Consider a particle of mass m moving in a potential energy function U(x) =
The force on the particle is given by F(x) = -dU(x)/dx = -kx.
The motion of the classical particle is governed by Newtons second law md2x/dt2
= -kx.
The general solution to this equation is x = xMcos(ωt + φ), with ω2
= k/m.
We have dx/dt = -ωxMsin(ωt + φ), T = ½m(dx/dt)2 =
½mω2xM2sin2(ωt + φ),
E = T + U = ½mω2xM2sin2(ωt + φ) +
½mω2xM2cos2(ωt + φ) = ½mω2xM2.
The total energy is independent of time, we have a conservative system.
To make the transition to Quantum Mechanics we express E in terms of p
and x and then replace the classical quantities p and x by their
corresponding quantum mechanical operators P and X.
E = T + U = ½p2/m + ½mω2x2 --> H = ½P2/m
+ ½mω2X2.
Let us define some new operators and investigate their properties. Define
a = (2)-1/2(Xs + iPs), and its adjoint, a†
= (2)-1/2(Xs - iPs).
Then Xs = (2)-1/2(a† + a), PS
= i(2)-1/2(a† - a).
Note that a and a† do not commute.
[a,a†] = ½[(Xs + iPs), Xs - iPs)]
= ½[-i[Xs,Ps] + i[Ps,Xs] = ½(1 + 1)
= 1.
Now we study the product operator a†a.
a†a = ½(Xs - iPs)(Xs + iPs)
= ½(Xs2 + Ps2 + iXsPs
- iPsXs) = ½(Xs2 + Ps2
- 1).
Similarly, aa† = ½(Xs2 + Ps2
+ 1).
We may therefore write Hs = a†a + ½ = aa† - ½ =
½(aa† + a†a).
Define the number operator N = a†a.
Then Hs = N + ½.
Hs and N have common eigenstates, finding the
eigenstates of N is equivalent to finding the eigenstates of Hs and
The operator N does not commute
with a and a†.
[N,a] = [a†a,a] = a†[a,a] + [a†,a]a = -a.
[N,a†] = [a†a,a†] = a†[a,a†]
+ [a†,a†]a = a†.
We will now study some of the properties of the eigenstates of N and therefore the eigenstates of Hs and H.
(a) The eigenvalues of N are positive.
Proof: Let |Φν> be an eigenstate of N
with eigenvalue ν.
N|Φν> = ν|Φν>.
Find the norm of the vector a|Φν>.
|a|Φν>|2 = <Φν|a†a|Φν>
= <Φν|N|Φν> = ν<Φν|Φν> ≥
since the norm is always positive,
and <Φν|Φν> ≥ 0 --> ν ≥ 0.
(b) If |Φν> is an eigenstate of N
with eigenvalue ν ≥ 1 and <Φν|Φν> ≠ 0 then a|Φν>
is an eigenstate of N with eigenvalue ν - 1.
If |Φν> is an eigenstate of N with eigenvalue ν < 1 then ν = 0 and a|Φν> = a|Φ0> = 0.
Proof: |a|Φν>|2 = ν > 0, unless ν = 0.
[N,a]|Φν> = -a|Φν>. Na|Φν> = aNΦν>
- a|Φν> = (ν - 1)a|Φν>.
is an eigenstate of N with eigenvalue ν - 1.
is non zero unless ν = 0.
But the eigenvalues have to be positive. Therefore if ν < 1 we need
a|Φν> = 0 which requires ν = 0.
(c) If |Φν> is an eigenstate of N
with eigenvalue ν ≥ 0 and <Φν|Φν> ≠ 0 then a†|Φν> is an eigenstate of N with eigenvalue
ν + 1.
Proof: | a†|Φν>|2 = <Φν|aa†|Φν>
= <Φν|a†a + 1|Φν> = (ν + 1)<Φν|Φν>
> 0.
[N,a†]|Φν> = a†|Φν>, Na†|Φν>
= a†N|Φν> + a†|Φν> =
(ν + 1) a†|Φν>.
(d) The eigenvalues of N are the non negative integers.
Proof: N has at least one non-zero eigenvector with eigenvalue ν.
(It is a Hermitian operator).
N|Φν> = ν|Φν>.
Then |Φν-1> =
a|Φν> is also an eigenvector if (ν - 1) > 0,
= an|Φν>is also an eigenvector if (ν - n) > 0.
But for some n = n + 1
the number ν - n
will become smaller than zero.
Therefore |Φν-n> must be zero.
a|Φν-n> is
only zero if |Φν-n> = |Φ0> or (ν - n) = 0.
This means that n is a non-negative integer.
If |Φn> is a non-zero eigenvector of N with
integer eigenvalue n, then the |Φn>
, n = 0, 1, 2, ... are also eigenvectors. (We can generate these eigenvectors by
applying a or a† to |Φn>
. )
The eigenvectors of N are {|Φn>
} with eigenvalues {n}, where n is a non-negative integer.
The eigenvectors of Hs are {|Φn> } with eigenvalues {n
+ ½}.
The eigenvectors of H are {|Φn>
} with eigenvalues {(n + ½)ħω}.
The energy of the harmonic oscillator is quantized.
The ground state energy is
½ħω. The energy levels are evenly spaced.
(e) The ground state of N or Hs or H is not degenerate.
Proof: N|Φ0> = 0, a|Φ0> = 0, (2)-1/2(Xs + iPs)|Φ0>
= 0,
(2)-1/2((mω/ħ)1/2X + i(mωħ)-1/2P)|Φ0>
= 0.
(mωX + iP)|Φ0> = 0. In the {|x>} representation
this becomes
mω<x|X|Φ0> + i<x|P|Φ0> = 0, mωx<x|Φ0>
+ i((ħ/i)∂/∂x)<x|P|Φ0> = 0,
(mωx/ħ)Φ0(x) + ∂/∂x)Φ0(x) = 0,
= Cexp(-½mωx2/ħ)
is the solution to this first
order differential equation. It is unique up to a multiplicative constant C.
there exists only one normalized Φ0(x) and
|Φ0> with the eigenvalue 0.
The eigenstate
corresponding to the lowest eigenvalue of N or Hs or H
is not degenerate.
induction we can now proof that all eigenstates of
N or Hs or H are not degenerate.
The eigenvectors {|Φn> } of N or Hs or H are a basis for the state space Ex of a particle in a one dimensional problem. The |Φn> are orthogonal since all eigenvalues are not degenerate. We now want to choose a normalized set {|Φn> }.
The set {|Φn> = (n!)-1/2(a†)n|Φ0>} forms an orthonormal basis for Ex.
<Φn|Φn'> = δn,n', ∑n|Φn><Φn|
= I.
Let {|Φn>} denote this orthonormal
eigenbasis of the operator H = ½P2/m
+ ½mω2X2.
H|Φn> = (n + ½)ħω|Φn>.
The matrices representing a and a† in the {|Φn>} basis therefore are
The order of the basis vectors is (|Φ0>, |Φ1>,
|Φ2>, ...),
<Φn|a|Φn'> = √(n') δn,n'-1, <Φn|a†}Φn''>
= √(n'+1) δn,n'+1.