Partial waves

Now let us study the situation when V(r) is not zero.  In any central potential energy function V(r), the common eigenfunctions of H, L2 and Lz are of the form
Φklm(r) = Rkl(r)Ylm(θ,φ) = [ukl(r)/r]Ylm(θ,φ).
[-(ħ2/(2m))(∂2/∂r2) + ħ2l(l + 1)/(2mr2) + V(r)]ukl(r) = [ħ2k2/(2m)]ukl(r).

With V(r) = (ħ2/(2m))U(r) we have
[(∂2/∂r2) - l(l + 1)/(r2) - U(r) + k2]ukl(r) = 0.
with the boundary condition ukl(0) = 0.
If U(r) --> 0 as r --> ∞ the equation reduces to [(∂2/∂r2) +  k2]ukl(r) = 0|r-->∞,
with the general solution ukl(r) =Aeikr + Be-ikr.

[We expect the solution of the eigenvalue equation to behave as ukl(r) = F(r)e±ikr for large r, with F(r) a slowly varying function of r, as long as U(r) --> 0 as r --> ∞.  If rU(r) --> 0 for large r, it can be shown that F(r) converges and ukl(r) = Ce±ikr for large r.
For the Coulomb potential U(r) = 2a/r,  F(r) ∝ e∓i(a/k)ln(r) and ukl(r) = Ce±i(kr - (a/k)ln(r)) as r --> ∞.
The radial solution never approaches the sinusoidal free particle solution, since there is always a logarithmic contribution to the phase at great distances, that cannot be neglected.]

For a potential that falls off faster than the Coulomb potential as r approaches infinity, the asymptotic behavior of the stationary state partial waves is ukl(r) = Aeikr + Be-ikr.  ukl(r)/r is a superposition of an incoming and outgoing spherical wave.  Since we have a stationary state, we need |A|=|B|.  We therefore have
ukl(r) = |A|(eikreiφA + e-ikreiφB) = Csin(kr - βl), with βl = (π + φB - φA)/2 and C = -2|A|exp(i(φA + φB)/2).
The real phase βl is found by matching the asymptotic solution to the solution in the region where U(r) is not zero.
If U(r) is the null potential, (a free particle), then ukl0(r) = Csin(kr - lπ/2) as r --> ∞.
We take this value as a reference point and write

ukl(r) = Csin(kr - lπ/2 + δl) as r --> ∞.
δl is called the phase shift of the lth partial wave.

The asymptotic form of a free spherical wave is
Φklm0(r) = (2k2/π)½(kr)-1sin(kr - lπ/2))Ylm(θ,φ).
At infinity it is a superposition of a incoming and an outgoing wave with equal amplitudes an a phase difference of lπ.
The asymptotic form of a partial wave is
Φklm(r) = C(kr)-1sin(kr - lπ/2 + δl))Ylm(θ,φ).
At infinity it is a superposition of an incoming and an outgoing wave, but the outgoing wave has accumulated a phase shift 2δl relative to the free outgoing wave in a null potential V(r) = 0.

If V(r) = 0 for r > r0 and bl(k) = (1/k)(l(l + 1))1/2 > r0, then the potential has virtually no effect on the partial wave Φklm(r).  The incoming wave turns back before reaching the zone of influence of V(r).  For partial waves Φklm(r) such that (l(l + 1))1/2 > kr0,  the phase shift δl is therefore approximately zero.  The shorter the range of the potential or the lower the incident energy, the fewer partial waves have non zero phase shift.

The scattering cross section in terms of phase shifts

We now want to find a linear superposition of partial waves whose asymptotic behavior is of the form
Φk(r,θ,φ) = eikz + fk(θ,φ) eikr/r.
The plane wave eikz = <r|p(z/z)> may be expanded in terms of free spherical waves.  It does not depend of φ.
|p(z/z)> = Σl=0ckl|k,l,0>, since eikz = eikrcosθ is an eigenfunction of Lz with eigenvalue mħ = 0.  We therefore find that
eikz =  Σl=0ckl<r|k,l,0> = Σl=0ckl(2k2/π)½jl(kr)Ylm(θ,φ) = Σl=0c'kl jl(kr) Pl(cosθ)

Multiplying by Pl’(cosθ) and integrating over the solid angle yields
0πsinθ dθ eikrcosθ Pl’(cosθ) = Σl=0c'kl jl(kr)∫0πsinθ dθ Pl’(cosθ)Pl(cosθ).
0πsinθ dθ Pl’(cosθ)Pl(cosθ) = δll' 2/(2l + 1).
0πsinθ dθ eikrcosθ Pl’(cosθ) = c'kl' jl'(kr)2/(2l' + 1).
0πsinθ dθ eikrcosθ Pl’(cosθ) is a well-known integral representation of the spherical Bessel function jl’(kr).
0πsinθ dθ eikrcosθ Pl’(cosθ) = 2il' jl’(kr).

We therefore have c'kl = (2l + 1)il and eikz = Σl=0(2l + 1)il jl(kr) Pl(cosθ).
As r --> ∞ eikz = Σl=0(2l + 1)il (kr)-1sin(kr - lπ/2) Pl(cosθ).

