Perturbed oscillator
A one-dimensional harmonic oscillator has momentum p, mass m, and angular
frequency ω. It is subject to a perturbation U = bx4, where b is a
suitable parameter, so that perturbation theory is applicable.
(a) Derive an expression for a and a† in terms of x and p, using the
fact that they satisfy
[a, a†] = 1, H = ħω (a†a + ½).
(b) Evaluate the first-order shift of the energy eigenvalues due to the
above perturbation using creation and annihilation operators.
(c) Does your result suggest that something "goes wrong" for large n even for
small b-values? Argue qualitatively why this may be the case.
A charged particle of mass m and charge q is sitting in a harmonic potential
U0(x) = ½mω2x2. A weak constant
electric field E is applied in the +x-direction, so that the potential is
perturbed by U1(x) = -qEx.
(a) Show that there is no change in the energy levels to first order in E.
(b) Calculate the second-order change in the energy levels.
(c) This problem can be solved exactly by changing variables to x' = x - qE/(mω2).
Show that the exact energy levels agree with your results in parts (a) and (b).
The following may be used without proof:
x = (ħ/(2mω))½(a† + a), a|n> = n½|n-1>,
a†|n> = (n+1)½|n+1>.
Details of the calculation:
(a) Let
H0 = p2/(2m) + U0(x). Let {|n>} denote
the orthonormal eigenbasis of H0.
H0|n> = E0n|n> = (n + ½)ħω|n>,
<n|n'> = δnn'.
The eigenvalues of H0 are not degenerate.
Let H = H0 + U1. The eigenvalues of H may be
written as
En = E0n + E1n + E2n
+ ... .
E1n = <n|U1|n> = -qE<n|x|n> = -qE(ħ/(2mω))½<n|(a
+ a†)|n>
= -qE(ω22m)-½[(nħω)½<n|n - 1>
+ ((n+1)ħω)½<n|n + 1>]
= 0.
(b) E2n = ∑n'≠n
- E0n') = q2E2∑n'≠n
- E0n').
<n'|x|n> = (ω22m)-½[(nħω)½<n'|n - 1>
+ ((n + 1)ħω)½<n'|n + 1>]
= (ω22m)-½[(nħω)½δn'n-1
+ ((n + 1)ħω)½δn'n+1].
E2n = q2E2(ω22m)-1[(nħω)/(E0n
- E0n-1) + ((n + 1)ħω)/(E0n
- E0n+1)
= q2E2/(ω22m)[n -
n + 1] = -q2E2/(ω22m).
(c) Let x' = x - qE/(mω2).
½mω2x'2 = ½mω2x2
- qEx + q2E2/(ω22m)
Then H = p2/(2m) +
- q2E2/(ω22m)
H' = H + q2E2/(ω22m)
= p2/(2m) + ½mω2x'2.
The eigenvalues of H' are (n + ½)ħω,
the eigenvalues of H are therefore (n + ½)ħω
- q2E2/(ω22m).
Consider a single electron moving with an anharmonic potential energy given
U(x) = ½ kx2 + k'x4. Let H0 be the Hamiltonian
of the system when k' = 0.
(a) Use perturbation theory to find the energies of the ground and excited
states to first order, assuming that k' << k.
(b) Expand the ground state to first order in terms of the eigenstates {|n>} of
Details of the calculation:
(a) H = H0
+ H1.
The eigenvalues of the 1D Hamiltonian H0 = px2/(2m)
+ ½kx2 = px2/(2m) +
mω2x2/2 are
En0 = (n + ½)ħω, with ω2 = k/m. We denote the
eigenstates by {|n>}, n = 0, 1, 2, ... .
Define a = αx + iβpx, a† = αx - iβpx,
α =√(mω/(2ħ)), β =1/√(2mωħ).
[a, a†] = 2αβħ = 1. Then
Hx = ħω (a†a + ½) = ħω[(αx)2 + (βpx)2
- αβħ + ½) = ħω[(αx)2 + (βpx)2).
We have x = (a + a†)/(2α), px = -i(a - a†)/(2β).
For eigenstates |n> of Hx we have a†|n> = (n + 1)½|n
+ 1>, a|n> = n½|n - 1>.
With H = H0 + H1, to first order the energy eigenvalues
are En0 + En1, with
En1= <n|H1|n>.
H1 = k'x4.
x2 = (1/(4α2))(aa
+ aa† + a†a + a†a†).
