

A relativistic particle accelerates from rest at the origin at t = 0 under the influence of a constant force F = mgi.
(a)  Calculate its velocity and position as a function of time t.
(b)  Do your expressions for the velocity and position as a function of time yield the non-relativistic results if v/c << 1?



A point mass m, at rest at the origin at t = 0 is acted on by a constant force F = ma i.  Find the time T it takes for the mass to reach a speed v = 0.75c and the position of the mass at time T.



At t = 0 in the lab frame a particle of mass 1 kg has velocity (vx, vy) = (0.6 c, 0) and acceleration (ax, ay) = (2, 3) m/s2.  What force is acting on the particle in the lab frame and in an inertial frame moving with velocity v = 0.6 c i at t = 0, i.e. instantaneous inertial rest frame of the particle.  (You can assume that at t = 0 the origins of the two frames coincide and the particle is at the origin.)



A particle with mass m is launched upward at t = 0 from rest at y = 0 with relativistic momentum p = py > p0.  It is subject to a constant force F in the negative y direction.
(a)  Find the particle's position as a function of time.
(b)  Show that for short times and a small initial speed your equation approximates the non-relativistic result.
(c)  Determine the time T at which the particle returns to y = 0.
NOTE: Give all answers for the laboratory frame.
