Excel1.xlsm is a macro enabled Excel spreadsheet
that you can download.
It demonstrates a method for solving the time-dependent Schroedinger equation in one
dimension. The evolution of the wave packet is represented graphically.
(The initial wave packet is Gaussian.) The wave packet is
observed to spread with time. You are encouraged to modify the program,
change the a user
interface or translate it to another programming language.
Wavepacket1.m is a MATLAB script implementing the
same method.
Let us define the function χin at
the grid points through
χin = 2(1 + iHΔt/(2ħ)-1 Ψin.
Then Ψin+1 = χin - Ψin.
Assume Ψin is given at some time tn,
usually at t0.
The boundary conditions are ΨNn = ΨNn+1
= 0.
Therefore ΨNn+1 = χNn
- ΨNn --> χNn = 0.
Similarly, Ψ1n = χ1n = 0
for all n.
How do we find χin ,
so that we can compute Ψin+1 at the later time tn+1?
How do we find χin?
(1 + iHΔt/(2ħ)χin = 2Ψin.
Hχin = -ħ2/(2m)∂2χin/∂x2
+ Uiχin.
Let us look at a Taylor series expansion.
f(x + ∆x) = f(x) + ∆x*∂f(x)/∂x + [(∆x)2/2]*∂2f(x)/∂x2
+ ... .
f(x - ∆x) = f(x) - ∆x*∂f(x)/∂x + [(∆x)2/2]*∂2f(x)/∂x2
- ... .
Combining the two equations above yields
[f(x + ∆x) + f(x - ∆x) - 2f(x)]/(∆x)2
= ∂2f(x)/∂x2,
We can therefore approximate the second derivative of χn with respect to x
in the following way:
∂2χn(x)/∂x2 = [χn(x + ∆x) + χn(x - ∆x) - 2χn(x)]/(∆x)2
This yields the following expression for
Hχin = -(ħ2/(2m))[χi+1n
+ χi-1n - 2χin]/(∆x)2
+ Uiχin.
(1 + iHΔt/(2ħ) χin = 2Ψin becomes
+ χin (1 + iħΔt/(2m(∆x)2) +
+ χi-1n(-iħΔt/(4m(∆x)2) = 2Ψin,
or χi+1n + Aiχin
+ χi-1n = bi,
with Ai = -2 + i4m(∆x)2/(ħΔt) - 2m(∆x)2Ui/ħ2
and bi = i8m(∆x)2Ψin/(ħΔt)
Comparing expressions (1) and (3) we find
αi-1n = γin, βi-1n
= γin(βin - bin),
γin = -(Ai + γi+1n)-1.
We therefore have χi+1n = γi+1nχin
+ βin.
The boundary conditions
χNn = γNnχN-1n
+ βN-1n = 0 can be satisfied by setting γNn = 0.
Then βnN-1 = 0.
We now have from the boundary conditions:
Ψ1n = Ψ1n+1
= 0, ΨNn = ΨNn+1
= 0,
χNn = γNn = 0, βnN-1 = 0.
We can now recursively determine γin and
βin at each grid point.
γN-1n = -(AN-1 + γNn)-1
... γin = -(Ai + γi+1n)-1
... γ1n = -(A1 + γ2n)-1.
βN-2n = γN-1n(βN-1n
- bN-1n) ... βi-1n = γin(βin
- bin) ... β1n = γ2n(β2n
- b2n).
Algorithm (using only real numbers):
γin = Re(γin) + Im(γin)
= (-Re(Ai) - Re(γi+1n) + i(Im(Ai)
+ Im(γi+1n))/|(Ai + γi+1n)|2
|(Ai + γi+1n)|2 = (Re(Ai)
+ Re(γi+1n)2 + (Im(Ai) + Im(γi+1n)2.
Re(βi-1n) = Re(γin)Re(βin - bin) -
Im(βin -
Im(βi-1n) = Re(γin)Im(βin - bin) +
Re(βin -
We can now calculate χn2, χn3,
χn4, … recursively.
χ2n = γ2nχ1n
+ β1n ... χi+1n = γi+1nχin
+ βin ... χN-1n = γN-1nχN-2n
+ βN-1n.
Algorithm (using only real numbers):
Re(χni+1) = Re(γni+1)Re(χin) -
Im(γni+1)Im(χin) + Re(βin)
Im(χni+1) = Re(γni+1)Im(χin) +
) + Im(βin)
Now we calculate the shape of the wave packet at a later time?
Ψin+1 = χin - Ψin.
Let the particle have the same mass as the electron. Let us measure all distances in units of 10-10
and all times in units of 10-16 s and let Ui = 0 for all i.
Then Ai = -2 + i4m(∆x)2/(ħΔt) - 2m(∆x)2Ui/ħ2
= -2 + i 3.457(Δx)2/Δt = 0.2626 U(eV) (Δx)2,
bi = i8m(∆x)2Ψin/(ħΔt)
= i 2Im(Ai)Ψin.