Measuring the wavelengths of the visible lines in the Balmer series

Method 2

Plug in and turn on the hydrogen discharge lamp.  Hydrogen gas is excited by a current flowing through the gas.  Look at the light emitted by the excited gas through your spectral glasses.  You will see the line spectrum of hydrogen.

 Balmer series

To measure the wavelengths of the spectral lines, connect the "Red Tide" spectrometer to a USB port of your computer. 

Make sure the Pasco 850 interface is turned on.  Open the Capstone program.

You should see 4 peaks in the visible region with very different intensities.  The peaks correspond to the 4 longest wavelength lines of the Balmer series.  From ni = 3, 4, 5, and 6 to nf = 2.  Determine the wavelength of each peak as accurately as possible.  Download the linked spreadsheet and enter each wavelength in units of nm into the spreadsheet.