
Physics is the branch of science which seeks to understand the properties and behaviors of the world around us at all levels of scale.  Physics should answer the question:

What are the constituents that make up the world around us and how do they interact?

As physicists, we observe, we experiment, and we build conceptual models.  We build models on many different levels.  We hope to develop theories, grand models that embrace a huge range of phenomena.  Our theories cannot be proved absolutely.  If our confidence in a theory is great, then its key features are referred to as laws.

Conceptual models are extensively used in physics.  The more features can be understood in terms of a model, the better it is.  One must be careful not to confuse the model with the reality.  A model is just a simple, manageable representation.  Models can change as our knowledge changes, but the underlying reality presumably does not change.  The medium we use to create these models is mathematics.  A theory or law invariably is specified in mathematical form.

We have models that work well on different scales.

Examples of scales:



Atomic and Nuclear

Elementary Particle      

The science of Physics is often divided into Classical Physics and Modern Physics.

Quantum mechanics is a model of the microscopic world.  This class will introduce you to quantum mechanics and some of its applications.

Our intuition has been build up in a way that ignores quantum mechanical behavior.  But if we only observe macroscopic objects and our experiments involve only macroscopic objects, then the models we make describing and predicting their behavior, even if they work very well, may not describe the behavior of microscopic objects accurately.  We can hope that they do, but we have to do experiments on the microscopic scale to test them.  Many physical properties of macroscopic systems are not continuous.  It is now common knowledge that matter is made of atoms and each atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons.  In classical physics, we ignore this granularity and treat matter as being continuous.  What we observe and what the laws of classical physics describe are the average physical properties.  All our measurements on macroscopic objects measure the average the behavior of a huge number of microscopic objects.  Many of the peculiarities of the microscopic behavior average out.

But even if the laws of classical physics are violated in the microscopic world, there are certain principles that we expect not to be violated, because that would have consequences in the macroscopic world.  These principles are often expressed in terms of conservation laws.

Conservation laws:

There are various ways to put the laws of quantum mechanics into mathematical form.  One such form is a wave equation.  To become familiar with the mathematical description of wave, we will spend some time reviewing the properties of mechanical waves.