∮ΓB∙dr =
μ0Ithrough Γ.
In situations with enough symmetry, Ampere's law alone can be used to find
the magnitude of B.
The flux of B through any closed surface is zero. ∫closed surface B·dA = 0.
B(r) = (μ0/(4π))∫ dV'
For filamentary currents we have B(r) = (μ0/(4π))∫
I dl'×(r-r')/|r-r'|3.
F = ∫V
× B(r)
For filamentary currents we have F = ∫L I dl
× B(r).
m = IAn = ½∫V
r×j(r) dV.
The magnetic field of a magnetic dipole at the origin is B(r) = (μ0/4π)(3(m·r)r/r5
- m/r3).
The force on a dipole is F =
The torque on a dipole is τ =
× B.
Quasi-static situations refer to non-static situations in which electromagnetic radiation can be neglected.
∇·E = ρ/ε0,
∇×E = -∂B/∂t,
∇·B = 0, ∇×B = μ0j + (1/c2)∂E/∂t.
∇×E = -∂B/∂t,
∮Γ E·dr = -∂/∂t∫AB·n
Define the flux
F = ∫AB·n dA
and the electromotive force
ε = ∮Γ E·dr.
Then ε = -∂F/∂t.
The electromotive force is the work done per unit charge (W/q = ε) if
it is moved once around the loop Γ.
Any induced emf tries to oppose the flux changes that produce it. This is
Lenz's rule.
In the above integral formulas the "loop" Γ can be
any fixed curve in
space, i.e. a loop that does not change its shape.
Consider a well-defined filamentary circuit which can change its
shape. For such circuit we may write
ε = -d/dt∫AB·n dA,
i.e. we can combine the emf due to flux changes and the emf due to shape changes
into one equation. (The partial derivative changes to a total derivative.)
Consider N filamentary circuits. Then the flux through the ith circuit is Fi
= ∑j=1N Fij,
where Fij = MijIj (SI units), Fij
= cMijIj (Gaussian units).
Mij = Mji is the coefficient of mutual induction
Mii = Li is the coefficient of self inductance. We
εi = -∑jMij∂Ij/∂t.
For a single filamentary circuit we have ε = -L∂I/∂t.
To change the current in a circuit we need an external emf, Vext, to
overcome the induced emf ε.
Vext = L∂I/∂t.
The energy stored in the circuit is U = ½LI2. For a system of
N circuits we have
U = ½∑m=1N FmIm, or
U = ½∫all_space j·A dV, or
U = (1/(2μ0))∫all_space B·B dV.