Some applications


Quantum information processing is a research area at the intersection of physics, mathematics and computer science.  Pseudo-telepathy is an application of quantum information processing.  Using entangled particles, two or more quantum players that are not allowed to communicate can accomplish a distributed task, which is cannot be accomplished by classical players without communicating.


A magic square is a 3 × 3 array of boxes.  Each box contains either a 0 or a 1.  The sum of the entries in each row is an even number (0 or 2), and the sum of the entries in each column is an odd number (1 or 3).

Alice and Bob are physically separated and unable to communicate.  Alice is instructed to fill in a row while Bob is instructed to fill in a column of the magic square.  They win if they put the same number into the box at the intersection?  A classical strategy for winning every time does not exist. (Success probability: 8/9)

If Alice and Bob share two pairs of entangled particles, and each fills in the boxes according measurements made on the two particles in their possession, then quantum correlations can guaranty that they always will win. (Success probability: 1)

Link:  A Pseudo-Telepathy Game


Classical teleportation involves obtaining complete and detailed information about an object and sending that object's precise atomic configuration to another location, where the object can be reconstructed.

The problem:

Quantum mechanics involves incompatible observables whose exact values cannot be known to the observer at the same time.  Incompatible observables prevent the observer to obtain complete information about a system.  So does quantum mechanics tell us that teleportation is impossible? 


The problem:  Alice has a particle in an unknown polarization state, which she cannot measure without destroying it. She wants to teleport the particle to Bob.
The solution:  Alice and Bob must share two polarization-entangled particles.
Alice makes a measurement that leaves her unknown state and her entangled particle in one of four possible entangled states and instantaneously puts Bob’s entangled particle in a state which he can transform into the unknown state once Alice communicates to him the outcome of her measurement.
No cloning: Alice’s original state is destroyed by her measurement.

Link:  Teleportation

Quantum Cryptography

Can Alice and Bob talk privately?

The problem: Securely distributing a secret key

To ensure confidentiality, data is often encrypted.  The most reliable encryption techniques only use the encryption key for one session and then discard it.  There exists the need for reliable and effective methods for the distribution of encryption keys.  It is difficult to detect the presence of an intruder when communicating through a classical communication channel



The method: 

Link:  Quantum Cryptography