Problem 1:
Consider a spin ½ particle whose Hamiltonian is H0 = (A/ħ2)S2
+ (B/ħ)Sz. For t < 0 the particle is in the |+> eigenstate of H0.
At t = 0 the Hamiltonian changes to H = H0 + (C/ħ)Sy.
Let A, B, C be positive constants and let C << B.
Use time-dependent perturbation theory to find the probability that the particle
is found in the |-> eigenstate of H0 states for times t > 0.
- Concepts:
perturbation theory
- Reasoning:
A small perturbation is introduced and we
are asked to calculate the probability or a transition between two eigenstates of the unperturbed Hamiltonian.
- Details of the calculation:
The eigenstates of H0 are denoted by |+> and |->, the
eigenstates of S2 and Sz.
Time dependent perturbation theory yields
Pif(t) = (1/ħ2)|∫0texp(iωfit')Wfi(t')dt'|2,
when H = H0 + W(t),
with ωfi = (Ef - Ei)/ħ and Wfi(t)
= <Φf|W(t)|Φi>.
W(t) = -(C/ħ)Sy, |Φi> =
|+>, |Φf> = |->
Ei = 3A/4 + B/2, Ef = 3A/4 - B/2,
Wfi = (C/ħ)<-|Sy|+>, independent of t.
In the {|+>, |->} basis, the matrix of Sy is
<-|Sy|+> = iħ/2.
Wfi(t') = i(C/2).
ωfi = -B/ħ = -B'.
Pif(t) = (C2/4)|∫0texp(-iB't')dt'|2.
= (C2/(4ħ2))|i(exp(-iB't - 1)/B'|2
= (C2/(4ħ2)) sin2(B't/2)/(B'/2)2 = (C2/B2)sin2(Bt/(2ħ)).
Problem 2:
A particle of mass m is in the ground state of an infinite square well
(U = 0 for 0 < x < a and U = ∞ otherwise).
At time t = 0,
the right "wall" (i.e. at x = a) shifts to x = 3a. A measurement of
the energy of the particle is made just after the wall shifts. (Assume that all
this happens so quickly so the spatial wave function of the particle does not
change). What is the probability that the energy measurement yields a value
EXACTLY the same as the energy of the ground state of original well?
- Concepts:
A particle in an infinite square well, the sudden approximation
- Reasoning:
The reaction time is so short that
the transition amplitude <β|U(t2,t1)|a> is simply
given by the overlap <β|α>. The transition probability is |<β|α>|2.
Here |α> is the eigenstate of the Hamiltonian before the transition and |β>
is the eigenstate of the Hamiltonian after the transition.
- Details of the calculation:
For t < 0, the particle is in the n = 1 ground state.
ψ1i(x) = (2/a)½sin(πx/a), E1i
= π2ħ2/(2ma2).
For t > 0, the wave function of the n = 3 excited state is ψ2f(x)
= (2/(3a))½sin(πx/a).
Enf = n2π2ħ2/(18ma2).
E3f = E1i. If we find the particle in state ψ3f,
its energy has not changed.
The wave function just after the wall is removed is ψ1i(x).
The probability of finding the particle in the state ψ3f(x) of
the new well is |<ψ3f|ψ1i |2.
|<ψ3f|ψ1i>|2 = (4/(3a2))| ∫0asin2(πx/a)dx|2
= 1/3.
Problem 3:
In one dimension, consider a spinless particle trapped in a delta-function potential U(x) = -Cδ(x), C > 0.
At t = 0, a time dependent perturbation W(t) = Wcosωt is turned on.
Assume ω >> mC2/(2ħ3) so that the particle can be ejected
from the trap. Use perturbation theory to find the transition rate.
You can assume that the free particles will be in a box of size L, L =
very large.
- Concepts:
Fermi's golden rule, the delta-function potential
- Reasoning:
Only one bound state exist in the delta-function potential. This is
the initial state. The final state of the
particle is a continuum state.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) Let H0 = p2/(2m) - Cδ(x).
Normalized eigenfunction of H0: Φ(x) = ρ½
ρ2 = -2mEi/ħ2, Ei = -mC2/(2ħ2),
ρ = mC/ħ2.
To find the transition rate we use Fermi's golden rule.
If W(t) = Wcos(ωt), then the transition probability per unit time is given
w(i,E) = (π/(2ħ))ρ(E)|WEi|2δE-Ei,ħω, where
WEi = <ΦE|W|Φi>.
Since ħω >> -mC2/(2ħ2), we can assume that the ejected
particle is a nearly free particle
with energy E = ħω + Ei and k2 = 2mE/ħ2.
We assume that the particle is confined to a region of
width L >> a and use periodic boundary conditions.
Then Φk(x) = L-½exp(ikx), with k = 2πn/L, n = 0,
±1, ±2, ... is the final state wave function.
The number of states with wave vectors whose magnitudes lie between k and k
+ dk is
dN = 2 dk/(2π/L) = Ldk/π. (The particle can move towards the left or to
the right.)
dN/dk = L/π.
The density of states is dN/dE = (dN/dk)(dk/dE).
With E = ħ2k2/(2m) we have ρ(E) = dN/dE = Lm/(πkħ2).
