More Problems

Problem 1:

Consider a 3He atom (composed of a nucleus of spin 1/2 and an electron).  The electronic angular momentum is J = L + S, where L is the orbital angular momentum of the electron and S is its spin.  The total angular momentum of the atom is F = J + I, where I is the nuclear spin.  The eigenvalues of J2 and F2 are j(j + 1)ħ2 and f(f + 1)ħ2 respectively.
(a)  What are the possible values of the quantum numbers j and f for a 3He atom in the ground state?
(b)  What are the possible values of the quantum numbers j and f for an excited 3He atom with one electron is in the 2p and the other in the 4f  state?


Problem 2:

Consider a composite system made of two spin ½ particles.  For t < 0 the Hamiltonian does not depend on time and can be taken to be zero.  For t > 0 the Hamiltonian is given by  H = (4C/ħ2)S1S2, where C is a constant.  Suppose that the system is in the state |+-> for t ≤ 0.  Find, as a function of time, the probability for being in each of the states |++>, |+->, |-+>, and |-->.


Problem 3:

Linearly polarized light of the form Ex(z,t) = E0ei(kz-ωt) is incident normally onto a nonmagnetic material which has index of refraction nR for right-hand circularly polarized light and nL for left-hand circularly polarized light.
Using Maxwell's equations to calculate the intensity and polarization of the reflected light.
