The Schroedinger equation
(a) Define what is meant by
the term "stationary state" in quantum mechanics, and explain the distinction
between the time-dependent and time-independent Schroedinger equation.
(b) At time t = 0, the wave
function of a particle in one dimension is ψ(x) = (u1(x)
+ u2(x))/√2, where u1(x) and u2(x) are
two solutions of the time-independent Schroedinger equation.
For this particle,
how does the probability density change with time?
In relativistic mechanics, energy and momentum of a free
particle are related by the expression E2 = p2c2
+ m2c4. Construct
the relativistic analogue of the Schroedinger equation by introducing the
appropriate operators.
- Concepts:
The momentum and energy operators, postulates of Quantum Mechanics
- Reasoning:
How do we find the operator corresponding to a physical quantity that is
classically defined?
(a) Express the physical quantity in terms of the fundamental dynamical
variables r and the conjugate momenta
(b) Symmetrize the expression with respect to r and
then replace the variables r and
p with the
operators R and P.
Here r does not appear and no symmetrization is necessary.
- Details of the calculation:
+ m2c4)ψ = E2ψ
momentum operator is (ħ/i)∇.
The energy operator is iħ∂/∂t.
therefore have
(-c2ħ2∇2 + m2c4)ψ
= -(ħ2∂2/∂t2)ψ, or
- m2c2/ħ2)ψ = (1/c2)(∂2/∂t2)ψ.
Consider the one-particle
Schroedinger equation.
(a) Write down an equation which states that probability is conserved.
(b) By assuming that probability is locally conserved, derive an expression for
the probability current density.Solution:
- Concepts:
The Schroedinger equation, ρ(r,t) = |ψ(r,t)|2.
- Reasoning:
Using the Schroedinger equation we can find an expression for ∂ρ(r,t)/∂t
in terms of space derivatives.
- Details of the calculation:
(a) The probability of
finding a particle described by the normalized wave function ψ(r,t)
in a volume d3r about r is given by dP(r,t) = |ψ(r,t)|2d3r.
The total probability of finding the particle at time t anywhere in
space is ∫all space |ψ(r,t)|2d3r
= <ψ|ψ>
= 1.
Conservation of probability implies d<ψ|ψ>/dt
= 0.
(b) Local conservation of
a classical quantity is usually expressed through the equation
∇∙j = -(∂/∂t)ρ.
Here ρ(r,t)
is the volume density and j(r,t)
is the current density.
Assuming local conservation of probability we write
= ∂ψ*ψ/∂t
= (1/(iħ))[ψ*((-ħ2/(2m))∇2ψ
+ Vψ) -
+ Vψ)*ψ]
= (-ħ/(2im)[ψ*∇2ψ
since V is real.
= (-ħ/(2im)∇∙[ψ*∇ψ
- ψ∇ψ*] = -∇∙j.
j = (ħ/(2im)[ψ*∇ψ
- ψ∇ψ*] = (ħ/m) Im(ψ*∇ψ) = (1/m)Re(ψ*(ħ/i)∇ψ),
We interpret
as the probability density and j(r,t)
as the probability current density.
The classical Hamiltonian of a particle of charge q in the presence of a
static magnetic field B is
H = (1/(2m)) (p - qA(r,t))2.
The Schroedinger equation in quantum mechanics in coordinate representation is
Hψ(r,t) = (iħ∂/∂t)Ψ(r,t).
Find the differential operator for H in coordinate representation for a
spin-less particle of charge q in the presence of a static magnetic field B.
- Concepts:
The gradient operator
- Reasoning:
The gradient operator
p = (ħ/i)∇ is a differential operator in coordinate space.
- Details of the calculation:
H = (1/(2m)) (p - qA(r,t))2.
(p - qA)∙(p - qA)ψ = (ħ2∇2ψ
+ q2A2ψ - (ħq/i)∇∙A(r,t)ψ
- (ħq/i)A∙∇ψ
= -ħ2∇2ψ
+ q2A2ψ - (ħq/i)A∙∇ψ
- (ħq/i)ψ∇∙A -( ħq/i)A∙∇ψ
= -ħ2∇2ψ
+ q2A2ψ - (2ħq/i)A∙∇ψ,
since ∇∙A = 0 in magnetostatics.
H = (-ħ2/(2m))∇2
+ (q2/(2m))A2 + (iħq/m)A∙∇.