A particle moves non-relativistically
in a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential. The potential energy
function is U(r) = αr2. Use
spherical coordinates.
(a) Use the trial function
ψ = A exp(-br2) in the
variational method to find the ground-state energy and the normalized wave
(b) Comment on the quality of the following trial functions. Do not
do the calculations, just comment on the functions' good and bad points.
ψ = A exp(-br)
ψ = A sech(-br) [sech(x) = 1/cosh(x) =
2/(ex + e-x)]
ψ = A (1 + b2r2)-1
ψ = A sin(br)/(br)
Note: [∫0∞ r4exp(-r2)dr = 3π½/8. ∫0∞ r2exp(-r2)dr = π½/4.]
Assume that you are asked to use the variational method to estimate the
ground state energy of a particle with mass m, given a one-dimensional potential
energy function U(x). Assume U(x) = -Bx, x < 0, U(x) = Fx, x > 0,
where B and F are positive constants with the appropriate units.
(a) Assume B ≠ F. Choose a trial wave function ψ(x) with two
adjustable parameters and explain why it is an acceptable wave function.
(You do not have to find the ground-state enery.)
(b) Assume B = F. Choose a trial wave function ψ(x) with one
adjustable parameter and explain why it is an acceptable wave function.
(You do not have to find the ground-state enery.)
(c) Let B --> ∞. Choose a trial wave function ψ(x)
with one adjustable parameter and estimate the ground state energy
Assume the potential for the deuterium is given by
U(r) = -U0exp(-r2/a2), with U0 = 37 MeV and a = 2.2*10-15 m.
Estimate the ground state energy of the deuterium.
Details of the calculation:
The relative motion of the proton and neutron is described in the same
way as the motion of a fictitious particle of reduced mass
m in a central potential. The ground state has
zero angular momentum.
Therefore we have
Φk00(r) = [uk0(r)/r]Y00(θ,φ).
((-ħ2/2μ)(∂2/∂r2) - U0exp(-r2/a2))uk0(r) =
Choose uk0(r) = A r exp(-r2/b2). Here b is
an adjustable parameter.
uk0(r) must be zero at r = 0.
exp(-2r2/b2)dr = 1, A2 = 8*2½/[π½b3].
<H> = A2∫0∞
- U0exp(-r2/a2)) r exp(-r2/b2)dr
= A2(-ħ2/2μ)∫0∞
[-6r2/b2 + 4r4/b4]exp(-2r2/b2)dr
- A2U0∫0∞ r2exp(-r2(2/b2
+ 1/a2))dr
= A2[(3ħ2/μ)(b/23/2)∫0∞ r2exp(-r2)dr
- A2[(ħ2/2μ)(b/2½)∫0∞
+ A2U0[a2b2/(2a2-b2)]3/2∫0∞ r2exp(-r2)dr
= A2[(3ħ2/μ)(b/23/2)(π½/4)
- A2[(ħ2/2μ)(b/2½)(3π½/8)
+ A2U0[a2b2/(2a2+b2)]3/2(π½/4).
[∫0∞ r4exp(-r2)dr
= 3π½/8.
r2exp(-r2)dr = π½/4.]
<H> = 3ħ2/(2μb2) - U0(2a2/(2a2+b2))3/2.
Let x = 2a2/b2.
<H> = 3ħ2x/(4μa2) - U0/(1 + 1/x)3/2.
d<H>/dx = 0 --> 3ħ2/(4μa2)
- (3U0/2x2)(1 + 1/x)-5/2 = 0.
= 6.58*10-22 MeV-s,
938/2 MeV/c2, a = 2.2*10-15 m
= 17.2 MeV,
0.348 = (3/2)(1/x2)(1 + 1/x)-5/2. 0.232 = (1/x2)(1 + 1/x)-5/2,
x = 0.64.
b2 = 3.125 a2.
<H>/U0 = 0.223 - 0.244 = -0.0213
limit) = -0.786 MeV
The system is barely bound.
Consider the half space linear potential in one dimension
U(x) = ∞, x < 0, U(x) = Fx, x > 0.
Use the variational method to estimate the ground state energy. Choose
your own variational wave function.
Details of the calculation:
H = p2/(2m) + Fx, x > 0.
The eigenfunctions of H must be zero at x = 0 and x = ∞. The derivative dψ/dx must be
continuous at all x except x = 0. Any function that
satisfies these boundary conditions can be written as a linear combination
of eigenfunctions of H and is an acceptable trial function giving <H> > E0.
We may choose as the trial function for x > 0 the eigenfunction of the
first excited state of the harmonic oscillator. It satisfies the
boundary conditions. We choose
ψ(x) = (√a/π¼)
2ax exp(-½a2x2), with a2 = mω/ħ, for
x >0,
ψ(x) = 0 for x < 0.
