
Physics 514,  Problems in Theoretical Physics II, Spring 2024

Physics 514 is a Web-based physics course for first-year graduate students at UTK and UTSI.  The physical concepts, principles, and relations introduced in junior/senior-level physics classes are reviewed as students analyze and solve simple and advanced physics problems.  Many of the problems to be analyzed and solved involve multiple core physics concepts.  Physics 514 uses Web-based class modules.  It is a three-hour course.  Registered students meet once each week for in-class discussions.  Students must complete a weekly homework assignment.


Dr. Marianne Breinig (Physics)
Office: 202 Nielsen Physics Bldg.
Office Hours: MW 1:45 pm - 2:45 pm and online by appointment
Phone: (865) 974-7842

Text: (required)

Texts: (optional)

Class Structure:

Homework assignments:

Homework assignments are based on the material covered in the Web-based modules and in the textbook.  Students are expected to submit the assignments associated with each module on time.  Assignments should be submitted on Canvas.  They should be typed or or legibly handwritten.  There are 11 homework assignments.  Expect to solve approximately one problem per day.
Assignment schedule


There will be one exam during the week March 6 - 16, and a final exam, due during the exam period.  The exams are based on the material covered in the Web-based modules and the reading assignments.


Each exam is worth a maximum of 30 points.  The homework assignments are worth a maximum of 100 points.  In-class participation is worth 40 points.

180 and above    90% and above    A
174 - 179 87% - 89% A-
166 - 173 83% - 86% B+
160 - 165 80% - 82% B
154 - 159 77% - 79% B-
146 - 153 73% - 76% C+
140 - 145 70% - 72% C
120 - 139 60% - 69% D


Special announcements appear on Canvas. 

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment for all students.  If you anticipate or experience a barrier in this course due to a chronic health condition, a learning, hearing, neurological, mental health, vision, physical, or other kind of disability, or a temporary injury, you are encouraged to contact Student Disability Services (SDS) at 865-974-6087 or  An SDS Coordinator will meet with you to develop a plan to ensure you have equitable access to this course.  If you are already registered with SDS, please contact your instructor to discuss implementing accommodations included in your course access letter.

Student Disability Services
1534 White Avenue
Blount Hall First Floor
Knoxville, TN 37996
Tel: 865-974-6087
Fax: 865-974-9552
VRS: 865-622-6566
Website: Home - Student Disability Services (

Please review the Campus Syllabus for information that is common across all courses at UTK.
