Wave packets and the Fourier transform
Fourier transform
The wave function of a particle at t = 0 is
Ψ(x) = 1/L½, |x| < L/2,
Ψ(x) = 0 otherwise.
At t = 0, what possible values of the momentum of the particle can be found,
and with what probability?
- Concepts:
The postulates of quantum mechanics
- Reasoning:
P is a Hermitian operator. The possible results of a measurement are the eigenvalues of the P, -∞ < p < ∞.
When a physical quantity described by the operator P is measured on
a system in a normalized state |Ψ>,
the probability of measuring the eigenvalue p is given by dP(p)
= |<p|Ψ>|2dp
|Ψ(p)|2dp, where |p>
is the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue p;
we assume p is a non-degenerate continuous eigenvalue of P.
- Details of the calculation:
Ψ(p) = (2πħ)-½∫Ψ(x,0) exp(-ipx/ħ)dx,
Ψ(p) = (2πħL)-½∫-L/2+L/2 exp(-ipx/ħ)dx
= (2πħL)-½(iħ/p)
[exp(-ipL/(2ħ)) - exp(-pL/(2ħ))]
= (2πħL)-½(2ħ/p)
The probability of
finding the particle with momentum between p and p + dp is
|Ψ(p)|2 = (2ħ/(πLp2)
Consider a free particle which is described at t = 0 by the normalized
Gaussian wave function ψ(x,0) = Nexp(ik0x)exp(-ax2).
(a) Normalize the wave function.
(b) Find the probability density |ψ(x,0)|2 of the particle.
(c) Find its Fourier transform Φ(k,0) of the wave function and the
probability density
|Φ(k,0)|2 in k-space.
- Concepts:
The Fourier transform
- Reasoning:
We are asked to find the Fourier transform of a wave packet.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) N2∫-∞+∞ exp(-2ax2)
dx = N2
√(π/2a) = 1
ψ(x,0) = (2a/π)¼exp(ik0x)exp(-ax2).
(b) |ψ(x,0)|2 = (2a/π)½ exp(-2ax2).
(c) ψ(x,0) = (2π)-½∫-∞+∞ Φ(k,0) exp(ikx) dk.
Φ(k,0) = (2π)-½∫-∞+∞ ψ(x,0) exp(-ikx)
= (a/(2π3))¼∫-∞+∞ exp(-ax2)
exp(-i(k-k0)x) dx.
ax2 + i(k-k0)x = ax2 + i(k-k0)x
- (k-k0)2/(4a) + (k-k0)2/(4a)
= (a½x + i(k-k0)/(2a½)2 +
(k-k0)2/(4a). (completing the square)
Φ(k,0) = (a/(2π3))¼exp(-(k-k0)2/(4a))∫-∞+∞
exp(-(ax2 + i(k-k0)x - (k-k0)2/(4a))dx
= (a/(2π3))¼exp(-(k-k0)2/(4a))∫-∞+∞
exp(-(a½x + i(k-k0)/(2a½)2)
= (1/(a2π3))¼exp(-(k-k0)2/(4a))∫-∞+∞
exp(-x'2) dx'
= (a2π)-¼ exp(-(k-k0)2/(4a)).
|Φ(k,0)|2 = (a2π)-½ exp(-(k-k0)2/(2a))
is the probability density in k-space.
Evolution of a wave packet
In one dimension, at t = 0 the normalized wave function of a free particle of
mass m in k-space is
Φ(k,0) = Nexp(-k2/(2b2)).
(a) Find the normalization constant N. Find the expectation value <p> = ħ<k>.
(b) Find the FWHM in of |Φ(k,0)|2 in k-space.
(c) Find the corresponding wave packet Ψ(x,0) in coordinate space. Find <x>.
(d) Find the FWHM in of |Ψ(x,0)|2 in coordinate space.
(e) Find the FWHM in of |Ψ(x,t)|2 an some later time t. Does it
change with time?
(f) Find the FWHM in of |Φ(k,t)|. Does it change with time?
Hint: ∫-∞+∞exp(-a2(x + c)2)dx =
- Concepts:
Postulates of QM, the Fourier transform
- Reasoning:
We investigate the properties of a Gaussian wave packet representing a
free particle.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) N2∫-∞+∞exp(-k2/b2)dk
= 1. ∫-∞+∞exp(-k2/b2)dk = b√π
N = 1/(b√π) ½. <p> = <k> = 0.
(b) exp(-k2/b2) = ½, k = b√(ln2), FWHM = 2√(ln2)b.
(c) Ψ(x',0) = [1/(2π)½][1/(b√π)½] ∫-∞+∞exp(-k2/(2b2))exp(ikx')
dk = ∫-∞+∞exp(-k2/(2b2))cos(kx')
= 2 ∫0+∞exp(-k2/(2b2))cos(kx')
dk = 2b(π/2)1/2 exp(-x'2b2/2).
We can also evaluate the integral by grouping the k-dependent terms into a
perfect square.