WEi = (ρ/L)½W[∫0∞dx eikxe-ρx
+ ∫-∞0dx eikxeρx]
= -(ρ/L)½W 2ρ/(ρ2 + k2).
w(i,E) = (π/(2ħ))(Lm/(πkħ2))(ρ/L)W2 4ρ2/(ρ2
+ k2)2
= (2mW2/ħ3) ρ3/[k(ρ2 + k2)2].
We can rewrite this in terms of the given quantities W, C and ω.
(ρ2 + k2)2 = 4m2ω2/ħ2,
ρ3/[(ρ2 + k2)2] = mC3/(4ħ4ω2).
w(i,E) = (1/k)(2mW2/ħ3)mC3/(4ħ4ω2).
w(i,E) = (2mE)-½ 2m2W2C3/(4ω2ħ6),
with E = ħω - mC2/(2ħ2).
This is the transition probability per unit time.
Problem 4:
A hydrogen atom in its ground state [(n, l ,m) = (1, 0, 0)] is placed between
the plates of a capacitor. A time dependent but spatially uniform electric field
(not potential!) is applied as follows:
E = 0 for t < 0,
E = E0exp(-t/τ) for t > 0.
E0 =
E0 k.
Using first-order time-dependent perturbation theory compute the probability for
the atom to be found at t >> τ in each of the three p-states n = 2, l
= 1, m = ±1 or 0).
Useful information: <210|z|100> = (128*√2/243)a0 and E2
- E1 = 3e2/8a0.
Hydrogen atom wave functions:
R10(r) = 2 a0-3/2 exp(-r/a0),
R20(r) = (2a0)-3/2 (2 - r/a0)
R21(r) = 3-½(2a0)-3/2(r/a0)
Y00 = (4π)-½, Y1±1 = ∓(3/(8π))½sinθ
exp(±iφ), Y10 = (3/(4π))½cosθ.
- Concepts:
Time dependent perturbation theory
- Reasoning:
We consider the interactions of the atomic electrons with the electric field
perturbation to the atomic Hamiltonian.
- Details of the calculation:
The uniform electric field changes the energy of the proton and the
electron, and therefore perturbs the Hamiltonian.
The energy of the proton in the field is -∫0zpqeE(t)dz
= -qeE(t)zp.
The energy of the electron in the field is ∫0zeqe
E(t)dz = qeE(t)ze.
The potential energy of both particles is
qeE(t)(ze - zp) = qeE(t)z = qeE(t)
r cos(θ).
H = H0 + H'.
The eigenfunctions of H0 are the stationary states of the
hydrogen atom, Φnlm(r,θ,φ) = Rnl(r)Ylm(θ,φ).
Time dependent perturbation theory: Pif(t) = (1/ħ2)|∫0texp(iωfit')Wfi(t')dt'|2,
with ωfi = (Ef - Ei)/ħ and Wfi(t)
= < Φf|H'(r,t)|Φi>, with H'(r,t) = qeE(t)
r cos(θ).
< Φ100|H'(r,t)|Φ2lm> ∝ ∫0∞r3dr
R00*(r)R2l(r) ∫0πsinθ
dθ∫02πdφ Y00*(θ,φ) cosθ Ylm(θ,φ)
∝ ∫0πsinθ dθ∫02πdφ Y00*(θ,φ)
Y10(θ,φ) Ylm(θ,φ).
We can invoke the properties if the spherical harmonics.
Or we can show explicitly
<Φ100|H'(r,t)|Φ200> ∝ ∫0πsinθ
cosθ dθ = 0, <Φ100|H'(r,t)|Φ211> ∝ ∫02πdφ
eiφ = 0,
<Φ100|H'(r,t)|Φ21-1> ∝ ∫02πdφ
e-iφ = 0, <Φ100|H'(r,t)|Φ210> ∝ ∫0πsinθ
dθ cos2θ ≠ 0.
The only transition from the ground state to an n = 2 state that is allowed
is the transition to the
n = 2, l = 1, m = 0 state, Φ210(r,θ,φ).
Let Φi = Φ100 and Φf = Φ210.
Then ωfi = ω21 = (E2 - E1)/ħ =
3e2/(8a0ħ) = (10.2 eV)/ħ and
Wfi(t) = <Φ210|H'(r,t)|Φ000>
= [qeE0exp(-t/τ)/(23/2a04)]
∫0∞r4dr exp(-3r/(2a0))∫0πsinθ
dθ cos2θ
= qeE0exp(-t/τ) 2½ 27 a0/35.
Therefore the probability that at time t the electron will have made the
transition is
Pif(t) = (1/ħ2)|∫0texp(iωfit')Wfi(t')dt'|2
= (1/ħ2)0.555 qe2a02E02|∫0texp(iω21t'
- t'/τ)dt'|2.
- t'/τ)dt'|2 = [τ2/(ω212τ2
+ 1)][1 + exp(-2t/τ) - 2exp(-t/τ)cos(ω21t)].
As t -->infinity, |∫0texp(iω21t') e-t'/τdt'|2
= [τ2/(ω2τ2 + 1)].
Pif(t) = (1/ħ2)|∫0texp(iωfit')Wfi(t')dt'|2
= (1/ħ2)0.555 qe2a02E02[τ2/(ω212τ2
+ 1)].
Pif(t) = 0.555 4πε0e2a02E02[τ2/((3e2/(8a0))2τ2
+ ħ2)].