  dpj/dt = {pj, H} is another way of writing Hamilton's equations of motion.
(b)  Write dF/dt in terms of a PB.
(c)  Consider the three Cartesian components of the angular momentum L
We have {Li, Lj} = ∑k εijk Lk.
Assume the Hamiltonian of a system is given by H = ωLz.  Use the Poisson Bracket formulation to work out the equations of motion for the vector L.



Assume every point in phase space is shifted by an amount δqi = {qi,G}, δpi = {pi,G}, where G is an arbitrary function of the coordinates and conjugate momenta.  
G is called the generator of the transformation δqi, δpi.
Show that the function of the coordinates and conjugate momenta F is changed by an amount δF = {F,G} by the transformation.



Consider the motion of a particle in a potential U(r) in a rotating frame.  Let Ω be the angular velocity of the rotating frame with respect to an inertial frame and let Ω be constant.
(a)  Express the Lagrangian of the particle in terms of r and v of the particle in the rotating frame.
(b)  Obtain the equations of motion in the rotating frame.
(c)  Obtain the Hamiltonian of the particle in the rotating frame.



The Lagrangian of a system of N degrees of freedom is


What is the Hamiltonian for a symmetric mass matrix Mij = Mji?
