Decay involving only massive particles
A slowly moving antiproton is captured by a deuteron at rest producing a
neutron and a neutral pion.
+ D --> n + π0
The rest masses of the particles involved are mpc2 ≈ mnc2
≈ mDc2/2 ≈ 939 MeV and mπ0c2 = 135
MeV. Find the total energy of the emitted π0.
- Concepts:
Relativistic collisions, energy and momentum
- Reasoning:
In relativistic collisions energy and momentum are always conserved.
- Details of the calculation:
We assume that the initial particles have no kinetic energy.
Energy conservation: E = 3mpc2 = En + Eπ0.
Momentum conservation: pn = pπ0.
En2 = pn2c2 + mp2c4,
Eπ02 = pn2c2 +
En2 - Eπ02 = (En + Eπ0)(En
- Eπ0) = mp2c4 - mπ02c4.
(En - Eπ0) = (mp2c4
- mπ02c4)/(3mpc2).
(4) = (3)/(1)
2Eπ0 = 3mpc2 - (mp2c4
- mπ02c4)/(3mpc2). (1) - (4)
Eπ0 = (8mp2c4 + mπ02c4)/(3mpc2)
= 1255 MeV.
A K0 meson decays in flight into two pions,
K0 --> π+ + π-. Let the mass of each pion
be mπ and the mass of the K0 be mK > 2mπ.
(a) Find the speed of the K0 if the greatest possible
energy of a π-meson from this decay is α times larger than the smallest possible
(b) For what α will there be no π-meson flying into the
backward hemisphere?
- Concepts:
Relativistic "collisions", energy and momentum
conservation, Lorentz transformation
- Reasoning:
The decay of a particle is a relativistic problem. In
relativistic "collisions" energy and momentum are always conserved.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) Let the K0 meson move in
the positive x direction. The pion with the greatest possible energy in the
laboratory is emitted into the +x direction and the pion with the smallest
possible energy is emitted in the -x direction.
In the rest frame of the
K0 meson we have for the forward emitted pion,
E/c = mKc/2,
px = (mK2c2/4 - mπ2c2)½
= (mKc/2)(1 - 4mπ2/mK2)½.
For the backward emitted pion we have
E/c = mKc/2, px
= -(mK2c2/4 - mπ2c2)½
= -(mKc/2)(1 - 4mπ2/mK2)½.
A Lorentz transformation to the lab frame yields:
Forward emitted pion: Ef
= γ[(mKc/2) + β(mKc/2)(1 - 4mπ2/mK2)½]
Backward emitted pion: Eb = γ [(mKc/2) - β(mKc/2)(1
- 4mπ2/mK2)½]
= α = [1 + β(1 - 4mπ2/mK2)½]/[1
- β(1 - 4 mπ2/mK2)½]
β = v/c = (1 - 4mπ2/mK2)-½(α
- 1)/(α + 1)
(b) We want px of the backward emitted pion
to be positive in the lab frame
px = γ [β(mKc/2) -
(mKc/2)(1 - 4mπ2/mK2)½]
= 0.
β = (1 - 4mπ2/ mK2)½,
α = (1 + β2)/(1 - β2) = mK2/(2mπ2)
- 1
For α > mK2/(2mπ2) - 1
there will there be no π-meson flying into the backward hemisphere?
A Higgs boson (M = 178 GeV/c2)
at rest decays into a pair of leptons (φ --> τ+τ-).
The τ- has a mass of m = 1.78 GeV/c2. What is the
recoil β = v/c of the τ+?
- Concepts:
Relativistic "collisions", energy and momentum conservation
- Reasoning:
The decay of a particle is a relativistic problem. In
relativistic "collisions" energy and momentum are always conserved.
- Details of the calculation:
The tau leptons emerge from the decay in
opposite directions with equal energy.
2Eτ = Mc2.
Eτ = (m2c4 + pτ2c2)½.
pτ = (M2/4 - m2)½c, Eτ
= Mc2/2,
β = pτc/ Eτ = (1 - 4m2/M2)½
= (1 - 4*10-4)½ = 0.9998... .
A Φ particle (mΦ = 1.020GeV/c2) has a momentum of
3GeV/c along the z-axis in the laboratory frame.
It decays Φ --> K+K- into two charged kaons (mK+
= mK- = 0.494GeV/c2 ).
(a) Calculate the momentum PK of each kaon in the laboratory
frame if the decay axis coincides with the z-axis.
(b) Calculate the momentum PK of each kaon in the laboratory
frame if the decay axis is perpendicular to the z-axis.
- Concepts:
Relativistic "collisions", energy and momentum conservation
- Reasoning:
The decay of a particle is a relativistic problem. In relativistic
"collisions" energy and momentum are always conserved. Often the physics is
best visualized in the center of momentum frame.
