Decay involving only massive particles


A slowly moving antiproton is captured by a deuteron at rest producing a neutron and a neutral pion.

p + D --> n + π0

The rest masses of the particles involved are mpc2 ≈ mnc2 ≈ mDc2/2 ≈ 939 MeV and mπ0c2 = 135 MeV.  Find the total energy of the emitted π0.



A K0 meson decays in flight into two pions,  K0 --> π+ + π-.  Let the mass of each pion be mπ and the mass of the K0 be mK > 2mπ.  
(a)  Find the speed of the K0 if the greatest possible energy of a π-meson from this decay is α times larger than the smallest possible energy. 
(b)  For what α will there be no π-meson flying into the backward hemisphere?



A Higgs boson (M = 178 GeV/c2) at rest decays into a pair of leptons (φ --> τ+τ-).  The τ- has a mass of m = 1.78 GeV/c2.  What is the recoil β = v/c of the τ+?



A Φ particle (mΦ = 1.020GeV/c2) has a momentum of 3GeV/c along the z-axis in the laboratory frame. 
It decays Φ --> K+K- into two charged kaons (mK+ = mK- = 0.494GeV/c2 ).
(a)  Calculate the momentum PK of each kaon in the laboratory frame if the decay axis coincides with the z-axis.
(b)  Calculate the momentum PK of each kaon in the laboratory frame if the decay axis is perpendicular to the z-axis.



A particle of mass M is at rest in the laboratory.  Suddenly it disintegrates into two particles, one of mass m and one of mass 2m.  Let M = 4m.  The final particles have momenta p and p', and energies E and E'.
(a)  What is the relationship between p and p'?
(b)  Find expressions for p, p', E, and E'.
(c)  Determine the speed of each final particle in the laboratory frame.
(d)  Determine the speed of m in the rest frame of 2m.



An unstable particle decays in its flight into three charged pions (mass 140 MeV/c2).  The tracks recorded are shown below, the event being coplanar.  The kinetic energies and the emission angles are T1 = 190 MeV, T2 = 321 MeV, T3 = 58 MeV, θ1 = 12.25o, θ2 = 22.4o.  Estimate the mass of the primary particle.  In what direction was it moving?