-k2/(2b2) + ikx' = [-1/(2b2)][k - ix'b2]2
- x'2b2/2.
Now we can evaluate the integral using ∫-∞+∞exp(-a(x+b)2)dx
= √(π/a).
Ψ(x',0) = (b2/π)¼exp(-x'2b2/2). <x'>
= 0.
x' = x - x0 depends on the choice of the origin of the coordinate
(d) exp(-(x - x0)2b2) = ½. FWHM = 2√(ln2)
(e) Choose x0 = 0.
The wave function of a free particle is a linear superposition of plane waves.
Ψ(x,t) = [1/(2π)½][1/(b√π)½] ∫-∞+∞exp(-k2/(2b2))exp(i(kx
- ωt)) dk.
For a plane wave E = ħω = ħ2k2/(2m), ω = ħk2/(2m).
We can group the k-dependent terms into a perfect square
-k2/(2b2) + i(kx - ħk2t/(2m)) = -k2[1/(2b2)
+ iħt/(2m)] + ikx
= -A(k2 - ikx/A + (ix/2A)2 - (ix/2A)2]
= -A[k - ix/2A]2 - x2/(4A),
where A = 1/(2b2) + iħt/(2m), |A|2 = 1/(4b4) +
∫-∞+∞exp(-A[k - ix/2A]2 - x2/(4A))
dk = exp(-x2/(4A)∫-∞+∞exp(-A[k - ix/2A]2)
= exp(-x2/(4A)√(π/A), using ∫-∞+∞exp(-a(x+b)2)dx
= √(π/a).
Ψ(x,t) = [1/(2π)½][1/(b√π)½] √(π/A) exp(-x2/(4A)).
Ψ(x,t) = (1/(b2π))¼[1/(1/b2 + iħt/m)]½
|Ψ(x,t)|2 = (1/(b2π))½[(1/(1/b4 + (ħt/m)2)
½ exp(-(b2x2/(1 + (b2ħt/m)2)).
= b/(π(1 + (b2ħt/m)2)-½ exp(-(b2x2/(1
+ (b2ħt/m)2)).
To find the FWHM we use
exp(-(b2x2/(1 + (b2ħt/m)2)) = ½. b2x2
= ln(2)(1 + (b2ħt/m)2),
FWHM = 2√(ln2)(1/b2 + (bħt/m)2)½ = 2√(ln2)
(1/b)(1 + (b2ħt/m)2).
The FWHM of |Ψ(x,t)|2 increases with time.
(b) iħ∂Φ(k,t)/∂t = [p2/(2m)]Φ(k,t) = ħω Φ(k,t).
Φ(k,t) = exp(-iωt)) Φ(k,0). FWHM of |Φ(k,t)| = 2√(ln2)b. It does not change
with time.
In one dimension, at t = 0 the normalized wave function of a free particle in
momentum space is
Φ(p,0) = Nexp(-(p - p0)2/(2b2ħ2))exp(-ipx0/ħ).
(a) Find the normalization constant N. Find the expectation value
(b) Find the FWHM in of |Φ(p,0)|2 in momentum space.
(c) Find the corresponding wave packet Ψ(x,0) in coordinate space.
Find the expectation value <x>.
(d) Find the FWHM in of |Ψ(x,0)|2 in coordinate space.
- Concepts:
Postulates of QM, the Fourier transform
- Reasoning:
We investigate the properties
of a Gaussian wave packet representing a free particle.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) N2∫-∞+∞exp(-(p
- p0)2/(b2ħ2))dp = 1. ∫-∞+∞exp(-(p
- p0)2/(b2ħ2))dp = bħ√π.
N =
1/(bħ√π) ½. <p> = p0.
(b) exp(-(p - p0)2/(b2ħ2))
= ½, (p - p0) = aħ√(ln2), FWHM = 2√(ln2)bħ.
Ψ(x,0) = [1/(2πħ)½][1/(bħ√π)½] ∫-∞+∞exp(-(p
- p0)2/(2b2ħ2))exp(ip(x-x0)/ħ)
Let us group the p-dependent terms into a perfect square.
-(p - p0)2/(2b2ħ2)
+ ip(x-x0)/ħ
= [-1/(2b2ħ2)][p - p0
- i(x-x0)b2ħ]2
- (x-x0)2b2/2 + ip0(x-x0)/ħ.
Then, using ∫-∞+∞exp(-a2(x+b)2)dx
= √π/a, we have
Ψ(x,0) = (b2/π)¼exp(-(x-x0)2b2/2)
exp(ip0(x-x0)/ħ. <x> = x0.
exp(-(x-x0)2b2) = ½. FWHM =
2√(ln2) (1/b).
The wave packet for a quantum mechanical particle of mass m in one
dimension is described by
Ψ(x,t) = [1/(2π)½] lim(R-->∞) ∫-R+R
dk Φ(k) exp(i(kx - ω(k)t)),
where Φ(k) = N exp(-(k - k0)2/(4(Δk)2)) is a "strongly peaked" distribution around k = k0 with
ΔkΔx = ½ at t = 0.
