The rms deviation


An electron is moving freely in the x-direction.  At t = 0 the electron is described by the wave function (neglect spin)
Ψ(x,0) = Aexp{-x2/2b2}exp{ip0x/ħ}.
(a)  Compute the constant A such that ∫-∞+∞|ψ(x,0)|2 dx = 1.
(b)  Compute ∆x at t = 0.
(c)  Compute ∆p at t = 0 and show that  for the electron ∆x∆p = ħ/2.
(d)  Assume that the electron has a position uncertainty of ∆x = 10-10 m. 
Compute its velocity uncertainty compared to the speed of light.
(me = 9.1*10-31 kg,  ħ = 1.05*10-34 J s,  c = 3*108 m/s).
Hint:  ∫-∞+∞dx exp(-(ax2 + bx + c)) = (π/a)½ exp((b2 - 4ac)/(4a)).
To obtain, for example, ∫-∞+∞dx x exp(-ax2), differentiate with respect to b and then set b = c = 0.



The state of a free particle is described by the following wave function
ψ(x) = 0 for x < −3a
ψ(x) = c for − 3a < x < a
ψ(x) = 0 for x > a
(a)  Determine c using the normalization condition.
(b)  Find the probability of finding the particle in the interval [0, a].
(c)  Compute <x> and the root-mean square deviation ∆x.
(d)  Calculate the momentum probability density.
