Consider a 3He atom (composed of a nucleus of spin 1/2 and an electron).
The electronic angular momentum is J =
L +
S, where L
is the orbital angular momentum of the electron and S is its spin. The
total angular momentum of the atom is F =
J +
I, where I
is the nuclear spin. The eigenvalues of J2 and F2 are
j(j + 1)ħ2 and f(f + 1)ħ2
(a) What are the possible values of the quantum numbers j and f for a
atom in the ground state?
(b) What are the possible values of the quantum numbers j and f for an
excited 3He atom with one electron is in the 2p and the other in the
4f state?
Consider a composite system made of two spin ½ particles. For t < 0 the Hamiltonian does not depend on time and can be taken to be zero. For t > 0 the Hamiltonian is given by H = (4C/ħ2)S1∙S2, where C is a constant. Suppose that the system is in the state |+-> for t ≤ 0. Find, as a function of time, the probability for being in each of the states |++>, |+->, |-+>, and |-->.
Linearly polarized light of the form Ex(z,t) = E0ei(kz-ωt) is incident normally
onto a nonmagnetic material which has index of refraction nR for right-hand circularly
polarized light and nL for left-hand circularly polarized light.
Using Maxwell's equations to calculate the intensity and polarization of the
reflected light.
If we set up the problem as shown in the figure above the boundary conditions
(E2 - E1)∙t = 0.
(E2 -
E1)∙(x/x) = 0. Ei - Er = Et.
(H2 - H1)∙t =
kf∙n, (H2 -
= 0, there are no free surface currents.
H2 = B2/μ0.
H1 = B1/μ0.
B = (1/v)(k/k)×E.
= (y/y)Ei(n1/c),
Br = (y/y)Ei(n1/c),
Bt = (y/y)Et(n2/c).
(n1/μ0)(Ei + Er)
= (n2/μ0)Et.
Inserting Et
from above and setting n1 = 1 and n2 = n we obtain (Ei
+ Er) = n(Ei
- Er).
Er/Ei = (n - 1)/(n + 1)
= r12. r12 is the reflection coefficient.
reflectance or ratio of the reflected to the incident intensity is R = <Sr>/<Si>
= |r12|2 = [(1 - n)/(1 + n)]2.
The total electric field of the incident light has two components.
E = ER + EL = (E/2)(i +
exp(iπ/2)j) + (E/2)(i + exp(-iπ/2)j) = (E/2)(i
+ i j) + (E/2)(i - i j).
Since we have normal incidence Er/Ei = -(1 - n)/(1 + n)
holds for each component.
Er = -(E/2)(1 - nR)/(1 + nR)(i + i
j) - (E/2)(1 - nL)/(1 + nL)(i - i j).
|Er|2 = Er∙Er* =
(E2/4)[2[(1 - nR)/(1 + nR)]2 + 2[(1 - nL)/(1
+ nL)]2].
(The [(1 - nR)/(1 + nR)][(1 - nL)/(1 + nL)]
terms cancel.)
R = ½[(1 - nR)2/(1 + nR)2 + (1 - nL)2/(1
+ nL)2].