Probability density
A particle confined in the region [−a, +a] has a wave function ψ(x) = N(a2 − x2). What is the probability that a position measurement would find it located in the interval [−a/2, +a/2]?
A quantum system can exist in two states |a1>
and |a2>, which are normalized eigenstates of the observable A
with eigenvalues 0 and 1. A second observable B is defined by B|a1> = 7|a1> - 24i|a2>, B|a2> = 24i|a1> - 7|a2>.
(a) Find the eigenstates of B.
(b) The system is in the state |a1> when B is measured. Immediately afterwards A is measured. Find the probability that a measurement of A
gives the result 0.
b1 = +25:
(7 - 25)c1 + 24i c2 = 0, c2 = -i¾c1,
|c1|2 + |c2|2 = 1, c1
= 4/5, c2 = -i3/5.
|b1> = (4/5)|a1> - i(3/5)|a2>.
b2 = -25:
(7 + 25)c1 + 24i c2 = 0, c2 = i(4/3)c1,
|c1|2 + |c2|2 = 1, c1
= 3/5, c2 = i4/5.
|b2> = (3/5)|a1> + i(4/5)|a2>.
(b) There are
two paths.
(i) Measure b1, then measure a1 = 0.
Pa1(b1) = |<b1|a1>|2 = (4/5)2.
Pb1(a1) = |<a1|b1>|2 = (4/5)2.
Pa1(a1 after b1) = (4/5)4.
(ii) Measure b2, then measure a1 = 0.
Pa1(b2) = |<b2|a1>|2 =
(3/5)2. Pb2(a1) = |<a1|b2>|2
= (3/5)2.
Pa1(a1 after b2) = (3/5)4.
Pa1(a1 after measurement of B) = (4/5)4 +
(3/5)4 = 337/625 = 0.54.
Let A and B be two observables of a system with a two dimensional state
space, and suppose measurements are made of A, B, and A again in quick
Show that the probability that the second measurement of A gives the same result
as the first is independent of the initial state of the system.
Let {|a1>,|a2> } be an othonormal eigenbasis of A
and let {|b1>,|b2> } be an othonormal eigenbasis of
A|ai> = ai|ai>, B|bi> = bi|bi>.
|b1> = cos(θ)|a1> + sin(θ)eiφ|a2>, |b2> =
+ cos(θ)eiφ|a2>
is the most general expansion of the |bi> in terms of the |ai>.
<b1|b2> = 0, <b1|b1> = <b2|b2>
= 1.
The initial state can be written as some linear combination of |a1>
and a2>.
|Ψ> = c1|a1> + c2|a2>.
Branch 2:
Assume the first measurement yields a2. The probability for
this outcome is |c2|2.
What is the probability of measuring a2 again after a measurement of
Pa2(b1) = sin2(θ) (system is now in state
|b1>), Pb1(a2) = sin2(θ),
Pa2(b1) Pb1(a2) = sin4(θ),
Pa2(b2) = cos2(θ) (system is now in state
|b2>), Pb2(a2) = cos2(θ),
Pa2(b2) Pb2(a2) = cos4(θ).
Probability of the first path + probability of the second path = sin4(θ)
+ cos4(θ).
Total probability for this branch: |c2|2(cos4(θ)
+ sin4(θ)).
Probability of obtaining the same result = (|c1|2 +
|c2|2)(cos4(θ) + sin4(θ))
= cos4(θ) + sin4(θ), independent of the initial
Mean value of an observable
The wave function ψ
of a particle is written as a linear combination of the three orthonormal
eigenfunctions {Φi} of
the observable A with eigenvalues ai (i =
|ψ> = (1/√6)|Φ1> + (1/√3 )|Φ2> + (1/√2) |Φ3>
Find <A>. What
is the probability that the measurement of A yields a2? Find
the wave function immediately after this measurement.
At some time t the wave function of a particle is a triangular hat wave
function given by
Ψ(x,t) = Ax/a for 0 < x < a,
Ψ(x,t) = A(b - x)/(b - a) for a < x < b,
Ψ(x,t) = 0 otherwise,
where A, a, and b are constants.
(a) Sketch Ψ and find the most probable location of the particle at time t.
(b) Determine the normalization constant A in terms of a and b.
(c) At time t, what are the probabilities of the particle being found left
and right of a, respectively?
(d) What is <x(t)>?
(b) ∫|Ψ(x,t)|2dx = 1, (A/a)2∫0ax2
dx + [A2/(b - a)2]∫ab(b - x)2
dx = 1.
A2b/3 = 1, A2 = 3/b.
(c) P(left of a) = a/b.
P(right of a) = 1 - a/b.
If b = 2a then P(left of a) = P(right of a) = ½.
(d) <x> = ∫x|Ψ(x,t)|2dx = (A/a)2∫0ax3
dx + [A2/(b - a)2]∫ab(b - x)2
x dx.
<x> = ¼(b + 2a).
If b = 2a then <x> = a.
Assume the wave function of a particle is Ψ(x) = N exp(ip0x/ħ)/(x2
+ a2)½.
Here a and p0 are real constants and N is a
normalization constant.
(a) Find N so that ψ(x) is normalized.
(b) If the position of the particle is measured, what is the probability of
finding the particle between -a/√3 and +a/√3?
(c) Calculate the mean value of the momentum of the particle.
(b) Let P denote the probability of finding the particle between
-a/√3 and +a/√3.
Let y = a/√3.
P = ∫-y+y |Ψ(x)|2 dx = (a/π)∫-y+ydx/(x2
+ a2) = (1/π)tan-1(x/a)|-y+y
= (1/π)[tan-1(1/√3) - tan-1(-1/√3)]
= (1/π)[π/6 + π/6] = (1/3).
(c) Let <P> denote the mean value of the momentum of the particle.
<P> = ∫-∞+∞Ψ*(x) ((ħ/i)∂/∂x) Ψ(x) dx
= (a/π)∫-∞+∞exp(-ip0x/ħ)/(x2
+ a2)½ (ħ/i)[(ip0/ħ)exp(ip0x/ħ)/(x2
+ a2)½ - x exp(-ip0x/ħ)/(x2
+ a2)3/2]
= (a/π)p0∫-∞+∞dx/(x2
+ a2) - (a/π)(ħ/i)∫-∞+∞
+ a2)2 = p0.
0, odd function
From measurements of the differential cross section for scattering of
electrons off protons (in atomic hydrogen) it was found that the proton had a
charge density given by ρ(r) = αexp(-βr)
where α and β are
(a) Find α and β such
that the proton charge equals e, the charge on the electron.
(b) Show that the protons mean square radius <r2> is 12/β2.
(c) Assuming a reasonable value for <r2>½ calculate
a in esu/cm3.