Surface tension
The surface tension γ is defined as the force along a line of unit length, γ
= F/L (N/m). The force is parallel to the surface and perpendicular to the
line. For an inflated, (1.5 r0 < r < 2.5 r0),
spherical rubber balloon γ is nearly constant.
The surface tension balances the outward force due to the pressure difference
between the inside and the outside air.
(a) For a balloon inflated to a radius r in the range 1.5 r0 < r < 2.5 r0 find the
pressure difference ΔP = Pi - Po as a function of r
and γ.
(b) Show that is in a stable equilibrium.
- Concepts:
Surface tension
- Reasoning:
The balloon skin has an inner and an outer surface. The net force per unit
length holding the skin together is 2γ.
- Details of the calculation:

(a) Imagine a cut through the balloon as shown. Consider
the right half of the balloon.
The net force due to the pressure difference points to the right. It has
FP = 2πr2∫0π/2sinθ dθ ΔP cosθ = 2πr2
ΔP ∫01x dx = πr2 ΔP.
The net force due to the surface tension points to the left. It has magnitude
Fγ = -2*γ2πr = -4γπr.
For equilibrium we need FP + Fγ = 0
πr2 ΔP = 4γπr. ΔP = 4γ/r.
(b) In equilibrium we have Ptotal(r) = -Patm - 4γ/r + 3nRT/(4πr3)
= -a - b/r + c/r3 = 0, with a, b, and c positive constant.
Ptotal(r + Δr) = dP/dr|rΔr = (b/r2 -
3c/r4)Δr = (1/r) (b/r + a - a -
c/r3 + c/r3 - 3c/r4)Δr
= (1/r)(-Ptotal(r) -
a - 2c/r3)Δr = -(1/r)(
a + 2c/r3)Δr = -constant*Δr.
We have a restoring force per unit area, the balloon is stable.