(a) Show that ψ(x, 0) = [Δx-½(2π)-¼] exp(ik0x)exp(-x2/(4Δx2)) (evaluate the integral),
and find the probability density |ψ(x, 0)|2 of the particle. Use
ΔkΔx = ½ to eliminate Δk. Show your work!
(b) For a free particle E = ħω = ħ2k2/(2m). Show that
for a free particle
|ψ(x, t)|2 = exp[-½ (x - ħk0t/m)2/Δx(t)2]/[
(2π)½ Δx(t)],
with Δx(t) = (Δx2 + ħ2t2/(4m2Δx2)½.
(c) Determine the group velocity of the wave packet.
(d) Evaluate the time it takes for the wave-packet to double in spatial
extent, specifically if the particle is an electron and Δx ~10 nm, at t = 0.
Useful integrals:
∫-∞+∞exp(-αx2)dx = √(π/α)
∫-∞+∞exp(-αx2 + iβx))dx = (π/α)½exp(-β2/(4α))
Note: You can complete some parts of the problem by using the given results
without evaluating the integrals.
- Concepts:
Time evolution of
a free wave packet
- Reasoning:
We are asked to evaluate integrals to better visualize the time
evolution of a free wavepacket.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) Normalize Φ(k):
N2∫-∞+∞exp(-(k - k0)2/(2(Δk)2))dk
= 1. ∫-∞+∞exp(-(k - k0)2/(2(Δk)2))dk
= Δk√(2π).
N = 1/(Δk√(2π))½.
ψ(x, 0) = [exp(ik0x)N/√(2π) ]∫-∞+∞exp(-(k - k0)2/(4(Δk)2)
+ ix(k - k0))dk.
(k - k0)2/(4(Δk)2) - ix(k - k0))
- x2(Δk)2 + x2(Δk)2
= ((k - k0)/(2 Δk) - ixΔk)2 + x2(Δk)2.
(completing the square)
ψ(x, 0) = [N/√(2π)]exp(ik0x)exp(-x2(Δk)2)∫-∞+∞exp(-k'2)k'.
ψ(x, 0) = [(Δk)½2¼/π¼]exp(ik0x)exp(-x2(Δk)2)
= [Δx-½(2π)-¼] exp(ik0x)exp(-x2/(4Δx2)).
|ψ(x, 0)|2 = [1/(Δx(2π)½] exp(-x2/(2Δx2)).
This is a Gaussian with σ = Δx centered at x = 0.
(b) ψ(x, t) = (2π)-½∫-∞+∞
Φ(k, t) exp(ikx)
Φ(k, t) = N exp(-(k - k0)2/(4(Δk)2) - iħk2t/(2m
N = 1/(Δk√(2π))½.
-(k - k0)2/(4(Δk)2) + ixk - iħk2t/(2m)
= -(k - k0)2/(4(Δk)2) + ix(k - k0)
- iħ(k - k0)2t/(2m) + iħk02t/(2m) -
iħkk0t/m + ik0x
= -(k - k0)2[1/(4(Δk)2) + iħt/(2m)] + i(k - k0)[x
- ħk0t/m] + iħk02t/(2m) - iħkk02t/m
+ ik0x
= -(k - k0)2[Δx2 + iħt/(2m)] + i(k - k0)[x
- ħk0t/m] - iħk02t/(2m) + ik0x
ψ(x, t) = [N/√(2π)]exp(ik0x - iħk02t/(2m))
∫-∞+∞exp(-αk'2 + iβk'))dk'
= [N/√2] exp(ik0x - iħk02t/(2m))[(Δx2 + iħt/(2m))]-½
exp[-¼(x - ħk0t/m)2/(Δx2
+ iħt/(2m))].
ψ(x, t) = Δx½
[(Δx2 + iħt/(2m))]-½(2π)-¼
exp(ik0x - iħk02t/(2m)) exp[-¼(x - ħk0t/m)2/(Δx2
+ iħt/(2m))].
|ψ(x, t)|2 = exp[-½(x - ħk0t/m)2/Δx(t)2]/[
(2π)½Δx(t)], with Δx(t) = (Δx2 + ħ2t2/(4m2Δx2)½.
(c) |ψ(x, t)|2 is a Gaussian with σ = Δx(t) centered at x = ħk0t/m.
The center of the wave packet moves with speed ħk0t/m. This is the
group velocity vg = dω/dk of the wave packet.
(d) Δx(t) = (Δx2 + ħ2t2/(4m2Δx2)½
= 2Δx
Δx2 + ħ2t2/(4m2Δx2) = 4Δx2.
t2 = 12 Δx4 m2/ ħ2.
t2 = 12*10-32*(9.1*10-31)2/(1.05*10-34)2
s2 = ~10-23 s2, t ~ 3*10-12 s.
We get the same order of magnitude result by just using the uncertainty
(Δv ~ ħΔk/m = ħ/(2mΔx), t ~ 2Δx/Δv = 4mΔx2/ħ).