Coupled oscillations, pendula
A pendulum is composed of two masses, 3m and m, and two strings of equal
length L as shown.

At t = 0 the system is released from rest with the upper (heavier) mass not
displaced from its equilibrium position and the lower mass displaced to the
right a distance a.
x2(0) = 0, x1(0) = a << L.
Find an expression for the subsequent motion of the lower mass, x1(t).
- Concepts:
Small, coupled oscillations; normal modes
L = ½∑ij[Tij(dqi/dt)(dqj/dt) - kijqiqj]
with Tij = Tji, kij = kji.
Solutions of the form qj = Re(Ajeiωt) can
be found. We can find the ω2 from det(kij - ω2Tij)
= 0.
- Reasoning:
We are asked to find the motion of the masses for small displacements.
- Details of the calculations:
Let Φ1 and Φ2 be the generalized coordinates. Then
x2 = LsinΦ2, x1 = L(sinΦ1 + sinΦ2),
y2 = LcosΦ2, y1 = L(cosΦ1 + cosΦ2).
For small displacements we have sinΦ = Φ, cosΦ = 1 - Φ2/2.
The kinetic energy of the system is
T = (3/2)m[(dx2/dt)2 + (dy2/dt)2]
+ ½m[(dx1/dt)2 + (dy1/dt)2]
Let us only keep terms up to second order in Φ and dΦ/dt. Then
(dx2/dt)2 + (dy2/dt)2 = L2(dΦ2/dt)2,
(dx1/dt)2 + (dy1/dt)2 = L2[(dΦ2/dt)2
+ (dΦ1/dt)2 + 2(dΦ1/dt)(dΦ2/dt)].
T = (3/2)mL2(dΦ2/dt)2 + ½mL2[(dΦ2/dt)2
+(dΦ1/dt)2 + 2(dΦ1/dt)(dΦ2/dt)].
The potential energy of the system is
U = -mgy1 - 3mgy2 = (mgL/2)(Φ12
+ 4Φ22) + constant.
We have:
T = ½∑ij Tij(dΦi/dt)(dΦj/dt),
U = ½∑ij kijΦiΦj.
T11 = mL2, T22 = 4mL2, T12
= T21 = mL2,
k11 = mgL, k22 = 4mgL, kij(i ≠ j) = 0.
ω2 = (g/L)(8 ± 4)/6, ωa2 = 2(g/L), ωb2
= (2/3)(g/L).
Φi = Aiexp(iωαt)
For mode a: A2 = -A1/2
For mode b: A2 = A1/2
Most general motion for a system starting from rest:
Φ1 = Aexp(iωat) + Bexp(iωbt), Φ2
= -(A/2)exp(iωat) + (B/2)exp(iωbt).
with A and B complex constants.
x1 = L(Φ1 + Φ2),
x2 = LΦ2.
x1 = L(|A|/2)cos(ωat + φa) + L(3|B|/2)cos(ωbt
+ φb),
= -L(|A|/2)cos(ωat + φa) + L(|B|/2)cos(ωbt
+ φb).,
x1 = A'cos(ωat + φa) + 3B'cos(ωbt
+ φb),
= -A'cos(ωat + φa) + B'cos(ωbt + φb),
with A' and B' real constants.
dx2/dt = -ωaA'sin(ωat + φa) - ωb3B'sin(ωbt
+ φb),
dx1/dt = ωaA'sin(ωat + φa) - ωbB'sin(ωbt
+ φb).
Initial conditions: x1(0) = A'cos(φa) + 3B'cos(φb) =
a, x2(0) = -A'cos(φa) + B'cos(φb) =
--> A'cos(φa) = B'cos(φb) = a/4.
v1(0) = -ωaA'sin(φa) - ωb3B'sin(φb)
= 0, v2(0) = ωaA'sin(φa) - ωbB'sin(φb)
= 0.
--> sin(φa) = sin(φb) = 0, cos(φa) =
cos(φb) = 1, A' = B' = a/4.
Subsequent motion of the lower mass:
x1(t) = (a/4)cos ωat
+ (3a/4)cos ωbt.
A uniform thin rod of length 3l/2 and mass m is supported at one end A by a
weightless string of length l under the gravitational force near the earth
(a) Calculate the normal modes and normal frequencies of small oscillations for
motion in a vertical plane.
(b) Now the end point A is slowly displaces by a small amount δ, (without
gaining any kinetic energy.) The system is then released from rest and allowed
to move freely. What is the subsequent motion?