<n|x4|n> = (1/(16α4)) <n|(a + a†)4|n>
has 16 terms, but only those with equal numbers of a and
a† can be non-zero. Only 6 terms
<n|aaa†a†|n> = (n + 1)(n + 2),
<n|a†a†aa|n> = n(n - 1), <n|aa†aa†|n>
= (n + 1)2,
<n|a†aa†a|n> = n2, <n|aa†a†a|n>
= n(n + 1), <n|a†aaa†|n> = n(n + 1).
En1 = [k'ħ2/(4m2ω2)](6n2
+ 6n + 3).
The energies to first order are En =
(n + ½) ħω + [k'ħ2/(4m2ω2)](6n2 + 6n
+ 3).
(b) The first order corrections to the eigenstates are
|01> = ∑n'≠0 [<n'|H1|0>/(E00
- En'0)]|n'>.
<n'|x4|0> has 16 terms, but only
those with more a† than a and a†
on the right can be nonzero. Four terms survive.
<n'|x4|0> = (1/(16α4))<n'|(aa†a†a†
+ a†a a†a† + a†a†aa†
+ a†a†a†a†)|0>.
(aa†a†a† + a†a a†a†
+ a†a†aa† + a†a†a†a†)|0>
= (18½ + 8½ + 2½)|2> + 24½|4>.
|01> = -|2>[k'ħ2/(4m2ω2)](18½
+ 8½ + 2½)/(2ħω) - |4>[k'ħ2/(4m2ω2)]24½/(4ħω)
= -[k'ħ/(8m2ω3)](8.49 |2> + 2.45|4>).
To first order the ground state is |0> - [k'ħ/(8m2ω3)](8.49
|2> + 2.45|4>).
Perturbed hydrogenic atoms
Details of the calculation:
The ground state is not degenerate. The potential energy of an
electron outside a uniformly charged sphere of radius r0
and total charge qe is U(r) = -e2/r, r > 0 where
e2 = qe2/(4πε0).
Inside the sphere the potential energy is
U(r) = [e2/(2r0)][(r/r0)2 - 3].
From Gauss' law we know that E(r < r0) = qinside/(4πε0r2)
= qer/(4πε0r03) (SI
Φ(r) = Φ(r0) + [qe/(4πε0r03)]∫rr0rdr
= qe/(4πε0r0) + qe(r02
- r2)/(8πε0r03).
U(r) = -qeΦ(r) = [e2/(2r0)][(r/r0)2
- 3].
Let H0 = p2/(2μ) - e2/r, H = p2/(2μ)
+ [e2/(2r0)][(r/r0)2 - 3] = H0
+ H' (r < r0).
H' = e2r2/(2r03) - 3e2/(2r0)
+ e2/r.
E10 = <100|H'|100> = ∫02πdφ∫0πsinθ
dθ Y00(θ,φ)∫0r0r2dr
|R10(r)|2 H'
≈ ∫0r0r2dr |R10(0)|2
since r0 << a0.
R10(r) = (2/a03/2)exp(-r/a0),
R10(0) = 2/a03/2.
E10 = (4/a03)[ e2r05/(10r03)
- 3e2r03/(6r0) + e2r02/2]
= (2/5)(e2/a0)(r0/a0)2
= (4/5)EI(r0/a0)2 = (4/5)(13.6 eV)(10-15/0.53*10-10)2
= 4*10-9 eV.
The correctly normalized hydrogen ground state wave
in 3D is given by
= (πa03)-½exp(-r/a0),
where a0 =
is the Bohr radius, which is numerically ~0.529 Ǻ.
(a) Confirm that this does
indeed satisfy the radial Schroedinger equation for hydrogen, and that the
wave function is normalized to ∫d3r|ψ(r)|2 = 1.
(b) Two identical ions are introduced on the z-axis at locations z = +d and -d.
Assuming that the effect of each ion on the electron can be treated as a point
Ue - ion
= ν0
δ(r - rion),
calculate the change in the hydrogen atom's
ground state energy using first order perturbation theory.
(b) The ground state of the hydrogen atom is
non-degenerate, we use first-order stationary perturbation theory for
non-degenerate energy eigenvalues.
The first order correction to the ground state energy is E11
= <Φ100|W|Φ100>.
E11 = ∫-11dcosθ
∫0∞ r2dr
ν0 δ(r - d) δ(cosθ - 1)/r2
+ ∫-11dcosθ ∫0∞ r2dr
ν0 δ(r - d) δ(cosθ + 1)/r2
= ν0 |R10(d)|2|Y00(θ
= 0)|2 + ν0 |R10(d)|2|Y00(θ
= π)|2 = 2ν0
= 2n0exp(-2d/a0)/(πa3).
E11 = ∫0∞dx∫0∞dy∫0∞dz
|ψ100 (r)|2ν0
δ(x)δ(y) (δ(z - d) + δ(z + d)) = 2ν0 |ψ100(d)|2.
