Let H = H0 + W(t).
Let {|Φp>}
be an orthonormal eigenbasis of H0, H0|Φp>
= Ep|Φp>.
Let ωfi
= (Ef - Ei)/ħ
and Wfi(t) = <Φf|W(t)|Φi>.
Assume that at t = 0 the system is in the state |Φi>.
The probability of finding the system in the state |Φf>
(f ≠ i) at time t is
= (1/ħ2)|∫0texp(iωfit')Wfi(t')dt'|2,
in first order time-dependent perturbation theory. (Derivation)
Assume there exists a group of states nearly equal in energy E = Ei
+ ħω.
Let ρ(β,E)
be the density of final states, i.e. ρ(β,E)dE
is the number of final states in the interval dE characterized by some discrete
index β.
Let W(t) = Wexp(±iωt).
Then the transition probability per unit time is given by
= (2π/ħ)ρ(β,E)|WEi|2δE-Ei,ħω,
where WEi = <ΦE|W|Φi>.
This is Fermi's golden rule.
The transition probability increases linearly with time.
Assume there is a group of states n, nearly equal in energy E, and that Wni
= <Φn|W(t)|Φi> is nearly independent of n for
these states. Take for example continuum states. We may label continuum states
by |α>, where α is continuous and <α|α'> = δ(α - α').
The probability of making a transition to one of these states in a small range
Δα is ∫Δα|<α|Ψ(t)>|2dα.
If |α> = |β,E> then dα = ρ(β,E)dE, where ρ(β,E) is the
density of states.
We assume β to be some discrete index. We then have
δP(i,βE) = ∫ΔE ρ(β,E)|<βE|Ψ(t)>|2dE.
If W is a constant perturbation, then δP(i,βE) = ∫ΔE dE
ρ(β,E)[|WEi|2/ħ2] sin2(ωEit/2)/(ωEi/2)2.
The function sin2(ωEit/2)/(ωEi/2)2
peaks at ωEi = 0 and has an appreciable amplitude only in a small
interval ΔωEi or ΔE about ωEi = 0. We assume that ρ(β,E)
and |WEi|2 are nearly constant in that small interval and
therefore may be taken out of the integral. Then
δP(i,βE) = ρ(β,E)[|WEi|2/ħ2]∫ dħωEi
= ρ(β,E)[|WEi|2/ħ2]2ħ ∫dx sin2(xt)/x2.
∫-∞∞dy sin2(y)/y2 = π.
We have (πt)-1∫dx sin2(xt)/x2 = 1.
δP(i,βE) = (2π/ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2 δ(E - Ei)t.
(It is understood that this expression is integrated with respect to dE.)
The transition probability per unit time is the given by
golden rule,
w(i,βE) = (2π/ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2 δ(E - Ei).
Similarly, for a sinusoidal perturbation W(t) = Wsinωt or W(t) =
Wcosωt we obtain
w(i,βE) = (π/2ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2 δ(E - Ei
- ħω).
and for W(t) = Wexp(±iωt) we obtain w(i,βE) = (2π/ħ) ρ(β,E) |WEi|2
δ(E - Ei - ħω).
When an atom interacts with an electromagnetic wave, the electromagnetic
field is most likely to induce a transition between an initial and a final
atomic state if these selection rules are satisfied. If these selection rules
are not satisfied a transition is less likely and is said to be
The selection rules are:
If H0 = p2/2m + U(r), i.e. if we are neglecting the spin-orbit coupling,
= ±1, Δm
= 0, ±1.
If H0 contains a spin orbit coupling term f(r)L∙S,
then the dipole selection rules then become
Δj = 0, ±1, (except ji = jf = 0),
Δl = ±1, Δmj =
0, ±1.
In a typical scattering experiment a target is struck by a beam of
mono-energetic particles.
Let Fi be the incident flux, i.e. the number of particles per
unit area per unit time.
Fi = npv,
where np is the number of particles per unit volume.
Typically np
is very small and we can neglect any interaction between different incident
We measure the number ΔNp of
particles scattered per unit time into a solid angle ΔΩ about the
direction defined by the spherical coordinates θ and φ.
expect ΔNp ∝ Fi,
and ΔNp ∝ ΔΩ .
We define ΔNp = σt(θ,φ)FiΔΩ.
Here σt(θ,φ) is
the differential scattering cross section of the target. It has the
units of an area. Commonly used units are cm2 and barn = 10-24 cm2.
The elastic scattering cross section in the Born Approximation is
= σkB(k,k') = [μ2/(4п2ħ4)]|∫d3r'
where q = k' -
k =
k' = μv0/ħ
(k'/k'), and μ is the reduced mass.
The differential scattering cross section is proportional to the square of
the Fourier
transform of the potential.
We often want to know the scattering cross section as a function of the
scattering angle and not as a function of the momentum transfer. Let
θ be the angle between k and
k'. Then q
= 2ksin(θ/2).