- Concepts:
Small oscillations:
L = ½∑ij[Tij(dqi/dt)(dqj/dt) - kijqiqj]
with Tij = Tji, kij = kji.
Solutions of the form qj = Re(Ajeiωt) can
be found.
For a particular frequency ωα we solve
∑j[kij - ωα2Tij]Ajα
= 0
to find the Ajα. The most generαl solution for eαch coordinαte qj
is α sum of simple hαrmonic oscillαtions in αll of the frequencies ωα.
qj = Re∑α(CαAjαexp(iωαt)).
- Reasoning:
We are asked to find the normal modes for small displacements.
- Details of the calculations:

(a) The position of the CM of the rod is X = x1 + x2/2,
Y = y1 + y2/2.
For the rod we have:
T = ½m[(dx1/dt + ½ dx2/dt)2 + (dy1/dt
+ ½ dy2/dt)2] + ½I(dθ/dt)2.
T is the kinetic energy of the motion of the CM and the motion about the CM.
U = -mg(y1 + y2/2) + constant.
For small oscillations x1 = lsinθ1 ~lθ1, x2
= (3/2)lsinθ ~ (3/2)lθ.
y1 = lcosθ1 ~ l(1 - θ12/2), y2
= (3/2)lcosθ ~ (3/2)l(1 - θ2/2).
To second order in the small quantities we have:
T = ½ml2((dθ1/dt)2+¾2(dθ/dt)2+(3/2)(dθ1/dt)(dθ/dt)+½(3/16)ml2(dθ/dt)2)
= ½ml2((dθ1/dt)2+¾(dθ/dt)2+(3/2)(dθ1/dt)(dθ/dt))
= ½∑Tijqiqj.
q1 = θ1, q2 = θ, T11 = ml2,
T22 = ¾ml2, T12 = T21 =
U = mgl[(q12/2) +¾l(q22/2)] = ½∑kijqiqj.
k11 = mgl, k22 = ¾mgl, k12 = k21
= 0.
We have a solution if
¾(g-ω2l)2 -(9/16)ω4l2 = 0,
ω4 - 8(g/l)ω2 + 4g2/l = 0.
ω2 = [4 ± (12)½]g/l.
mode 1: ω12 = [4 + (12)½]g/l.
(g - [4 + (12)½]g)A1 - ¾[4 + (12)½]gA2
= 0. A1 = -0.866 A2.
mode 2: ω22 = [4 - (12)½]g/l.
(g - [4 - (12)½]g)A1 - ¾[4 - (12)½]gA2
= 0. A1 = 0.866 A2.
(b) The most general solution is
qj = Re∑α(CαAjαexp(iωαt)).
θ1 = Re(c1exp(iω1t) + c2exp(iω2t)),
θ = (1/0.866)Re(-c1exp(iω1t) + c2exp(iω2t)).
Initial conditions:
θ1(0) = δ/l, θ(0) = 0, dθ1/dt = dθ/dt = 0 at t = 0.
Re(c1 + c2) = δ/l, Re(c1 - c2)
= 0, Re(c1) = Re(c2) = δ/(2l).
Re(iω1c1 + iωc2) = 0, Re(-iω1c1
+ iωc2) = 0.
Im(ω1c1 + ωc2) = 0, Im(ω1c1
- ωc2) = 0, Im(c1) = Im(c2) = 0.
θ1(t) = (δ/(2l))[cosω1t + cosω2t], θ(t) =
(δ/(2*0.866*l))[cosω1t - cosω2t].
Two pendula, each of which consists of a weightless rigid rod length of L and
a mass m, are connected at their midpoints by a spring with spring constant k.
Consider only small displacements from equilibrium.
(a) What are the frequencies of the normal modes of this system? Briefly
describe these modes.
(b) At t = 0 the right pendulum is displaced by an
angle θ to the right while the left pendulum remains vertical. Both pendula are
released from rest. Describe the subsequent motion.
Coupled small oscillations
We are asked to solve for the motion of two coupled pendula.
Details of the calculation:
(a) Call the left pendulum 1
and the right pendulum 2. Let θi denote a small angular displacement
of pendulum i to the right.
Small angle approximation: sinθ = θ, cosθ =
1 in the equations of motion.
Define x1 = Lθ½,
x2 = Lθ2/2
τ1 = Iα1 = mL2d2θ1/dt2
= -mgLθ1 - kL2(θ1 - θ2)/4
= Iα2 = mL2d2θ2/dt2 = -mgLθ2
- kL2(θ2 - θ2)/4
Equations of motion:
= -(g/L)θ1 - (k/m)(θ1 - θ2)/4
= -(g/L)θ2 - (k/m)(θ2 - θ1)/4
Try solutions
of the form θi = θi0 exp(iωt). Then

Solve for ω by setting the determinant of the matrix equal to zero.
ω2 = (g/L + k/(4m)) ± k/(4m).
ω12 = g/L, θ10 = θ20,
the pendula oscillate in phase.
ω22 = g/L + k/(2m),
θ10 = -θ20, the pendula oscillate 180o out of
(b) Most general solution:
= Re(C1exp(iω1t) + C2exp(iω2t))
θ2(t) = Re(C1exp(iω1t) - C2expi(ω2t))
dθ1(t)/dt = Re(iω1C1exp(iω1t) +
dθ2(t)/dt =
Re(iω1C1exp(iω1t) - iω2C2expi(ω2t))
Initial conditions at t = 0:
Re(C1 + C2) = 0,
Re(C1 - C2) = θ20, Re(C1)
= - Re(C2) = θ20/2.
ω2C2) = 0, Im(ω1C1+ ω2C2),
Im(C1) = Im(C2) = 0.
θ1(t) = (θ20/2)(cos(ω1t)
- cos(ω2t))
θ2(t) = (θ20/2)(cos(ω1t)
+ cos(ω2t))