The behavior of the cross section near a resonance

The Breit-Wigner resonance formula

Consider low energy scattering off a square well potential, such that ka << 1 and only s-wave scattering is important.  At the resonance energy Er, the phase shift δ0 is π/2.
The scattering amplitude is
fk(θ) = (1/k) exp(iδ0) sinδ0 = sinδ0/(k exp(iδ0)) = (1/k) sinδ0/(cosδ0 - isinδ0).
The phase shift δ0 is a function of E.  Near E = Er let us expand sinδ0 and cosδ0.
sinδ0(E) = sinδ0(Er) + cosδ0(Er)dδ0/dE|E=Er(E - Er) = 1,
since cosδ0(Er) = 0 and sinδ0(Er) = 1.
cosδ0(E) = cosδ0(Er) - sinδ0(Er)dδ0/dE|E=Er(E - Er)
= -(Er)dδ0/dE|E=Er(E - Er) = -(2/Γ)(E - Er)
with 2/Γ = dδ0/dE.
Therefore, near E = Er, we have
f0 = (1/k) sinδ0/(cosδ0 - isinδ0) = -(1/k)(Γ/2)/[(E - Er) + iΓ/2].

The total cross section is now given by
σT = 4п|f0|2 = (4п/k2)(Γ2/4)/[(E - Er)2 + Γ2/4]

This is the Breit-Wigner resonance formula.  Γ is the width of the resonance curve.

Scattering length and effective range

Again, consider low energy scattering off a square-well potential, such that ka << 1 and only s-wave scattering is important   Assume that the potential has enough depth so that a bound state with a small  binding energy exists.

For this bound state we have
[(∂2/∂r2)  - U(r) - ρ2]u(r) = 0,  u(0) = 0,  u2(∞) = 0,  ρ2 = 2m|E|/ħ2.
u1(r) = A sin((U0 - ρ2)½r),  r < a.
u2(r) = B exp(-ρr),  r > a.
At r = a we need hat u(r0) and (∂/∂r)u(r)|a are continuous.
A sin((U0 - ρ2)½a) = B exp(-ρa).
(U0 - ρ2)½A cos((U02)½a) = -ρB exp(-ρa).
Therefore cot((U0 - ρ2)½a) = -ρ/(U0 - ρ2)½.
Since E is small we replace (U0 - ρ2)½ with U0½ = k0.
We then have
-ρ = k0tan(π/2 - k0a).

If k0a is close to π/2, i.e. a bound state barely exists, we have -ρ/k0 << 1, tan(π/2 - k0a) << 1,
or, approximately,
-ρ/k0 = (π/2 - k0a),
k0a = (π/2 + ρ/k0).

Now let us look at a continuum state in the same potential.  For a low energy continuum state we have
tan(ka + δ0) = (k/(k2 + U0)½)tan((k2 + U0)½a) .
Since k2 << U0 we approximately have (k2 + U0)½a ≈ k0a, and we write
k0tan(ka + δ0) =  k tan(k0a),
or, making a connection with the bound state from above,
k tan(π/2 + ρ/k0) = k0tan(ka + δ0) = k0[tan(ka) + tan(δ0)]/[1 - tan(ka) tan(δ0)].

Now tan(π/2 + ρ/k0) = -cot(ρ/k0) = -1/tan(ρ/k0) ≈ -k0/ρ, since ρ/k0 << 1.
We also have tan(ka) ≈ ka.
-kk0/ρ = k0[ka + tan(δ0)]/[1 - ka tan(δ0)],
tan(δ0) = k(aρ + 1)/(k2a - ρ),
k cot(δ0) = -ρ/(aρ + 1) + ak2/(aρ + 1).

We write kcotδ0 ≈ -ρ/(aρ + 1) + ak2/(aρ + 1) = -(1/α) + ½r0k2.
The quantity α is defined as the scattering length, and the quantity r0 is defined as the effective range.
As k --> 0 we have kcotδ0 --> -(1/α),  1/δ0 --> -(1/αk),   δ0 --> -αk,  f0 --> -α,  σT --> 4πα2
Since α = (aρ + 1)/ρ ≈ 1/ρ we we have established a connection between the energy of a bound state and the low-energy scattering cross sections for potentials that barely support one bound state.

At very low energy the Schroedinger equation for r > a becomes [(∂2/∂r2)uk0(r) ≈ 0, and the asymptotic solution is a linear function of r. 
k(r,θ,φ) = reikz + fk(θ,φ) eikr --> r - α.
As k --> 0 we have rΦk(r,θ,φ) = 0 when r = α.  The scattering length can be interpreted as the r intercept of uk0(r) since Φk(r,θ,φ) = 0 where uk0(r) = 0.