Here a is the adjustable parameter.
Note the change in the normalization constant, since we are only looking
at x > 0.
<H> = <p2/(2m)> + F<x>, x > 0.
<p2/(2m)> = ½<T>harm.
osc = ¼<E>harm. osc = (3/8)ħω =
since <T> = <U>.
<x> = (a/√π)∫0∞
dx = (4/(a√π))∫0∞
= (2/(a√π))∫0∞
y exp(-y) dy = 2/(a√π).
<H> = (3/8)ħ2a2/m +
d<H>/da = 0 --> a3 = (8/3)Fm/(ħ2√π).
<H> = (1/a)3F/√π = (F(2/3)ħ(2/3)/m(1/3))[(π(1/3)/√π)(3/8)(1/3)3]
= 1.86 (F(2/3)ħ(2/3)/m(1/3)).
Exact solutions:
E = 1.85 F(2/3)ħ(2/3)/m(1/3).
Let us choose a different trial function.
ψ(x) = N x exp(-cx), N2∫0∞ x2 exp(-2cx) dx = N2/(4c3)
= 1, N2 = 4c3.
Here c is the adjustable parameter.
<H> = N2∫0∞ x exp(-cx)[(-ħ2/2m)(∂2/∂x2)
+ Fx]x exp(-cx) dx
= N2(-ħ2/2m)∫0∞
(-2cx + c2x2) exp(-2cx) dx + N2F∫0∞ x3 exp(-2cx)
= N2(ħ2/4mc
- ħ2/8mc
+ 6F/(2c)4).
d<H>/dc = 0 --> c3 = 3Fm/(2ħ2).
Insert c back into the equation for <H>.
E = 1.96 F(2/3)ħ(2/3)/m(1/3).
A particle is bound to a site at the origin by a
linear "string" potential, U(r) = br, where b is the string tension.
In 3D the Hamiltonian is H = a∇2 + br, where
a = -ħ2/2m.
(a) The energy eigenvalues are all proportional to aqbp.
Use dimensional analysis to determine both p and q.
(b) Assume a trial wave function of the form ψ(r) = Bexp(-d2r2/2).
(1) Determine the normalization
constant B.
(2) Calculate the expected energy and find the
optimum variational parameter d.
Details of the calculation:
(a) The eigenvalue equation for H
is Hψ(r) = (a∇2 + br)ψ(r)
= Caqbpψ(r).
Here C is a dimensionless constant.
The units of aqbp are the units of energy, in SI units aqbp
has units of J.
a = -ħ2/2m
has units of Jm2 and b must have units of J/m.
For the units we therefore have (Jm2)q(J/m)p
=Jq+pm2q-p = J.
q + p = 1, 2q - p = 0, q = (1/3), p = (2/3).
(b) Let
ψ(r) = Bexp(-d2r2/2).
Normalization: 4πB2∫0∞
r2exp(-d2r2/)dr = 1, B2 =
Using the given wave function we find <H> = <ψ|H|ψ>.
<H> = 4πaB2∫0∞ exp(-d2r2/2)(1/r2)(d/dr)[(r2(d/dr)exp(-d2r2/2)]r2dr
+ 4πbB2∫0∞ exp(-d2r2)r3dr
= (4πaB2/d)∫0∞(x4-3x2)exp(-x2)dx
+ (4πbB2/d4)∫0∞x3exp(-x2)dx
= (4πaB2/d)[3π½/8
- 3π½/4] + (2πbB2/d4)∫0∞yexp(-y)dy
= (4πaB2/d)[3π½/8
- 3π½/4] + (2πbB2/d4)
= -(4d2)[3a/8 - (b/(2d3π½)].
We now minimize <H> with respect to d.
d<H>/d(d) = 0. -8d[3a/8 - (b/(2d3π½)]
- (4d2)(3b/(2d4π½)
= 0.
d3 = -2b/(3aπ½) = 2b/(3|a|π½).
d = [2b/(3|a|π½)](1/3) is the
optimum variational parameter.
<H> = ([2b/(3|a|π½)](2/3))[9|a|/2]
is an upper limit for the ground state energy.
It is known that the stable H- exists (two electrons bound to a proton). Estimate the ground state energy of H- using the variational method. Assume that each electron moves in a 1s orbit. Neglect spin.
ψ1s(r) = (1/πa03)½exp(-r/a0)
< ψ1s |(1/r)| ψ1s > = 1/a0
< ψ1s |∇2| ψ1s > = -1/a02
∫∫d3r d3r'|ψ1s(r)|2|ψ1s(r')|2(1/|r
- r'|) = 5/(8a0)