A single spin ½ particle


Explain why, in a Stern-Gerlach (SG) apparatus, a beam consisting of neutral particles in different spin states is split into different beams.



An electron is in a state with z-component of spin angular momentum ħ/2.  An observation designed to measure the component of spin angular momentum along an arbitrary direction n is made.  What is the probability of observing a component of spin angular momentum ħ/2 along n?



A beam of electrons in an eigenstate of Sz with eigenvalue ½ħ is fed into a Stern-Gerlach apparatus, which measures the component of spin along an axis at an angle θ to the z-axis and separates the particles into distinct beams according to the value of this component.  Find the ratio of the intensities of the emerging beams.



Consider a beam of N silver atoms per second in their ground state.  The atoms are polarized in the |+> state, (i.e. the spin-up state of Sz), and travel along the y-axis with a constant velocity of magnitude v0
The atoms traverse a region of space of length L which contains a uniform static magnetic field of strength B, directed along the y-axis, i.e. the direction of travel.
Note:  The translational motion of the center of mass of the atoms is treated classically.
(a)  Upon leaving the region of length L, the atoms enter a spin analyzer (a Stern-Gerlach device) with its magnetic field directed along the positive z-axis and the field gradient pointing in the -z direction.  What is the number of atoms per second in either of the beams emerging from the analyzer?
(b)  How should the analyzer be oriented, (i.e. what should be the direction of the magnetic field of the analyzer), so that only one beam emerges from the analyzer?   Interpret this result physically.

Recall that the spin gyromagnetic factor for the electron is given by γ = 2μB/ħ, where μB = qeħ/(2me) is the Bohr magneton.  For the electron μ = -γS



An electron is in the spin state  |χ> = A(3i|+> + 4|->) = A 



(a)  Determine the normalization constant A.
(b)  Find the expectation values <Sx>, <Sy>, and <Sz>.
(c)  Find the root-mean-square deviations ΔSx, ΔSy, and ΔSz.



Two states of a spin ½ particle are represented in the eigenbasis of Sz by
1> = (1/√2)(|+> + i|->),  |ψ2> = (1/√3)(-i|+> + √2|->).
(a)  Find their representation in the eigenbasis of Sy.
(b)  Find the amplitude <ψ12> in the Sz basis and show that this amplitude remains unchanged when calculated in the Sy basis.  (Show your work.)
(c)  The Hamiltonian for the particle is H = ω0Sz.  Find |ψ1(t)>.  At what times t is |ψ1(t)> an eigenvector of Sx?



At t = 0 the x-component of the spin of a spin ½ particle is measured and found to be ħ/2.  At t = 0 the particle is therefore in the |+>x eigenstate of the Sx operator.  The particle is confined to a region with a uniform magnetic field B = B0k, its Hamiltonian is H = ω0Sz.  The eigenstates of H are |+> and |->,
H|+> = (ħω0/2)|+> and H|-> = -(ħω0/2)|->.
|+>x can be written as a linear combination of eigenstates of H.
(a)  Find the probability of measuring Sx = ħ/2 at t = T.
(b)  What is the mean value of Sx, <Sx>, at t = T?
(c)  Find the probability of measuring Sz = ħ/2 at t = T.



An elementary spin-½ particle with magnetic moment μB is in it's lower level state in a magnetic field B parallel to z-axis.  At time t = 0 the magnetic field B is flipped to point parallel to x-axis.
(a)  Find the time-dependent spin wave function of the particle for t > 0.
(b)  Find the rotation frequency for the magnetic moment of the particle.



Consider a spin ½ particle with magnetic moment m = γS.  Let |+> and |-> denote the eigenvectors of Sz and let the state of the system at t = 0 be |ψ(0)> = |+>.
(a)  At t = 0 we measure Sy and find +½ħ.  What is the state vector |ψ(0)> immediately after the measurement?
(b)  Immediately after this measurement we apply a uniform, time-dependent field parallel to the z-axis.
The Hamiltonian operator becomes H(t) = ω0(t)Sz.
Assume ω0(t) = 0 for t < 0 and for t > T, and increases linearly from 0 to ω0 when 0 < t < T.  Show that at time t the state vector can be written as
|ψ(t)> = 2[exp(iθ(t))|+> + iexp(-iθ(t))|->]
and calculate the real function θ(t).
(c)  At time t = τ > T, we measure Sy.  What results can we find and with what probability? 
Determine the relation that must exist between ω0 and T in order for us to be sure of the result.  Give a physical interpretation.
