Sinusoidal waves
wave traveling in the positive x-direction: y(x,t) = Asin(kx
- ωt
+ φ) or y(x,t) = Acos(kx
- ωt
+ φ)
wave traveling in the negative x-direction: y(x,t) = Asin(kx
+ ωt + φ) or y(x,t) = Acos(kx
+ ωt
+ φ)
A = amplitude, k = wave number = 2π/λ, ω = angular frequency = 2πf,
φ = phase constant
v = λf = ω/k = speed, E = energy carried = proportional to A2
Wave packets
Wave packets can be constructed by adding sinusoidal waves with different wave numbers or wavelengths. Narrower wave packets require a wider range of wave numbers. For wave pulses we generally find the product Δx Δk and Δt Δω to be on the order of one or greater.