Relativistic energy and momentum


Use conservation of energy and momentum to show that a moving electron cannot emit a photon unless there is a third body present (e.g., an atom or a nucleus).



A relativistic particle is stopped in a detector.  The momentum is determined to be 2 GeV/c, and it deposits a kinetic energy T = 1 GeV in the detector before it comes to rest.   What is its mass?



Cerenkov radiation is given off when a particle moves in a medium at a speed greater than the speed of light in that medium.  What is the minimum kinetic energy (in eV) that an electron
(mc2 = 511 keV) must have while traveling in crown glass (n = 1.52) in order to create Cerenkov radiation?



An electron is accelerated from rest through a potential difference of 106 V.  Find is its final energy, momentum, and speed.



Find the magnitude of the velocity and momentum of an electron which has kinetic energy equal to its rest mass energy.



A fast proton is produced in an accelerator with energy 6.5 TeV and travels a distance of 1010 km before it collides with a target. 
(a)  By how much does the speed of the proton differ from the speed of light?
(b)  How much time elapses its own rest frame between the production and the collision events?



A supernova at a distance d from Earth explodes, and photons and neutrinos are emitted.  What is the difference between the arrival time on Earth for the photons and neutrinos if neutrinos have an energy Eν?  Assume that the neutrino mass m fulfills mc2/Eν << 1.
Give a numerical answer for d = 105 light years and mc2/Eν = 10-6.



Calculate the binding energy of the deuteron, which consists of a proton and a neutron, given that the mass of a deuteron is 2.013553 u.