Extra Credit 3

In Chapter 3 of "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter", Electrons and their Interactions ", Richard Feynman justifies some of the simplifications he made in the first two chapters of the book.  He, for example, explains why we get the correct answer for the probability of partial reflection of photons from glass by imagining that all the reflection takes place at the surfaces of glass.  Then he gives an outline of the theory of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), for which he, Julian Schwinger, and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga jointly received the Nobel Prize in 1965.
QED must be a relativistic theory for two reasons.
(1) A major player is the photon, which moves with the speed of light.
(2) Particles are created and annihilated during the processes described by this theory.

Feynman introduces the great simplifying tool called the Feynman diagram.  Using Feynman diagrams as a graphical computational aid, one can keep track of all the possible ways that a system of particles can develop from a given initial state to a different final state.

For this extra credit assignment read Chapter 3 of "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter " by Richard P. Feynman (Princeton University Press, 1985).  You can listen to Richard Feynman delivering the actual lectures at http://www.vega.org.uk/video/subseries/8.
You will find a link to chapter 3 under course materials on Blackboard.

As you read, answer the following questions.

Use Microsoft Word to prepare a report that contains your answers to these questions.

For extra credit (up to 5 points) hand in or email your report before the extra credit 3 due date.