Symmetry demands that in a spherically symmetric potential Φk(r,θ,φ) and fk(θ,φ) are also independent of φ.  We write
Φk(r,θ) = Σl=0bl (kr)-1sin(kr - lπ/2 + δl) Pl(cosθ),
i.e. Φk(r,θ) is an expanded in terms of Legendre polynomials.  We want
Σl=0bl (kr)-1sin(kr - lπ/2 + δl) Pl(cosθ = Σl=0(2l + 1)il (kr)-1sin(kr - lπ/2) Pl(cosθ) + fk(θ) eikr/r.
Using sinx = (eix - e-ix)/(2i) this equation becomes
eikr[2ik fk(θ) + Σl=0(2l + 1)il e-ilπ/2 Pl(cosθ)] - e-ikrΣl=0(2l + 1)il eilπ/2 Pl(cosθ)
= eikrΣl=0bl e-ilπ/2 exp(iδl) Pl(cosθ) - e-ikrΣl=0bl eilπ/2 exp(-iδl) Pl(cosθ).

The constants bl are found by equating the coefficients of e-ikr Pl(cosθ) on the two sides of this equation.
bl = (2l + 1)il exp(iδl).
We can then find fk(θ) by equating the coefficients of eikr on the two sides of the equation.
fk(θ) = (2ik)-1l=0(2l+1)(exp(2iδl) - 1)Pl(cosθ) = (1/k)∑l=0(2l+1)exp(iδl)sinδlPl(cosθ).

σk(θ) = dσk/dΩ = |fk(θ)|2 = (1/k2)|∑l=0(2l + 1)exp(iδl)sinδlPl(cosθ)|2,
σk = ∫∫σk(θ)sinθdθdφ = (2п/k2)∑l=0∫[(2l + 1)sinδlPl(cosθ)]2,
σk = (4п/k2)∑l=0(2l+1)sin2δl.

Since  ∫0πsinθ dθ Pl’(cosθ)Pl(cosθ) = δll' 2/(2l+1), the cross products in the integral over the summation vanish.

σk  can also be written as σk = (4п/k2) Im(fk(0)).
The relationship between the total cross section and the forward scattering amplitude is called the optical theorem.  It also remains true for inelastic scattering processes.  The total cross section represents the removal of flux from the incident beam.  This removal results from destructive interference between the incident and the scattered beam in the forward direction and is proportional to the imaginary part of f(0).

Note: Finding the cross section by the method of partial waves necessitates finding the phase shift δl for all l.  The method is only practical if there are only a small number of non zero phase shifts.
The scattering cross section σ(θ) depends on the energy of the incident particle and on the scattering angle θ.  Rapid variations of the total cross section in the neighborhood of certain energies are called scattering resonances.


Find σk(θ) and σk for the scattering of a particle from a perfectly rigid sphere (an infinitely repulsive potential) of radius a.  Choose the energy of the particle such that ka << 1.



In three dimensions, find the s-wave phase shift of an electron with kinetic energy E = 1 eV scattering from the repulsive square well potential V(r) = V0, for r < a, V(r) = 0, for r > a, where V0 > E.  Find both the analytical and numerical result (in radians).  Let a = 2aB = 1.06 Å, me = 9.1*10-31 kg, V0 = 5 eV.



A slow particle is scattered by a spherical potential well of the form V(r) = -V0, for r < a, V(r) = 0, for r > a. 
(a)  Write down the radial wave equation for this potential and boundary conditions that apply at r = 0, r = a, and r = ∞.
(b)  Assume that the de Broglie wavelength exceeds the dimension of the well, so that s-wave scattering dominates and write solutions both inside and outside the r = a sphere.  Using the continuity conditions at r = a, calculate the phase shift that occurs at this boundary.


Low energy scattering

Let us look in more detail at low energy scattering.  We want to investigate the dependence of δ0 on the depth of the potential well U0.  If ka << 1 and δ0 < 1, then tan(ka + δ0) ≈ tanδ0 + ka.  We have
tanδ0 = [ka/((k2 + U0)½a)]tan((k2 + U0)½a) - ka = ka[tan((k2 + U0)½a)/((k2 + U0)½a) - 1].

If U0 is very shallow then tanδ0 ≈ δ0 is positive and very small, δ0 lies in the first quadrant.  If we increase the depth of the well the phase shift increases.  The phase shift is positive, the wave function is "pulled in".  At some point (k2 + U0)½a will go through π/2.  The well becomes just deep enough to support one bound state when U0½a = π/2.  When (k2 + U0)½a = π/2, we have δ0 = π/2.  The phase shift will go through π/2.  The scattering cross section then is proportional to k-2 and goes to infinity as the energy goes to zero.  This is called a resonance.  It occurs when there is a bound state with E approximately zero.

If we further increase the depth of the well, the curvature of the wave function inside the well will increase and the wave function will be" pulled in" further.  δ0 will increase and at some point will become π.  The cross section is zero when the phase shift is π, s-wave scattering does not contribute to the scattering cross section.  This is the explanation for the Ramsauer-Townsend effect, the extremely low minimum observed in the scattering cross section of electrons by rare gas atoms at about 0.7 eV bombarding energy.  This effect is analogous to the perfect transmission found at particular energies in a one dimensional problem.  The Ramsauer-Townsend effect cannot occur with a repulsive potential, since ka would have to be at least π to make δ0 = π.  A potential of this large range produces higher l phase shifts.

As the depth of the potential increases further, we again have
tanδ0 = ka[tan((k2 + U0)½a)/((k2 + U0)½a) - 1].
The phase shift δ0, however now lies in the third quadrant.  We write
tan(δ0 - π) =  ka[tan((k2 + U0)½a)/((k2 + U0)½a) - 1].
δ0 = π +  tan-1[ka tan((k2 + U0)½a)/((k2 + U0)½a)] - ka.
If we make the potential deeper still, the well will be able to support a second bound state when U0½a = 3π/2.  Again we have a resonance when (k2 + U0)½a = 3π/2.  In general we write
δ0 = nπ +  tan-1[ka tan((k2 + U0)½a)/((k2 + U0)½a)] - ka.
where n is the number of bound states supported by the potential well.