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Since 1/α = ρ/(aρ + 1) when k ≈ 0, and ρ = (2m|E|/ħ2)½ we can infer the energy of a loosely bound state by performing a near zero energy scattering experiment.  Wigner first attempted to apply this to neutron-proton scattering.

Let us use what we know about the deuterium and try to predict the near zero energy scattering cross section.  With a binding energy of -2.23 MeV and a reduced mass of 940 MeV we find 1/ρ = 4.3*10-15 m.  We have α =(ρa + 1)/ρ.  Taking a = 1.2*10-15 m yields α = 5.5*10-15 m and σT = 4*10-24 cm2.  The measured cross section however is σT = 20*10-24 cm2.  This discrepancy is mainly due to the spin dependence of the scattering cross section.  In the triplet state the neutrons scatter different than in the singlet state.  The bound state of the deuterium is the triplet state, the singlet state is not bound.  We should expect σT = (3/4)σt + (1/4)σs (statistical population).  Our prediction is for the triplet state.  For the singlet state we then expect σs = 4σT - 3σt =  68*10-24 cm2.  This is a huge cross section and it suggests a resonance.  The singlet state potential just misses to produce a bound state near zero energy.  The singlet state wave function uk0(r) just misses to turn over and have a node and therefore the scattering length is large and negative.

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Laboratory to center of mass frame transformations

We study the scattering of particles m1 and m2 with interaction energy V(|r1 - r2|) by studying the scattering of a fictitious particle of reduced mass  μ = m1m2/(m1 + m2)  by a potential (energy) V(r).  The vector r(r,θ,φ) describes the relative position of the two particles.  It points from particle 2 to particle 1.  The vector dr(r,θ,φ)/dt describes the relative velocity of the two particles, and its direction is the direction of the velocity of particle 1 in the CM frame.   We therefore calculate the cross section σ(θ,φ) in the CM frame of the two particles.  In most experimental situations, however, particle 1, with velocity v, approaches particle 2, at rest in the laboratory.  We measure the laboratory scattering angles θ0 and φ0 of particle 1.  We need the to relate the angles and the cross sections in the two frames.

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Let v’’ be the velocity of particle 1 in the center of mass frame, v1 its velocity in the laboratory frame, and v’ the velocity of the center of mass frame with respect to the laboratory frame.  Then, as can be seen from the figure,

v1cosθ0 = v''cosθ + v',   v1sinθ0 = v''sinθ,  or  tanθ0 = sinθ/(cosθ + γ).
Here γ = v'/v'' = m1/m2.  The ratio v'/v'' is equal to the ratio m1/m2.

[In the laboratory particle 1 approaches particle 2 with speed v. In the CM frame particle 1 approaches the CM with speed  v'' = m2v/(m1 + m2) from the left and particle 2 approaches the CM with speed v' = m1v/(m1 + m2) from the right.  Their relative speed is v and their total momentum is zero.  The speed of the CM in the laboratory is v’.]

The total number of particles scattered in to a detector is independent of the reference frame of the observer.
Therefore σ(θ00)dΩ0 = σ(θ,φ)dΩ, 
σ(θ00) sinθ00 = σ(θ,φ) sinθ dθ. 

We can therefore write
σ(θ00) = σ(θ,φ) sinθ dθ/(sinθ00) = σ(θ,φ) dcosθ/dcosθ0.

We have dtanθ0/dcosθ0 = (dtanθ0/dcosθ) dcosθ/dcosθ0.
But tanθ0 = (1/cos2θ0 - 1)½.  We can therefore evaluate dtanθ0/dcosθ0.
Using tanθ0 = sinθ/(cosθ + γ) we can evaluate dtanθ0/dcosθ and therefore find dcosθ/dcosθ0.

This then yields
σ(θ00) = σ(θ,φ) (1 + γ2 + 2γcosθ)½/|1 + γcosθ|.
We can now compare the cross sections measured in the laboratory frame with the cross sections calculated in the center of mass frame.

Dependence on γ

γ = m1/m2.  For γ < 1, m1 < m2, v’ < v’’, θ0 increases monotonically from 0 to π as θ increases from 0 to π.  For γ = 1, v’ = v’’, θ0 = ½θ and varies from 0 to π/2 as θ varies from 0 to π.  No particles appear in the backward direction. For γ > 1, m1 > m2, v’ > v’’, θ0 increases from zero to a maximum value sin-1(1/γ) as θ increases from 0 to cos-1(-1/γ).  θ0 then decreases to 0 as θ increases to π.  σ0(θ,φ) is usually infinite at the maximum value of θ0.  However this singularity gives a finite contribution to the total cross section.  No particles appear beyond the maximum value of θ0 in the laboratory.  [In the figure the maximum value of θ0 occurs when v1 is tangent to the circle.]