Square potentials (cube and sphere)

Rectangular box


An electron is trapped in a two-dimensional, infinite rectangular well of width Lx = 800 pm and Ly = 1200 pm.  What is the electron's ground state energy?



Solve the time independent Schroedinger equation for the eigenfunctions and the corresponding energies of the infinite rectangular well (or "particle in a box") with sides a, b, c.  Do not just write down your answer but derive it.  Justify each step.



A particle of mass m is in a cubical well of side L, corresponding to the potential energy function
U(r) = 0 if |x|, |y| and |z| < L/2,  U(r) = ∞ otherwise.
(a)  What is its ground-state energy?
(b)  What is the energy of the first excited state?  Is this energy level degenerate or non-degenerate?  Explain!
(c)  Suppose 20 identical, non-interacting particles of mass m and spin ½ are in this well.  What is the ground state energy of this system?  Is this ground state degenerate or non-degenerate?  Explain!


Spherical box


(a)  Determine the energy levels and normalized wave functions ψ(r) of a particle with zero angular momentum in a spherical "potential well" U(r) = 0, (r < a), U(r) = ∞, (r > a).
(b)  Determine the average value of r and r2 for each of the energy eigenstates with l = 0.



Assume that the potential energy of the deuteron is given by
U(r) = -U0, r < r0; U(r) = 0, r ≥ r0.
(a)  Show that the ground state of the deuteron possesses zero orbital angular momentum (l = 0).  Since this is true for any central potential, you may not need the detailed nature of the square well potential.
(b)  Assume that l = 0 and estimate the value of U0 under the additional condition that the value of the binding energy is much smaller than U0.



Let us represent the interaction between two He atoms by the sum of a short-range repulsive part and a long-range attractive part.
U(r) = + ∞   for r < a,
U(r) = -|U0|   for a < r < b,
U(r) = 0   for r > b.
(a)  Find the condition satisfied by a, b, and U0 for a bound state to exist in the relative motion of two He atoms.
(b)  Experimental evidence indicates that He does not solidify at atmospheric pressure, even at ~0 K.  What do you think this implies about the effective helium-helium interaction?
