
Students are expected to study the web-based material, review the corresponding material in textbooks, and complete the homework assignment from the previous module during the time interval indicated in the schedule below. 

Link:  A collection of solved Physics Problems

class main topic study these problems before class
27-Jan Transient and AC circuits Module 1
3-Feb More advanced electrostatics Module 2
10-Feb Harmonic oscillator and central potentials in QM Module 3
17-Feb Maxwell's equations Module 4
24-Feb Time-independent approximations in QM Module 5
3-Mar Time-dependent approximations Module 6
10-Mar Review  
24-Mar Lagrange multipliers, scattering Module 7
31-Mar Addition of angular momentum, EM waves Module 8
7-Apr Producing electromagnetic radiation Module 9
14-Apr Relativistic E&M Module 10
21-Apr Identical particles, partial wave scattering Module 11
28-Apr Review  

The Web-based material is divided into 11 modules.  Each modules has a physics theme.  It reviews concepts and formulas associated with this theme and presents many solved problems.  Each solution addresses the following points:

Students should study at least 10 of the solved problems each week.  They should make sure they understand the solutions and maybe suggest different ways to arrive at the same solutions.
Student unfamiliar with the the concepts and formulas needed to solve a problem should refer to their junior/senior-level undergraduate textbook for a review.

Link:  Formula sheet for the qualifying exam
Link:  Front cover of a qualifying exam with physical constants