Problem 1:
the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with potential V(x) = mω2x2/2.
Use the variational principle to find the ground state energy employing a
Gaussian wave function
ψ(x) =
which is
already normalized to 1. "b" is a variational parameter that you must optimize.
(a) Find
the kinetic energy <T> in this state.
(b) Find the potential energy <V> in this state.
(c) Optimize "b".
(d) Find the optimal variational energy. How does the result compare with the
exact result for a 1D harmonic oscillator?
- Concepts:
The variational method
- Reasoning:
The Hamiltonian is H = T + V = (-ħ2/(2m))(∂2/∂x2)
+ mω2x2/2.
The variational method often yields a very good estimate for the ground
state energy of a system.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) <T> = (b/π)½∫-∞∞ exp(-bx2/2)(-ħ2/(2m))(∂2/∂x2))exp(-bx2)dx
= 2(b/π)½(-ħ2/(2m))∫0∞ [-b + b2x2]exp(-bx2)dx
= 2(b/π)½[(-ħ2/(2m))b½∫0∞
exp(-x2)dx - 2(b/π)½[(b2ħ2/(2m))b3/2∫0∞
∫0∞ exp(-x2)dx = π½/2. ∫0∞
x2exp(-x2)dx = π½/4.
<T> = 2(b/π)½[(-ħ2/(2m))b½(π½/2) -
<T> = ħ2b/(4m).
(b) <V> = mω2(b/π)½∫-0∞ x2exp(-bx2)dx
= mω2(b/π)½b-3/2∫-0∞ x2exp(x2)dx
= mω2(b/π)½b-3/2π½/4.
<V> = mω2/(4b).
<H> = ħ2b/(4m) + mω2/(4b).
(c) d<H>/db = 0 --> ħ2/(4m) - mω2/(4b2) =
0, b = mω/ħ.
(d) <E> = ħ2b/(4m) + mω2/(4b) = ħω/4 + ħω/4 = ħω/2, the
exact ground-state energy.
Problem 2:
In one dimension, the potential energy of a particle of mass m as a function of x is
given by
U(x) = (b2|x|)½. Here b is a positive constant
with units energy/length½.
Use the WKB method to estimate the energy of the particle in the ground state.
Use the variational method to estimate the energy of the particle in the ground
(c) Which estimate is closer to the true ground-state energy?
∫0∞exp(-x2) √x dx = Γ(3/4)/2 = 0.612708
- Concepts:
The WKB and variational methods
- Reasoning:
The variational method often yields a very good estimate for the ground
state energy of a system.
- Details of the calculation:
For this problem the WKB approximation requires that ∫xminxmax
pdx = ½(h/2),
or ∫xminxmax
pdx = πħ/2, or ∫0xmax
pdx = πħ/4.
p = (2m)½(E - b√x)½. ∫0xmax
pdx = (2m)½∫0(E/b)^2 (E - b√x)½dx,
since E = b√(xmax).
Let u = b√x. du = (b/2)dx/√x = (b2/2)dx/u. dx = (2/b2)u
pdx = (2/b2)(2m)½∫0E (E -
u)½u du = (2/b2)(2m)½ 4E5/2/15.
(2/b2)(2m)½ 4E5/2/15 = πħ/4.
E5/2 = 15πħb2/(32*(2m)½) =
1.041 (ħb2/m½).
E = 1.01632 (ħ2b4/m)1/5.
(b) H = (-ħ2/2μ)(∂2/∂x2)
+ (b2|x|)½.
Φ(x) = Aexp(-a2x2). Here a is
an adjustable parameter.
Φ(x) = 0 as x --> ±∞,
and dΦ/dx is continuous at all x.
If we let a2 = ½mω/ħ, then
Φ(x) is the ground state wave function for a harmonic oscillator
potential U(x) = ½mω2x2.
The normalization constant is A = (mω/(πħ))¼ = (2a2/π)¼,
and the expectation value of the kinetic energy is
<T> = <p2>/(2m) =
ħω/4 = ħ2a2/(2m).
<H> = <T> + <U>, <U> = (2a2/π)½
exp(-2a2x2) b √x dx.
<U> = (2a2/π)½
exp(-2a2x2) b √x dx.
Let x' = √2 a x, then dx = dx'/(a√2) and √x = √x'/(2¼√a).
<U> = (23/4b/π½) a-½ ∫0∞
exp(-x'2) √x' dx' = (23/4b/π½) a-½
* X, where X = 0.612708.
<H> = ħ2a2/(2m) + (23/4b/π½)
a-½ * X.
d<H>/da2 = ħ2/(2m) - (1/4) (23/4b/π½)
(a2)-5/4 * X = 0.
a2 = (mbX/(2¼ħ2π½))4/5
= (mb/ħ2)4/5 * 0.372116.
E = 0.186083 ħ2/5 m-1/5 b4/5 + 0.744332*ħ2/5
m-1/5 b4/5.
E = 0.930415 (ħ2b4/m)1/5.
(c) The variational method yields an upper limit for the ground state
energy. Since this limit for E is lower than the value for E obtained
using the WKB approximation, the variational estimate is closer to the true
ground-state energy than the WKB estimate.
Problem 3:
A particle of mass m is constrained to move in an
infinitely deep, one-dimensional square well extending from 0 to +a.
