More Problems
Problem 1:
Is each of the following sets a valid combination of quantum numbers (n, ℓ, mℓ,
ms) for the energy eigenstates of hydrogen? If not, explain why not.
(2, 2, -1, ½)
(3, 1, +2, -½)
(3, 1, 0, ½)
(4, 1, 1, -3/2)
(2, -1, 1, ½)
- Concepts:
The hydrogen atom
- Reasoning:
We are supposed to add the orbital and spin angular momentum of the electron
in the hydrogen atom and check if the given combinations are valid.
- Details of the calculation:
The combinations below are not valid.
(2, 2,-1, ½) The quantum number ℓ must be non-negative and smaller than the
quantum number n.
(3, 1, +2, -½) The quantum number mℓ can take on all integer
values between -ℓ and ℓ.
(4, 1, 1, -3/2) The quantum number ms for the spin ½ electron is
restricted to the values ±½.
(2, -1, 1, ½) The quantum number ℓ must be non-negative.
Problem 2:
The operators a and a† when acting on the energy eigenstates of
the harmonic oscillator, denoted by |n>, have the property
a†|n> = (n + 1)½|n + 1>, a|n> = n½|n - 1>.
We have x = (a + a†)/(2α), p = -i(a - a†)/(2β), where α
= √(mω/(2ħ)), β = 1/√(2mωħ).
Find the mean value and root mean square deviation of p2, when the
oscillator is in the energy eigenstate |n>.
- Concepts:
Fundamental assumptions of QM, the eigenstates of the
harmonic oscillator Hamiltonian, the raising and lowering operators
- Reasoning:
For any operator A we have ∆A = (<(A - <A>)2>)½ = (<A2>
- <A>2)½.
- Details of the calculation:
p2 = -(mħω/2)(a†a† - a†a - aa† + aa).
<p2> = -(mħω/2)<n|(a†a† - a†a - aa†
+ aa)|n> = (mħω/2)(2n + 1).
The mean value is <p2> = (mħω/2)(2n + 1).
p4 = (mħω/2)2(a†a† - a†a - aa† + aa)
(a†a† - a†a - aa† + aa).
<p4> = (mħω/2)2<n|(a†a† aa
+ a†a a†a + a†a aa† + aa† a†a +
aa† aa† + aaa†a†)|n>
= (mħω/2)2(6n2 + 6n + 3).
<p4> - <p2>2 = (mħω/2)2(2n2
+ 2n + 2).
∆p2 = (mħω/2)( 2n2 + 2n + 2)½
is root mean square deviation of p2.
Problem 3:
An exotic atom consists of a Helium nucleus (Z = 2) and an electron and an
antiproton p(bar) both in n = 2 states. Take the mass of the p(bar) to be 2000
electron masses and that of the helium nucleus to be 8000 me. For an
electron in the n = 1 state of hydrogen E = -13.6 eV.
(a) How much energy is required to remove the electron from this atom?
(b) How much energy is required to remove the p(bar) from this atom?
(c) Assume both the p(bar) and the electron are in 2p states. Then each can
de-excite to their ground state. It is observed that radiation always
accompanies those transitions when the electron jumps first, but when the p(bar)
jumps first there is often no photon emitted. Explain!
- Concepts:
Hydrogenic atoms
- Reasoning:
To find the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian of a
hydrogenic atom we replace in the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian of the
hydrogen atom a0 by
a0' = ħ2/(μ'Ze2) = a0(μ/μ')(1/Z),
and in the eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian of the hydrogen atom we replace EI by
EI' = μ'Z2e4/(2ħ2) = EI(μ'/μ)Z2.
Here μ is the reduced mass for the hydrogen atom.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) For the p(bar) we have μ' = 2000*8000/10000 me = 1600 me.
For the p(bar) we have a0' = a0/3200.
The p(bar) is most likely found very close to the nucleus.
The electron therefore move in a field that is approximately that of a
nucleus with Z = 1.
E2 = -13.6 eV*/4 = -3.4 eV. 3.4 eV is required to remove the
(b) The electron is most likely found very far away from the
nucleus compared to the p(bar). In the 2p state the probability of finding
the electron mear the nucleus is very low. The p(bar) therefore move in a
field that is approximately that of a nucleus with Z = 2.
For the p(bar) we have μ' = 1600, Z = 2.
E2 = -13.6 eV*4*1600/4 = -21760 eV. 21760 eV is required to
remove the p(bar).
(c) When the electron jumps first, (13.6 - 3.4) = 10.2 eV of energy is
released. This energy can only be given to a photon, since at least
13.6*4*1600(1/4 - 1/9) eV = 12088 eV is needed to excite the p(bar) to the n =
3 level.
When the p(bar) jumps first, enough energy is released to remove the
electron from the atom. Radiation-less transitions, in which the energy is
given to the electron, are now possible.