Perturbation theory, non-degenerate states

Rigid rotator


The equation below defines the eigenvalue problem for a two-dimensional, quantum-mechanical, rigid rotator:
-(ħ2/2I)(∂2/∂θ2)ψ(θ) = Eψ(θ), where ψ(θ + 2π) = ψ(θ).
(a)    What are the energies Ej and wave functions ψj(θ) of its lowest three energy eigenstates?
(b)    A perturbation U = β cosθ is added to its Hamiltonian.  Find the effect on the ground state energy, to second order in β.



Suppose the Hamiltonian of a rigid rotator in a magnetic field is of the form
H = AL2 + BLz + CLy, if terms quadratic in the field are neglected.
Assuming B >> C, use perturbation theory to lowest non-vanishing order to get appropriate energy eigenvalues.


Infinite well


A particle of mass m moves in the potential energy function

U(x) = ∞,  x < 0,  x > a,
U(x) = εx/a,  0 < x < a

where ε is a small perturbation.


Use first-order perturbation theory to find the ground state energy of the particle.



A particle of mass m is in an infinite potential well perturbed as shown in the figure.
(a)  Calculate the first-order energy shift of the nth eigenvalue due to the perturbation.
(b)  Write out the first three non vanishing terms for the first-order perturbation expansion of the ground state in terms of the unperturbed eigenfunctions of the infinite well.
(c)  Calculate the second-order energy shift for the ground state.




A particle of mass m is constrained to move in an infinitely deep, one-dimensional square well extending from -a to +a. 
If this particle is under the influence of a perturbation H' = -Aδ(x), where A is a constant and δ(x) is a delta function at x = 0, calculate the first order corrections to the energy levels. 
What is the condition that A must satisfy if the corrected n* energy level is to have a negative energy?
