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Problem 1: 

Consider a spin coupled to a magnetic field via the Hamiltonian H = γSB, where the three-dimensional magnetic field is
= (Bx, By, Bz) = B0(1, 0, 0),
B0 is a constant, and γ is another constant. 
The three-dimensional spin vector is S = (Sx, Sy, Sz), and the Sx, Sy, Sz are
the usual 2 x 2 spin matrices.
(a)  In the eigenbasis of Sz, find the matrix of H and its eigenvalues.
(b)  In the eigenbasis of Sz, find the two normalized eigenvectors of the H.


Problem 2:

Suppose an electron is in a state described by the wave function

ψ = (1/√4π)(esinθ + cosθ)g(r),

where  ∫0 |g(r)|2r2dr = 1, and φ, θ are the azimuth and polar angles respectively.

(a)  What are the possible results of a measurement of the z-component Lz of the angular momentum of the electron in this state?
(b)  What is the probability of obtaining each of the possible results in part (a)?
(c)  What is the expectation value of Lz ?


Problem 3:

A particle of mass m is confined to an infinite one-dimensional potential well of width L, i.e. U(x) = 0,  0 < x < L,  U(x) = ∞ everywhere else.
It is in the ground state of this well.
Find the uncertainty (rms deviation) ∆p in the momentum of this particle.


Problem 4:

Assume that the highest energy (Fermi energy) of an electron inside a block of metal is 5 eV and that the work function of the metal, i.e. the additional energy that is necessary to remove an electron from the metal, is 3 eV.
(a)  Estimate the distance through which the wave function of an electron at the Fermi level penetrates the barrier responsible for the work function, assuming that the width of the 3 eV barrier is much greater than the penetration distance.  (In this estimate you can assume that the barrier is a simple step function.)
(b)  Estimate the transmission coefficient (i.e., provide a numerical value for it) for an electron at the Fermi level if the 3 eV barrier is now assumed have a width of 20 Å.
Note: the probability of transmission through a barrier of width a is given by
T = 4E(U0 - E) / [(U02sinh2[(2m(U0 - E)/ħ2)½ a] + 4E(U0 - E)],
T = (4E/U0)(1 - E/U0) / [sinh2[(2m(U0 - E)/ħ2)½ a] + (4E/U0)(1 - E/U0)].
