Probability density, probabilities,  and the mean value of an observable

Probability density


A particle confined in the region [−a, +a] has a wave function ψ(x) = N(a2 − x2).  What is the probability that a position measurement would find it located in the interval [−a/2, +a/2]?




A quantum system can exist in two states |a1> and |a2>, which are normalized eigenstates of the observable A with eigenvalues 0 and 1.  A second observable B is defined by B|a1> = 7|a1> - 24i|a2>,  B|a2> = 24i|a1> - 7|a2>.
(a)  Find the eigenstates of B.
(b)  The system is in the state |a1> when B is measured.  Immediately afterwards A is measured.  Find the probability that a measurement of A gives the result 0.



Let A and B be two observables of a system with a two dimensional state space, and suppose measurements are made of A, B, and A again in quick succession.
Show that the probability that the second measurement of A gives the same result as the first is independent of the initial state of the system.

Let {|a1>,|a2> } be an othonormal eigenbasis of A and let {|b1>,|b2> } be an othonormal eigenbasis of B.
A|ai> = ai|ai>,  B|bi> = bi|bi>.
|b1> = cos(θ)|a1> + sin(θ)e|a2>,  |b2> = -sin(θ)|a1> + cos(θ)e|a2>
is the most general expansion of the |bi> in terms of the |ai>.
<b1|b2> = 0,  <b1|b1> = <b2|b2> = 1.
The initial state can be written as some linear combination of |a1> and a2>.
|Ψ> = c1|a1> + c2|a2>.


Mean value of an observable


The wave function ψ of a particle is written as a linear combination of the three orthonormal eigenfunctions {Φi} of the observable A with eigenvalues ai (i = 1,2,3).
|ψ> = (1/√6)|Φ1> + (1/√3 )|Φ2> + (1/√2) |Φ3>
Find <A>.  What is the probability that the measurement of A yields a2?   Find the wave function immediately after this measurement.



At some time t the wave function of a particle is a triangular hat wave function given by
Ψ(x,t) = Ax/a                       for 0 < x < a,
Ψ(x,t) = A(b - x)/(b - a)        for a < x < b,
Ψ(x,t) = 0                            otherwise,
where A, a, and b are constants.
(a)  Sketch Ψ and find the most probable location of the particle at time t.
(b)  Determine the normalization constant A in terms of a and b.
(c)  At time t, what are the probabilities of the particle being found left and right of a, respectively?
(d)  What is <x(t)>?



Assume the wave function of a particle is Ψ(x) = N exp(ip0x/ħ)/(x2 + a2)½.
Here a and p0 are real constants and N is a normalization constant.
(a)  Find N so that ψ(x) is normalized.
(b)  If the position of the particle is measured, what is the probability of finding the particle between  -a/√3  and  +a/√3?
(c)  Calculate the mean value of the momentum of the particle. 



From measurements of the differential cross section for scattering of electrons off protons (in atomic hydrogen) it was found that the proton had a charge density given by ρ(r) = αexp(-βr) where α and β are constants.
(a)  Find α and β such that the proton charge equals e, the charge on the electron.
(b)  Show that the protons mean square radius <r2> is 12/β2.
(c)  Assuming a reasonable value for <r2>½ calculate a in esu/cm3.