(a) If the Hamiltonian for a system may be written as H =
H0 + H1 where H1 is a small perturbation and H0ψ0
= E0ψ0,
then the effect of H1 gives rise to an energy correction term
ΔE0. Deduce an expression
for the energy correction term ΔE0
if ψ0
is non-degenerate.
(b) The relativistic dependence of mass on velocity
introduces into the energy operator for the hydrogen atom a correction term for
the state
ψ0 = (πa03)-½exp(-r/a0)
may be written as (-E02/(2mc2))[1
+ 2a0/r]2.
Determine, using first order perturbation
theory, the consequent level shift.
A muonic atom is one in which an atomic electron is replaced by a muon. The
muon is 209 times more massive than the electron.
(a) Compute the energy of the 2p - 1s muonic transition in 208Pb
(Z = 82) under the assumption that Pb is a point nucleus. Make reasonable
assumptions and explain your assumptions. Compare your result with the
observed value of 5.8 MeV.
(b) Use the transition-energy values computed and given in part (a) and simple
scaling rules for hydrogenic atoms to give an order-of-magnitude estimate of the
nuclear radius of Pb (whose actual nuclear charge radius is ~ 6 fm).
(c) Use perturbation theory to calculate the first-order shift in the
ground-state energy of an electron in hydrogenic 208Pb (Z =
82) due to the finite size of this nucleus. Assume the nucleus is a uniformly
charged sphere. Why is this not a valid approach for the muonic Pb atom?
The ground state wave function of the hydrogen atom is |1,0,0> = (πa03)-½exp(-r/a0).
(b) Assume the effective charge is less than the full
charge of the nucleus because the most likely radial distance places the muon
inside the nucleus in the 1s state. Use the measured transition energy to find
Zeff. Assume only the 1s energy is significantly altered.
5.8 MeV = -Zeff2*209*13.6 eV - Z2*209*13.6/4 eV.
Zeff = 61. Z = 1.34 Zeff.
The most likely radial distance of the muon from the center of the nucleus is
a0' = a0/(209*Zeff) = 5.29*10-11
m/(209*61) = 4.15*10-15 m.
Assume that the radius of the nucleus is proportional to Z3.
R = (82/61)(1/3) a0' = 4.6 fm. This is reasonable close to
6 fm for such a crude approximation.
(c) First order perturbation theory for non-degenerate states
The ground state of the hydrogenic atom with a point nucleus is non-degenerate.
The potential energy of an electron outside a uniformly charged sphere of radius
r0 and total charge Zqe is U(r) = -Ze2/r, r >
0, with e2 = qe2/(4πε0).
Inside the sphere the potential energy is
U(r) = [Ze2/(2r0)][(r/r0)2 - 3].
From Gauss' law we know that E(r < r0) = qinside/(4πε0r2)
= Zqer/(4πε0r03) (SI
Φ(r) = Φ(r0) + [Zqe/(4πε0r03)]∫rr0rdr
= Zqe/(4πε0r0) + Zqe(r02
- r2)/(8πε0r03).
U(r) = -qeΦ(r) = [Ze2/(2r0)][(r/r0)2
- 3].
Let H0 = p2/(2μ) - Ze2/r, H = p2/(2μ)
+ [Ze2/(2r0)][(r/r0)2 - 3] = H0
+ H' (r < r0).
H' = Ze2r2/(2r03) - 3Ze2/(2r0)
+ Ze2/r.
E10 = <100|H'|100> = ∫02πdφ∫0πsinθ
dθ Y00(θ,φ)∫0r0r2dr
|R10(r)|2 H'
≈ ∫0r0r2dr |R10(0)|2
as long as r0 << a.
R10(r) = (2/a3/2)exp(-r/a),
R10(0) = 2/a3/2, with a = a0/Z.
E10 = (4Z/a3)[ e2r05/(10r03)
- 3e2r03/(6r0) + e2r02/2]
= (2/5)Z(e2/a)(r0/a)2
= (4/5)Z2EI(r0/a)2,
since a = a0/Z = 5.29*10-11 m/Z = 6.45*10-13
m and EI
= 13.6 eV.
The ground state energy of an electron in a hydrogenic atom with Z = 82 is Z2EI
= 91.4 keV
The first-order shift in the ground state energy due to the finite size of the
nucleus with a radius r0 = 6*10-15 m is
E10 = (4/5)(91.4 keV)(6*10-15/6.45*10-13)2
= 6.3 eV.
This not a valid approach for the muonic Pb atom, because for first-order order
perturbation theory to be a valid approximation the correction we need E10
<< E00, and the experimental data show that this is not
the case.