If this particle is under the influence of a delta-function perturbation H' = -αδ(x
- a/2), where α is a constant.
(a) (i) Find the first-order correction to the allowed energies.
(ii) Explain why the energies are not perturbed for
even n.
(b) Find the first three nonzero correction terms in
the first-order expansion of the ground state wave function.
- Concepts:
First order perturbation theory for non-degenerate states, the infinite square
- Reasoning:
The energy level of the 1D infinite square well are non-degenerate.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) H = H0 + H'.
(i) H0|Φn> = E0n|Φn>.
Φn(x) = (2/a)½sin(nπx/a), E0n= n2π2ħ2/(2ma2),
n = 1, 2, 3, ... .
First order corrections to the allowed energies:
E1n = <Φn|H'|Φn> = (2α/a)∫0a
dx sin2(nπx/a) δ(x - a/2) =
(2α/a) sin2(nπ/2).
E1n = 0 for even n. E1n = (2α/a)
for odd n.
(ii) The energies are not perturbed for even n
because the probability of finding the particle at the position of the delta
function is zero for even n. The particle therefore does not "see" the
(b) First-order perturbation theory yields for the ket
|ψ1> = |Φ1> + ∑n>1<Φn|H'|Φ1>/(E01
- E0n) |Φn> ,
<Φn|H'|Φ1> = (2α/a)∫0a
dx sin(πx/a)sin(nπx/a)
δ(x - a/2) = (2α/a)sin(π/2)sin(nπ/2).
<Φn|H'|Φ1> = 0 for even n,
= (2α/a) for odd n such that (n + 1)/2 is odd, (5, 9, 13, ...).
<Φn|H'|Φ1> = -(2α/a) for odd n such that (n + 1)/2 is
even, (3, 7, 11, ...).
E01 - E0n = -(n2
- 1)π2ħ2/(2ma2).
To first order, the ground-state wave function is
|ψ1> = |Φ1> + [4maα/(8π2ħ2)]|Φ3>
- [4maα/(24π2ħ2)]|Φ5> + [4maα/(48π2ħ2)]|Φ7>
+ ....
Problem 4:
A particle of mass m in
an infinitely deep square well,
U = 0 for 0 < x < a, 0 < y < a, U = infinite elsewhere,
is subject to
a perturbation H' = -Bxy.
The positive constant B has units energy/length2.
(a) Calculate the zeroth order energy levels and energy eigenfunctions.
(b) Determine the effects of the perturbation on the two lowest zeroth order
energy levels.
Is there splitting of either of these levels?
- Concepts:
Stationary perturbation theory for non-degenerate and for degenerate states
- Reasoning:
The ground state of a two-dimensional infinite potential square well is not
degenerate. The first excited state is two-fold degenerate.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) H = H0 + H'.
The eigenfunctions of H0 are Φnl(x,y) = (2/a)sin(nπx/a)sin(lπy/a),
with eigenvalues
E = (n2 + l2)π2ħ2/(2ma2).
(b) H' = -Bxy.
For the ground state n = l = 1. The ground state is not degenerate.
The unperturbed ground state energy is E00 = π2ħ2/(ma2).
The first order perturbation correction is
E10 = <Φ11|H'|Φ11> = -(4B/a2)∫0asin2(πx/a)
x dx ∫0asin2(πy/ a) y dy
= -Ba2/4 .
E1 = ħ2/(ma2) - Ba2/4 to first
b) The first excited state is two-fold degenerate, E10 =
We can have n = 2, l = 1, or n = 1, l = 2.
We have to diagonalize the matrix of H' in the subspace spanned by these two
degenerate states.
<Φ12|H'|Φ12> - λ |
<Φ12|H'|Φ21> |
<Φ21|H'|Φ12> |
<Φ21|H'|Φ21> - λ |
= 0.
<Φ12|H'|Φ12> = -(4B/a2)∫0asin2(πx/a)
x dx ∫0asin2(2πy/a) y dy = -Ba2/4
= -C
<Φ21|H'|Φ21> = -(4B/a2)∫0asin2(2πx/a)
x dx ∫0asin2(πy/a) y dy
= -Ba2/4 = -C
<Φ12|H'|Φ21> = -(4B/a2)∫0asin(πx/a)
sin(2πx/a) x dx ∫0asin(πy/a) sin(2πy/a) y dy
sin(x) sin(2x) = 2sin2(x) cos(x) = 2(1 - cos2(x))
= 2cos(x) - 2 cos3(x) = 2cos(x) - ½cos(3x) - 3/2 cos(x) = ½(cos(x)
- cos(3x)).
∫cos(x) x dx = cos(x) + x sin(x).
<Φ12|H'|Φ21> = -Ba2(256/(81π4))
= -bC =
C = Ba2/4, b = 1024/(81π4)
= 0.13.
det(H' - λI) = 0. (-C - λ)2 - (bC)2 = 0, C + λ = ±bC,
λ = -C ± bC.
λ = -C + bC: Φ = 2-½ [Φ12 - Φ21],
E2+ = 5π2ħ2/(2ma2) - C + bC.
λ = -C - bC: Φ = 2-½ [Φ12 + Φ21],
E2- = 5π2ħ2/(2ma2) - C - bC.
The perturbation removes the degeneracy. There is splitting.