Problem 1:
A satellite of mass m orbits a planet of mass M >> m in an circular orbit of
radius R.
What is the satellite's kinetic, potential, and total energy.
(b) If an impulse opposite to the direction of motion decrease the angular
momentum per unit mass of the satellite to 0.9 times its initial value, what
will be rmax and rmin of the satellite's new orbit?
- Concepts:
Kepler orbits
- Reasoning:
Since M >> m, assume the CM is the center of the planet.
For a single object moving in a closed orbit in an attractive 1/r potential,
the energy E per unit mass is proportional to the inverse of the semi-major
- Details of the calculation:
(a) The energy of the satellite in the circular orbit of radius R is E
= -½GMm/R, its kinetic energy is T = ½GMm/R and its potential energy is
U = -GMm/R. E = T + U.
(b) L = mvR, L' = 0.9 mvR = mv'R, T' = 0.81T,
E' = T' + U = E - T + T' = E + 0.19 E = 1.19 E.
Let a be the semi-major axis of the new orbit.
a/R = 1/1.19, a = R/1.19 = 0.84 R.
rmax of the new orbit is R, and rmin of the new orbit
is 0.68 R.
Problem 2:
A space
station orbits Earth on a circular trajectory. At some moment the captain
decides to change the trajectory by turning on the rocket engine for a very
short period of time. During the time the engine was on, it accelerated the
station in its direction of motion. As a result, the station speed increased by
a factor of α. Provide the conditions, in terms of α, that the new trajectory
is elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic. Justify your answers.
- Concepts:
Kepler orbits
- Reasoning:
Since the mass of a satellite is negligible compared to the mass of Earth,
assume the CM is the center of Earth. For a single object moving in a closed
orbit in an attractive 1/r potential, the energy E per unit mass is proportional
to inverse of the semi-major axis.
For the Kepler problem we have:
E > 0 hyperbola
E = 0 parabola
E < 0 ellipse
The energy per unit
mass of the satellite in a circular orbit of radius R is E = -½GM/R, its
kinetic energy per unit mass is T = ½GM/R and its potential energy per unit mass
is U = -GM/R. E = T + U.
To put it in a parabolic orbit with E = 0, its kinetic energy per unit mass at a
distance R from the planet has to double. Its speed therefore has to increase by
a factor of √2.
If α > √2 the orbit will be hyperbolic and if 1 < α < √2 the orbit will be
Problem 3:
A particle of mass m moves in a central potential U(r) = kr2e-r/a,
with k and a positive constants.
(a) Write down the Lagrangian for this system and determine the second-order
equations of motion in polar coordinates.
(b) For what values of b is a circular orbit of radius b possible?
(c) For a circular orbit of radius a, write down the angular momentum M in
terms of m, k and a.
(d) Is a circular orbit of radius a a stable orbit?
- Concept:
Motion in a central potential, Lagrange's equations, stable orbits
- Reasoning:
We are asked to write down the Lagrangian, and investigate the stability of
a circular.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) L = T - U = ½m[(dr/dt)2 + r2(dΦ/dt)2]
- kr2e-r/a.
The generalized coordinates are r and Φ. The coordinate Φ is cyclic.
Lagrange's equations yield the equations of motion.
(d/dt)[mr2(dΦ/dt)] = 0. mr2(dΦ/dt) = M =
md2r/dt2 -
= f(r), md2r/dt2 = M2/mr3 -
2kre-r/a + (kr2/a)e-r/a.
or md2r/dt2 =
(b) For a circular orbit of radius b we need md2r/dt2|b
= 0.
We need 2kbe-b/a - (kb2/a)e-b/a > 0, or 2 -
(b/a) > 0, or b < 2a.
(c) For a circular orbit of radius a we have M2 = kma4e-1.
(d) For a stable orbit we need a restoring force. Let r = a + ρ,
r >> ρ.
We need md2ρ/dt2 = -αρ.
= -∂Ueff(ρ)/∂ρ = -(∂Ueff/∂ρ)|ρ=0
- (∂2Ueff/∂ρ2)|ρ=0ρ
(series expansion).
We need ∂2Ueff/∂ρ2 >
0 at ρ = 0, or ∂2Ueff/∂r2 > 0 at r = a.
∂Ueff(r)/∂r = -M2/mr3 + 2kre-r/a
- (kr2/a)e-r/a.
∂2Ueff/∂r2 = 3M2/mr4 + 2ke-r/a
- 2k(r/a)e-r/a - (2kr/a)e-r/a + (kr2/a2)e-r/a.
∂2Ueff/∂r2|r=a = 3M2/ma4
- ke-1 > 0.
Inserting M2 from above we have 3ke-1 - ke-1
> 0.
The orbit is stable.