Collisions including massless partners


A photon of energy E (massless) hits a proton of mass Mp at rest.  After the collision the photon is converted into an e+e- pair.  Assuming that the electron and positron each have rest mass me, what is the largest possible value of the recoil momentum of the proton?



Assume a photon with energy hν incident along the y-direction scatters off an electron with momentum p0 along the x-direction.  After the scattering the photon travels in the x-direction.


(a)  Find an expression for the energy of the scattered photon hν' in terms of hν and p0.
(b)  What is the energy of the scattered photon if the energy of the incident photon is 5 eV and the kinetic energy of the incident electron is 100 eV?
(c)  What is the energy of the scattered photon if the energy of the incident photon is 5 eV and the energy of the incident electron is 1 GeV?



(a)  Find the photon threshold energy in MeV for the photoproduction process

γ + p --> p + π0

(mπ0 = 135 MeV/c2, mp = 938 MeV/c2).

(b) Now consider the following problem.  The isotropic CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) of photons in space has a temperature of T = 2.726 K.  The most probable photon frequency (distributed according to Plank's radiation law) is
f = c/λ = 1.6*1011 Hz, the corresponding photon energy is Eg = hf ~ 658 μeV.
Calculate the energy in MeV of a cosmic-ray proton that by interacting with a CMBR photon will produce a pion (π0) like in part (a).    

(c)  Calculate the mean free path of the proton in space for this process if the density of CMBR photons is 411 cm-3 and the cross section is 0.5 mbarn (1 barn = 10-24 cm2).



Assume a γ-ray collides with a particle at rest.
(a) What is the threshold energy for the photon (expressed in terms of the electron mass) for the process γ + Pb --> e+ + e- + Pb?
(c) What is the threshold energy for the photon (expressed in terms of the electron mass) for the process γ + e- --> e+ + e- + e- where e- is a free electron?
(c) Why are the threshold energies in Parts (a) and (b) different?
