Permutation operators

Let E=E(1)ÄE(2) be the state space of two non-identical particles with the same internal degrees of freedom (i.e. the same spin).  Each space E(1) and E(2) is spanned by the same orthonormal basis {|uj>}.  E is spanned by the basis vectors {|1:ui>Ä|2:uj>=|1:ui;2:uj>=|ui,uj>}.  Note the different notations.

|1:ui;2:uj>¹|1:uj;2:ui> unless ui=uj.

The permutation operator P21 is defined through its action on the basis vectors.


P212=1, P21-1=P21.

The matrix elements of P21T and P21 between different basis vectors are identical.


Therefore P21= P21T=P21-1, P21P21T=P21TP21=I.

P21 is Hermitian and unitary.  Its eigenvalues are real.  Since P212=1, its eigenvalues are ±1.

P21|yS>=|yS>: symmetric eigenvector

P21|yA>=-|yA>: anti-symmetric eigenvector

The operators S=(1/2)(1+P21) and A=(1/2)(1-P21) are projectors onto orthogonal subspaces, the spaces of symmetric and anti-symmetric kets.

S2=S, ST=S, P21S|y>=S|y>. S|y> is symmetric.

A2=A, AT=A, P21A|y>=-A|y>. A|y> is anti-symmetric.

SA=AS=0, S+A=I.

S is called the symmetrizer and A is called the anti-symmetrizer.  Operators that commute with P21 are called symmetric observables.

For a system of three particles {|1:ui>Ä|2:uj>Ä|3:uk>=|ui;uj;uk>} is a basis for the state space E.  Six permutation operators exist, P123, P321, P231, P132, P321, and P213.


Pnpq assigns the quantum numbers of particle 1 to particle n, of particle 2 to particle p, and of particle 3 to particle q.


N! permutation operators are associated with a system of N particles.  One of them is the identity operator.  The set of permutation operators forms a group (identity, product, inverse).  The elements of this group, in general, do not commute.

A transposition is a permutation, which exchanges two particles.  Any permutation can be written as a product of transpositions.  This decomposition is not unique.  However, it always takes an even or it always takes an odd number of transpositions to write a particular permutation.  If it takes an even number of transpositions, the permutation is said to have even parity, and if it takes an odd number of transpositions, the permutation is said to have odd parity.  This defines the parity of the permutation.


Permutation operators are products of unitary operators and are therefore unitary.  Let Pa denote an arbitrary permutation.  A completely symmetric ket satisfies


And a completely anti-symmetric ket satisfies

where ea=1 if Pa=even and ea=-1 if Pa=odd.

In the space of N particles the symmetrizer and anti-symmetrizer are defined by


S2=S, ST=S, PaS=SPa=S.

A2=A, AT=A, PaA=APa=eaA..

SA=AS=0, but S+A¹I if N>2.

S and A are projectors onto orthogonal subspaces, but E¹EAÅES if N>2.