Consider two identical particles. IF EÄE denotes the state space of the two particles and |ui,uj> a state vector in EÄE, then P21|ui,uj>=|uj,ui> must denote the same physical state, since we cannot distinguish the particles. If |y> is a normalized state vector in EÄE then P21|y>=e|y>. Since P212=I, e=±1. Any physical state of two identical particles must be either symmetric or anti-symmetric with respect to the exchange of the particles. Any physical state can be as a linear combination of basis vectors of the state space. The state space of a two particle system therefore is not EÄE, but either the subspace or symmetric or the subspace of anti-symmetric states. It is restricted. This extends naturally to an N-particle system.
Classical | 1/4 | 1/2 | 1/4 |
Boson | 1/3 | 1/3 | 1/3 |
Fermion | 0 | 1 | 0 |
How do we construct a physical ket that correctly describes the physical state of a system of N identical particle?
<y|STS|y>=(1/4)(<fc|fc>+<cf|cf>)=1/2=1/N2. N=21/2.
S|y>=(1/3!) åPa|y>
If |f>=|c>=|w> then
A|y>=(1/3!) åeaPa|y>
If |f>=|c>=|w> then
Look at the definition of a determinant.
ijk=+1 for even permutations, -1 for odd permutations.We can therefore write
A|y> is called a Slater determinant. If any of the individual states |f>, |c>, and |w> are the same, then the determinant has two identical columns and therefore is zero. We have the Pauli exclusion principle.
How do we find a basis for ES or EA?
{|yS>} or {|yA>} do not form a basis, because not all the vectors are linearly independent.
Applying S to a basis of EÄEÄE we can obtain the same vector in ES more than once. We introduce the occupation number nk of the individual state |uk>, equal to the number of times that state appears in the tensor product |ui>Ä|uj>Ä .
Two different tensor product vectors, which have the same occupation numbers, are equal to each other within a factor of ±1 after applying S or A. We denote the basis states by |n1,n2,n3, ,nk,..>, ånk=N. For bosons the nk are arbitrary, subject only to the restriction ånk=N, for fermions nk=0, or nk=1.
Consider two particles. We know one is in the state |f> and one is in the state |c>. The state of the two particle system is
|f,c>=|1:f,2:c> | for distinguishable particles, |
|f,c>=(1/2)1/2(1+P21)|1:f,2:c> | for indistinguishable bosons, |
|f,c>=(1/2)1/2(1-P21)|1:f,2:c> | for indistinguishable fermions. |
Let {|ui>} be an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors of some operator B. B|ui>=bi|ui>. What is the probability that a measurement of B yields bn for one particle and bn' for the other particle?
The eigenstate of B associated with this measurement is
|1:un,2:un'> or |1:un',2:un> | for distinguishable particles, |
|un,un'> =(1/2)1/2(1+eP21)|1:un,2:un'> | for indistinguishable particles, with e=1 for bosons and e=-1 for fermions. |
We therefore have for distinguishable particles,
P(bn,bn')=| <1:un,2:un'|1:f,2:c>|2+| <1:un',2:un|1:f,2:c>|2.
P(bn,bn') is the sum of the probabilities in of finding the particles in either of the two distinguishable states.
For indistinguishable particles there exists only one state |un,un'>, and we have
P(bn,bn')=|(1/2) <1:un,2:un'|(1+eP21T)(1+eP21)|1:f,2:c>|2
(direct term exchange term)
(interference terms)
Indistinguishability causes "interference terms" to appear when we calculate physical predictions.
If |un>=|un'>, bn=bn', then
P(bn,bn)=|<un|f><un|c>|2 | for distinguishable particles, |
P(bn,bn)=0 | for indistinguishable fermions, |
P(bn,bn=|<un|f><u'|c>+<un|c><un|f>|2 =2|<un|f><un|c>|2 |
for indistinguishable bosons. |