The probability of finding a particle described by the normalized state vector |Ψ> in a volume d3r about r is given
dP(r,t) = |<r|Ψ>|2d3r = |Ψ(r,t)|2d3r (postulate 4).
We may interpret |<r|Ψ>|2 = |Ψ(r,t)|2 as the probability density.
|<r|Ψ>|2 = <Ψ|r><r|Ψ> is the average value of the observable |r><r|, which we may call the probability density operator.
The probability density operator is the projector onto the ket |r>.
total probability of finding the particle at time t anywhere in space is
∫all spaceP(r,t)d3r = ∫all space Ψ*(r,t)Ψ(r,t)d3r
= <Ψ|Ψ> = 1.
We expect conservation of probability, i.e. ∂<Ψ|Ψ>/∂t = 0.
Let us verify this.
∂<Ψ|Ψ>/∂t = (∂<Ψ|/∂t )|Ψ> + <Ψ|(∂|Ψ>/∂t )
= -(iħ)-1<Ψ|H|Ψ> + (iħ)-1<Ψ|H|Ψ> = 0.
We use iħ∂|Ψ>/∂t = H|Ψ> and -iħ∂<Ψ|/∂t = <Ψ|H,
since H = H†. Conservation of probability is thus verified.
Is probability locally conserved?
Local conservation of a classical quantity is usually expressed in the following way:
-(∂/∂t)∫Vρ(r,t) dV =∫surface j(r,t)∙n
dA = ∫V∇∙j(r,t)
Here ρ(r,t) is the volume
density and j(r,t) = ρ(r,t)v(r,t).
The above equation holds for all V.
-(∂/∂t)ρ(r,t) = ∇∙j(r,t).
[ρ(r,t) may stand for particle
density or charge density etc, and j(r,t) may stand for
particle current density or electrical current density etc.]
Going from classical to quantum physics, we replace expressions for classical
quantities which are functions of r and p by operators which
are functions of R and P and suitably symmetrize the resulting
ρ --> |r><r|, j --> ρv = ρp/m = (|r><r|P
+ P|r><r|)/(2m)
We then expect local conservation
of probability to translate into
-(∂/∂t)<Ψ|r><r|Ψ> = ∇∙(<Ψ|r><r|P
+ P|r><r|Ψ>)/(2m).
where <Ψ|r><r|Ψ> is the average (expectation) value of the probability
density operator and
(<Ψ|r><r|P + P|r><r|Ψ>)/(2m)
is the average
(expectation) value of the probability current density operator.
If probability is locally
conserved, then
-(∂/∂t)[Ψ*(r,t)Ψ(r,t)] = -(∂/∂t)|Ψ(r,t)|2
= (ħ/(2mi)) ∇∙[Ψ*(r,t)∇Ψ(r,t)
- (∇(Ψ*(r,t))Ψ(r,t)]
= (ħ/(2mi)) ∇∙[Ψ*(r,t)∇Ψ(r,t)
- Ψ(r,t)∇Ψ*(r,t)].
j(r,t) = (ħ/(2mi))[Ψ*(r,t)∇Ψ(r,t)
- Ψ(r,t)∇Ψ*(r,t)],
j(r,t) = (1/m) Re[Ψ*(r,t) (ħ/i) ∇Ψ(r,t)]
= probability current density.
We can verify that this expression is a consequence of the Schroedinger equation by multiplying the Schroedinger equation in the {|r>} representation by Ψ*(r,t) and its complex conjugate by -Ψ(r,t) and adding the two equations. The above expression is then obtained. The Schroedinger equation therefore implies local conservation of probability.