- Details of the calculation:
In the rest frame of the mΦ, the 4-vector momentum of the Φ is
(E/c,p) = (mΦc, 0).
Each component of the 4-vector is conserved. After the decay we therefore
have for each particle:
Ek2 = ¼mΦ2c4 = mk2c4
+ pk2c2, pk2 = c2(¼mΦ2
- mk2).
Ek = 0.51 GeV, pk = 0.127 GeV/c.
The laboratory frame moves with respect to the rest frame in the negative
z-direction with speed v.
EΦ' = γEΦ, EΦ'2 = γ2EΦ2,
mΦ2c4 + pΦ2c2
= γ2EΦ2, γ2 = [1.022
+ 32]/1.022 , γ = 3.1.
b = 0.947, v = 0.947c.
We can now find the momentum of each kaon in the laboratory frame.

(a) Particle 1: E = Ek, pz = pk, px
= py = 0. pz' = 1.89 GeV/c.
Particle 2: E = Ek, pz = -pk, px
= py = 0. pz' = 1.11 GeV/c.
(b) Particle 1: E = Ek, pz = 0, px = pk,
py = 0. pz' = 1.5 GeV/c, px' = 0.127 GeV/c.
Particle 2: E = Ek, pz = 0, px = -pk,
py = 0. pz' = 1.5 GeV/c, px' = -0.127 GeV/c.
For both particles: |p'| = (px'2 +pz'2)½
= 1.505 GeV/c.
A particle of mass M is at rest in the laboratory. Suddenly it disintegrates
into two particles, one of mass m and one of mass 2m. Let M = 4m. The final
particles have momenta p and p', and energies E and E'.
(a) What is the relationship between p and
(b) Find expressions for p, p', E, and E'.
(c) Determine the speed of each final particle in the laboratory frame.
(d) Determine the speed of m in the rest frame of 2m.
- Concepts:
Relativistic "collisions", energy and momentum conservation
- Reasoning:
The decay of a particle is a relativistic problem. In relativistic
"collisions" energy and momentum are always conserved.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) Momentum conservation requires that p = -p'.
(b) Energy conservation: Mc2 = 4mc2 = (m2c4
+ p2c2)½ + (4m2c4 +
4mc2 - (m2c4 + p2c2)½
= (4m2c4 + p2c2)½.
Solve for pc!
pc = 1.281 mc2.
E = (m2c4 + 1.64 m2c4 )½
= 1.625 mc2.
E' = (4m2c4 + 1.64 m2c4 )½
= 2.375 mc2.
(c) p = γmv. E = γmc2. v = pc2/E
v/c = 1.281 mc2/1.625 mc2 = 0.788.
v'/c = 1.281 mc2/2.375 mc2 = 0.539.
Velocity addition formula:
Let v'' be the speed of m in the rest frame of 2m. v'' = (v + v')/(1 +
vv'/c2) = 0.93c.
An unstable particle decays in its flight into
three charged pions (mass 140 MeV/c2). The tracks recorded are shown
below, the event being coplanar. The kinetic energies and the emission angles
are T1 = 190 MeV, T2
= 321 MeV, T3
= 58 MeV, θ1
= 12.25o,
= 22.4o.
Estimate the mass of the primary particle. In what
direction was it moving?

- Concepts:
Energy and momentum conservation
- Reasoning:
We find the momenta of three pions by using
the formula p2c2 = E2 - m2c4.
- We use energy and momentum conservation to find the mass of the decaying
- Details of the calculation:
= T1
+ mπc2 = 330 MeV, p1c = 299
= T2
+ mπc2 = 461 MeV, p2c = 439
= T3
+ mπc2 = 198 MeV, p3c = 140
Energy conservation: E = E1 + E2 + E3 = 989 MeVE
is the total energy of the decaying particle.
Let the positive x-direction be the direction of
motion of pion 2.
p1xc = 299 MeV*cos(22.4o),
p1yc = -299 MeV*sin(22.4o).
p2xc = 439 MeV, p2yc = 0.
P3xc = 140 MeV*cos(12.25o),
p3yc = 140 MeV*sin(12.25o).
pxc = 852.25 MeV, pyc =
-84.23 MeV, are the momentum components of the decaying particle (times c).
pc = 856.4 MeV is the momentum of the decaying particle.
mc2 = (9892 - 856.42)½
= 494.7 MeV.
The decaying particle's mass is 494.7 MeV/c2. It is a kaon.
tanθ = py/px, θ = -5.64
The decaying particle's momentum was 856.4 MeV/c and
it pointed in a direction making an angle of -5.64 o with the
positive x-direction.