Mixed method problems


Consider the 1D infinite well, U(x) = 0 for 0 < x < L, U(x) infinite everywhere else.
The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian for a particle of mass m trapped in this well are
ψn(x) = (2/L)½sin(nπx/L), En = n2π2ħ2/(2mL2), respectively.
Now consider the perturbed 1D infinite well, U(x) = 0 for 0 < x < L/2, U(x) = U0 for L/2 < x < L, U(x) infinite everywhere else.
Let E0 denote the ground state energy of the unperturbed well.
Assume U0 = E0/10 = 0.1*π2ħ2/(2mL2),  i.e. U0 = 0.1 times the ground state energy of the unperturbed well.

(a)  Solve for the energy eigenvalues of the perturbed well without using an approximation method.
(b)  Solve for the energy eigenvalues of the perturbed well using the WKB approximation.
(c)  Solve for the energy eigenvalues of the perturbed well using 1st order perturbation theory.
(c)  Solve for the lowest energy eigenvalues of the perturbed well using the variational method.



(a)  Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H0.
(b)  Now derive the expressions for E(1), the change in energy to first order in H1.  Also derive an equation which must be satisfied for the first order correction |ψ>(1).  Use these results to find E(1) and |ψ>(1) for each of the unperturbed states.
(c)  Now solve (H0 + H1)|ψ> = E|ψ> exactly, obtaining both eigenvalues and eigenvectors.  Expand your results to first order in ε and verify that they agree with the results from part (b).  [Note: Your exact answers for the eigenvectors should be normalized.]
