Counting statistics


Assume that two particles are placed at random into one of two boxes.  What are the probabilities of finding the following distributions if the particles are classical particles, identical bosons, or identical fermions?




Assume three particles (1, 2, 3) and three distinct one particle states (ψα(x), ψβ(x), ψγ(x)).
Describe in detail the possible three particle states can that be constructed if:

(a)  The three particles are distinguishable,
(b)  The three particles are identical fermions, and
(c)  The three particles are identical bosons.



Protons and neutrons making up a light nucleus move in an average potential that resembles that of a harmonic oscillator.
U(r) = -U0 + Mω2r2/2
Find numbers of protons (or neutrons) corresponding to the first three closed shells (magic numbers).



A nucleus can be considered as fermions moving in a three-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential.  Each nucleon has potential energy  U = ½ m(ωx2x2 + ωy2y2 + ωz2z2).  Assume that ωx = ωy = 2ωz.
(a)  Find the first five magic numbers for protons and neutrons.
(b)  Will the magnitude of the total angular momentum have good eigenvalues for this potential?
(c)  Will Lx, Ly, or Lz have good eigenvalues?
